
  • 网络Little Dad;Little Daddy
  1. 我在这儿,我的小爸爸,因为我在这儿。

    I am here , little father , because I am here .

  2. 我的小爸爸,您是怎么出来的?

    But how did you manage it , little pa ?

  3. 但是,亲亲我吧,我的好爸爸,小爸爸!

    But embrace me , my good little father !

  4. 小时候爸爸总是带着我和哥哥在草坪上玩耍。

    My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard .

  5. 我小时候爸爸就去世了

    Dad died when I was young ...

  6. 真希望我们能有在我们小时候爸爸失掉的那些钱呀,琼,麦格道。

    ' I wish we had the money Father lost when we were little , Jo , 'said Meg .

  7. 想当年我小时候爸爸在北京工作时,我不知道去过北京多少次。

    Like when I was a kid when his father worked in Beijing , I do not know how many times to travel to Beijing .

  8. 当时我突然想到:为什么小时候帮爸爸清理梳子是一件乐事。

    It hit me then : why , as a child , helping Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure .

  9. 然而,由于这一广告的戏剧性精准预测,新加坡人力部长陈川仁在Facebook上评论道,貌似这个把全部积蓄赌在德国队上的小男孩的爸爸要大笑着去银行领钱了!

    However , because of the prophetic nature of the ad , Singaporean Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin commented via a Facebook feed , Looks like the boy 's father who bet all his savings on Germany will be laughing all the way to the bank !

  10. 小男孩让爸爸带他出去。

    The little boy asked his papa to take him outside .

  11. 小姑娘想见爸爸了是吧?肯定是。

    Little miss wants to see big daddy ? Sure thing .

  12. 这个13岁小男孩的爸爸和继母将陪他一同前往。

    The13-year-old 's father and stepmother are also going along .

  13. 小时候,爸爸经常带我去钓鱼。

    When I was young , my father would take me fishing .

  14. 真有爱,小木偶的爸爸“杰佩托”嘛。

    Oh , so cute . Geppetto , like Pinocchio 's father .

  15. 妈妈和卖火柴的小女孩:爸爸,你怎么拉?

    Mum and girl : What 's wrong with you , Daddy ?

  16. 小甜心,爸爸病了。

    Sweetheart , I 'm sorry , Dad is ill .

  17. 我已经不再是个小女孩了爸爸

    I 'm not that little girl anymore , Daddy .

  18. 小约翰和爸爸妈妈一起住在瑞士一座宁静的山城里。

    Johnny lived with his mother and father in a restful mountainous town in Switzerland .

  19. 有一个天生失语的小女孩,爸爸在她很小的时候就去世了。

    There was a naturally dumb girl whose father died when she was a little child .

  20. 他是个小混混。爸爸说。别和他说话,妈妈说。

    He is a punk , Papa says , and Mama says not to talk to him .

  21. 十二年过去了,那小姑娘的爸爸一定早回来了。

    Twelve years have passed .

  22. 勇敢的伊莎贝尔,可怜的小女孩,爸爸放弃一切,全心全意照顾她!

    Brave Isabel , the poor little girl whose father gave up his life to care for her .

  23. 小鲁本的爸爸(一砸!)和妈妈(二砸!)不小心忘了关掉小鲁本房里的收音机。

    his father and mother ( crash , crash ! ) happened to leave the radio turned on .

  24. 我要力争做一个小妇人&爸爸喜欢那样称呼我,不再冒冒失失,野头野脑了。

    I 'll try and be what father loves to call me , a little woman and not be rough and wild .

  25. 视频中可以听到,当小女孩黏住爸爸、甜甜微笑无法自已的时候,妈妈也在一旁喜悦地欢笑。

    The little girl 's mother can be heard crying with joy in the background as Bridget clings onto her father , smiling uncontrollably .

  26. 随后小王子被爸爸和红箭飞行表演队的工作人员抱进了一架红色的飞机里。

    The little Prince was lifted into one of the Red Arrows as his father and a member of the aerobatic team helped him inside .

  27. 公众最后一次见王室成员是周三在悉尼,小王子在爸爸的怀里,穿着白色和蓝色相间的连身套装。

    The royal was last seen in public on Wednesday touching down in Sydney in his father 's arms wearing a white and blue romper suit .

  28. 学校里的大多数人都不知道,这位优秀学生在大二期间娶了自己的第二个妻子,成了一个小男孩的爸爸。

    Most people on campus had no idea that the star student had married a second wife during his sophomore year or that he was the father of a baby boy .

  29. 小家伙的爸爸都图来自荷兰,而妈妈莎芬娜则是被从英国爱丁堡送到这里的。

    Doto , the father of the female calf , who has yet to be named , came from the Netherlands while and the mother , Savannah , moved to the park from Edinburgh .

  30. 我记得小时候我爸爸和我去委索塔冰湖钓鱼,在冰湖上钓鱼,你知道吗,就是当你……露丝:我知道!

    I remember when I was a kid , me and my father , we went ice-fishing out on Lake Wisota . Ice-fishing is , you know , when you ... ROSE : I know what ice-fishing is !