
  • 网络Killifish
  1. 哈德逊鳕鱼和新贝尔福德鳉鱼都拥有特殊的AHR。

    Both Hudson tomcod and New Bedford killifish , however , have unusual AHR molecules .

  2. 不过哈恩博士发现鳉鱼AHR的氨基酸链上有九处地方的环节在不同个体中存在差异。

    Dr Hahn has , however , found nine places along the amino-acid chain of killifish AHR where the link in the chain varies between individuals .

  3. Hahn博士正在观察另外一群,鳉鱼(上图所示),马萨诸塞州的新贝德福德港亦是深受其他工厂的污染。

    Dr Hahn is looking at a different animal , the killifish ( pictured ), in New Bedford harbour , Massachusetts , which was polluted by other producers .

  4. 就新贝德福德港的鳉鱼来说情况颇为相似,便更为复杂。

    In the case of the New Bedford killifish the situation is similar , but more complicated .

  5. 动物浸制标本流行于1900年至1930年,科学家曾将它们作为教学工具,而浸制标本对象包括从狗头、鼠类到虹鳉鱼的切片。

    Pickled specimens - popular from 1900 to 1930 - were used by scientists as a teaching tool and the range of pickled subjects range from sliced heads of dogs to rats and guppies .

  6. 但是,鱼缸中最主要的品种是热带鱼虹鳉和丝足鱼,贝塔和天使鱼,或者其它什么鱼,超过一百五十种。

    But the majority stock their tanks with tropicals-guppies and gouramies , bettas and angelfish , or others of the more than 150 kinds .
