
  • 网络wooden frame without dougong
  1. 用素土或灰土或碎砖三合土芳筑而成,约高一尺,常用于小式建筑。

    It is almost 1 Chinese chi in height , which tamped and cemented with the mixed earth of white Clay or mud or brickbat . Common base is usually used for constructing the small type of building .

  2. 电脑单据次给有折叠式电脑单据与小卷式电脑单据

    Computer notes there are foldable computer bills and Bill tortricid computer .

  3. 那些研究油价大幅下挫对企业影响的分析人士们,应该关注一下那些低产油井(stripperwell)运营商们了,他们一般都是小作坊式经营,做的就是从很久以前钻探的油井中采出最后一批原油。

    Analysts examining the effect of the oil price 's precipitous decline on companies should spare a thought for stripper well operators , the mom-and-pop businesses that coax the last trickles of crude from long-ago drilled holes .

  4. 小美人鱼式

    The Little Mermaid at Work

  5. 随着信息产业的大规模发展,软件开发已经由原来的小作坊式生产逐步转化为大规模专业化生产。

    With the large-scale development of information industry , software development has gradually transformed from small-scale production into large-scale specialized production .

  6. 体积小涡旋式压缩机和往复式相比,体积大大缩小,节约了装配空间。

    Small volume Compared to the reciprocating compressor , the volume of scroll compressor is greatly reduced and save the assembly space .

  7. 电子工程师习惯的面面俱到小作坊式的开发模式往往忽视操作系统和软件平台化技术的研究,而计算机学科工程师因为对硬件知识的欠缺又无法短时间内入行。

    Electronic engineers often make mistakes in ignoring the application of the Embedded Operation Systems and the method of development based on platform .

  8. 如果你是短发,今年秋天就可以尝试美国电视明星阿莉萨·米拉诺在《魅力》中的小仙女式发型。

    If your hair is short , the fall look follows Charmed American TV star Alyssa Milano 's pixie ( 4 ) cut .

  9. 然而,随着社会大生产的不断深入,小作坊式的自有自管的运作模式渐渐被股份制的公司治理模式取代。

    However , with the constantly deepening of social production has been , the pattern of small workshop gradually being replaced by corporate governance model .

  10. 而桐油、猪血的加工是师徒口头相传的手工小作坊式生产方式。

    But Chinese wood oil and the pig blood are manufactured in the manual small workshop production which hand down orally by the priests and disciples .

  11. 第二,农村户用沼气池的维护走小家电式维修服务模式,有利于沼气池的功能得到更有效的发挥。

    Second , for the rural methane equipment to maintain , the " small appliance repair service type " mode is conducive to methane pit functions to be much effective .

  12. 在介绍桥式抓斗卸船机的应用概况的基础上,对桥式抓斗卸船机小车型式、驱动系统、自动控制方面的技术新进展做一概述。

    On the basis of introducing the application of gantry grab unloader , some new development on trolley type , drive system , and automatic control of the unloader are reviewed in this paper .

  13. 虽然中国人并不缺乏软件开发的天赋,但是在越来越强调规模化经营的今天,先天不足的管理痼疾使我们举步维艰,难以摆脱小作坊式的软件开发模式。

    Although Chinese are not lack of talent of software developing , the weakness of management make us develop and expand slowly , and cannot break away from the developing mode of small workshop .

  14. 介绍高桥墩滑模施工情况,滑模模板的组装、钢筋的加工、混凝土的浇筑等。对滑模技术进行创新,采用小单元式滑模组装,实现装拆灵活方便;

    The paper introduced the conditions of high pier slip form construction , slip from mould set up , reinforcement manufacturing , concrete pouring etc. Slip form technology is innovated to achieve a flexible assembling and dismantling ;

  15. 家庭小作坊式的手工拆解和落后的回收技术造成了严重的地区性重金属和化学物质污染,对我国的环境及居民身体健康造成严重的危害。

    In some areas , serious pollution are found by heavy metals and chemicals because of poor manual dismantling and recovery technology in family workshops . As results , e-waste has caused serious harm to the enviroment and human health .

  16. 与内地和台湾电影相比较,香港率先汲取了好莱坞电影工业的长处,告别了小作坊式的生产模式,获得了宝贵的电影产业化经验,发展了适合大众娱乐消费的电影新形式。

    Compared with the Mainland and Taiwan , Hong Kong film industry has absorbed new ideas from Hollywood film industry . Having abandoned the production mode ofsmall workshop , it got valuable experience in production and developed a new movie form , which comforted people with entertainment and consumption .

  17. 到17世纪后半叶时,小的手提式暗箱已经很普通了。

    By the later part of the sixteen hundreds , small hand-held camera OBSCURAS were commonplace .

  18. 本文介绍的新型高精度小直径周期式冷轧管机能够轧制直径4mm的钢管。

    The new high-precision cold pilger mill described is capable of rolling small diameter steel pipes of 4mm .

  19. 900t级小导梁式铁路架桥机轮胎式行走装置的可行性

    Feasibility of Wheel Type Carriage on 900t Small Guiding Beam Type Railway Bridge Erector

  20. 随着手机用户的增加,电脑的普及,对于小功率离线式AC-DC电源需求迅猛增大,如:电源适配器,电池充电器,和电脑待机电源等。

    The usage of small power off-line AC-DC power supplies for adapter , battery charger and standby power source have been increased dramatically due to the growth in both cell phones and computers .

  21. 方法:用小导管闭式引流持续负压吸引治疗自发性气胸100例,通过胸壁套管针穿刺将内径28mm小导管置于胸腔内,接引流管入水封瓶,通过水封瓶的排气管接气胸箱。

    Method : We have treated 100 cases spontaneous pneumothorax by catheter close drainage with continuous negative sucking .

  22. 第二章,建立了转向轴助力式的EPAS动力学模型,对转向轴助力式、小齿轮助力式和齿条助力式三种型式的EPAS模型进行了统一。

    In chapter two , a EPAS of column type and a whole vehicle of two degree dynamic model are built up . The EPAS dynamic model of column type , pinion type and rack type are unified .

  23. 她的右臂向上抬起,左腿弯曲,作欢欣状、飞行状或架空垂直状,她做出“我是一个小茶杯”式的姿势,还有细微的小手势,同时鼻子发出类似“kyong”的声音。愉悦不只是快乐;

    Her right arm pointed upward , her left leg bent in a display of glee or flying or something aerial and upright , her body arranged I 'm-a-little-teacup-style , and a tiny hand gesture accompanied by a noise that sounded like " kyong . " Joy isn 't just happy ;

  24. 小流域参与式土地利用规划探讨

    Discussion on Application of Participatory Land Use Planning in Watershed Management

  25. 目的探讨胆囊切除术小切口术式及其临床价值。

    Objective To study the small incision cholecystectomy and its clinical application .

  26. 浙江小企业群落式发展初探

    A Brief Probe into the Community Developing Style of Zhejiang Small Businesses

  27. 一种小功率混合式步进电机驱动器的开发

    The Development of a Kind of Hybrid Stepper Motor Driver

  28. 小子宫阴道式切除术20例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 20 patients with little uterus treated by vaginal hysterectomy

  29. 小导管闭式引流持续负压吸引治疗自发性气胸的临床研究

    Treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax by continuous negative sucking through catheter close drainage

  30. 小排量井口式抽油系统研究

    The Study of Small Flux Wellhead Pumping Well System