
  1. 那就是作为普通早点的荷兰小煎饼(theDutchbabypancake),一种味道香甜,口感薄脆,呈空心卷状的淡烤酥饼。

    That would be the Dutch baby pancake , a sweet , light , hollow roll ( popover ) normally served at breakfast .

  2. 好吧,不过我还在等小煎饼的消息。

    Okay , but I 'm still awaiting on news of pancakes .

  3. 妈妈,我们要带小煎饼去医院。

    Mom , we 're going to need to take pancakes to the hospital .

  4. 有萎蔫了的蔬菜、小煎饼、炒人参和莲藕、番薯、豆腐块、脆海苔片总共约有20道,即使是饥肠辘辘的人也吃不完。

    There were wilted green vegetables , small pancakes , fired ginseng and lotus root , sweet potatoes , squares of tofu , crunchy seaweed chips about 20 dishes in total , much more than even the hungriest could eat .

  5. 主要内容归纳如下:(1)通过简单调节表面活性剂聚乙二醇6000和十八胺的比例,利用水热法合成了不同形貌的三维结构YBO3:Eu3+,如鸟巢状,玫瑰花状,油炸小煎饼状和花状。

    The main contents could be summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Three-dimensional YBO3 : Eu3 + with different morphologies such as nest-like , rose-like , cruller-like and flower-like were hydrothermally synthesized by simply adjusting the ratios of surfactant polyethylene glycol-6000 to octadecylamine .

  6. 因此我们都要了小薄煎饼。

    So we all ate crepes .

  7. 不久我们都觉得饿了,连续问了汤姆一些问题后,确定汤姆想去奇奇番,一家提供小薄煎饼的饭馆。

    Soon we decided we were all hungry and , after a series of questions , determined that Tom wanted to go to The Magic Pan , a restaurant that serves crepes .

  8. 就把余下的这些果肉吃了,没必要扔掉。把果肉留着,之后加到沙冰或者奶昔里。制作简易小蛋糕、煎饼和松饼。自己动手做自制果泥干。加到蔬菜汉堡里,口感就不会那么干。

    Simply eat the pulp 。 There 's really no need to throw it away.Keep the pulp , and add it to smoothies and shakes later.Make quickbreads , pancakes , and muffins.DIY some fruit leather.Add it to veggie burgers to moisten them 。

  9. 用耐热的橡胶小铲翻动大煎饼四周并倒入盘中。

    Run heatproof rubber spatula around frittata to loosen and slide out onto plate .