
  • 网络Toy;gadget
  1. 复活节时,我们给他们分发塑料彩蛋,里面装着小玩具、新颖的小玩意儿和硬币。

    At Easter , we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys , novelties and coins .

  2. Phoebe,看我玩这些小玩具,可对立的拇指!

    Ross : Ok , Pheebs . See how I 'm making these little toys move ? Opposable thumbs .

  3. 他创造了一个小玩具剧场,为他的木偶制作衣服。

    He created a small toy theatre and made clothes for his puppets .

  4. 在这场口水战中,英特尔指责XO-1是个“小玩具”,而它的“同学”电脑提供了PC的所有功能。

    In a war of words , Intel accused the XO-1 of being a'gadget ' , whereas its model offers full PC functionality .

  5. 在那以后Merb就有组织有计划的稳步增长,从一个小玩具变成了一个完全成熟的框架。

    It has grown organically since then , from a small toy hack into a full fledged framework .

  6. 美国弗罗里达州的退休老太太Pruyn把松鼠爱吃的花生和花生酱巧妙地放在了各种小玩具里,摆出了各种滑稽的场景让小松鼠来“自投罗网”成为小模特。

    Retired postwoman Kathy Pruyn in Florida sets up the hilarious scenes by strategically placing peanuts and peanut butter among the toys .

  7. 这款名为Pekoppa的小玩具看上去像是一株刚刚从盆中冒出新芽的植物,轻轻摇摆着它的两片嫩叶,或是弯弯茎干,仿佛在向身边说话的人做出回应。

    The Pekoppa toy , which looks like a small plant just starting to from a pot , its two leaves or bends its stem as if it is reacting to someone who is speaking nearby .

  8. 你必须知道我找到了你的小玩具。

    You had to know I 'd find your little toy .

  9. 可以在那里买到我一直很喜欢的小玩具风车。

    I always liked those little pin-wheels you could buy there .

  10. 珍妮花:你这小玩具真方便!

    Jennifer : What a convenient little toy you have !

  11. 她带回家一个用混凝纸做的小玩具娃娃。

    She brought home a little doll made of papier-mache .

  12. 你能看到我的小玩具熊睡在我的床上。

    You can see my little teddy bear sleeping in my bed .

  13. 我总是想买或者尝试新的小玩具。

    I always want to buy and try new gadgets .

  14. 乔在玩他的小玩具。大家都很开心。干杯。

    Joe 's playing with his " H. " Everybody 's happy .

  15. 啊!这个小玩具真有趣!

    Ohh ! Isn 't this a funny-wunny little toy !

  16. 碰巧我有很多这种小玩具。

    And so I happened to have all of these little pieces .

  17. 你的本田汽车的仪表盘背无数小玩具遮挡着。

    The dashboard of your Honda is covered by hundreds of small toys .

  18. 后来,它们采了叶子,放在它们的小玩具里。

    After that they plucked the leaves and put them in their playthings .

  19. 一只小玩具熊在床上跳。

    One little teddy Bear jumping on the bed .

  20. 塞班岛可爱的鲨鱼小玩具。

    The shark of the Saipan amiability small toy .

  21. 只要麦克斯开心乐园儿童餐的可怜小玩具全碎了,我就是错的!

    because poor itty-bitty baby Max 's happy meal toys got all broked !

  22. 然后送给她一个小玩具熊。

    Then give her a small teddy bear .

  23. 你到了家,又回去了,接着又把你的小玩具藏起来了。

    You wenthome , came back out again , andthen you hid your little toy .

  24. 还有他那些小玩具

    Or any of his little toys ?

  25. 寺庙会对公众开放,还会售卖食品和孩子玩的小玩具。

    Temples open up to the public , and sell food and small toys for kids .

  26. 整晚圣诞树上都会悬挂着糖果、水果、见过和小玩具。

    Candy , fruit , nuts , and small toys will also be hung on the tree overnight .

  27. 一个布娃娃玩具挂在椅子上,床上摆着一个小玩具士兵。

    A doll hung over a chair and a toy soldier occupied the little stand by the bed .

  28. 我不是什么小玩具!-我知道你不是我的玩具,薇薇安。

    I 'm not some little toy ! - look , I know you 're not my toy . vivian !

  29. 日和开心地让这个小玩具骑到了自己背上,甚至用自己的鼻子蹭它的塑料鼻子。

    Gleefully , Hiyori lets the miniature creature ride on its back and even rubs his nose against its plastic one .

  30. 他说类人型机器人在全球的增长速度。会超过个人电脑,这对这种看似个小玩具的物件来说可是一个大胆的预测。

    He says humanoids will surpass PCs in global product growth , a bullish11 forecast for what looks like a toy .