
xiǎo qián fēnɡ
  • small forward
  1. 对07-08赛季CBA和NBA优秀小前锋竞技能力的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Small Forward Players between CBA and NBA in the 07-08 Seasons

  2. 然而整个系列赛最让人感兴趣的话题可能是总决赛MVP到底花落谁家?是控球后卫史蒂芬库里还是小前锋凯文杜兰特呢?

    Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the entire series was who between point guard Stephen Curry and small forward Kevin Durant would take home Finals MVP .

  3. 在2011年伦纳德在第一轮中以第15顺位进入NBA,身高6英尺7英寸,小前锋来自圣地亚哥州。

    Leonard , a 6 '7 " forward from San Diego State , was selected 15th overall in the 2011 NBA Draft .

  4. 我前文提过在小前锋上的问题。

    I mentioned some of the problems at small forward .

  5. 当然,他们中的一位充当小前锋。

    Of course , one of them has to guard small forwards .

  6. 特雷西是一个拥有小前锋身材的控球后卫。

    Tracy is a point guard in a small forward 's body .

  7. 预测一波2017-2018赛季联盟前十的小前锋吧?

    Top 10 Small Forwards coming into the 17-18 season ?

  8. 公牛队计划让帕克大部分时间出任小前锋的角色。

    The Bulls plan to use Parker largely as a small forward .

  9. 他是一个可以在场上任何位置得分的小前锋。

    As a SF ( Small Forward ) he can score anywhere on the floor .

  10. 詹姆斯你可以随便怎么称呼他,一个小前锋,得分后卫,或者是打前锋。

    LeBron james-call him what you want , a small forward , a point guard , even a power forward .

  11. 作为一个小前锋,你有很好的身板,你可以投三分球或者突破冲击篮筐得分。

    You have great size for a small forward , you can knock down the three or slash to the hoop .

  12. 小前锋一般通常比大前锋或是中锋来的矮小、捷和瘦弱,但最近有越来越高的趋势。

    Small forwards are typically somewhat shorter , quicker , and leaner than power forwards and centers , but on occasion are just as tall .

  13. 米尔萨普得到26分和11个篮板,作为迷你小前锋几乎一人撑起了球队。

    Paul Millsap ( notes ) had26 points and11 rebounds , with the undersized power forward single-handedly keeping the Jazz in the game at times .

  14. 事实上,有时候,对方的小前锋意识到包夹的时候会跑到了弧顶,然后形成空挡投篮的机会。

    In fact , sometimes , their SFs swing to the top of the key as they recognize the double team and get open shots .

  15. 他只有19岁,缺少小前锋必要的外线能力,也很少出现在低位。

    He is still 19 years old , lacks a perimeter game which is crucial for a small forward and he has very little down low presence .

  16. 无论他的远距离投篮能力,还是驱动器(运行到篮筐下)能力使他的比赛更像一个小前锋而被人们熟知。

    His long-range shooting ability and ability to drive ( run to the basket ) make his game more akin to that of a small forward , however .

  17. 判决:米切尔最适合打分卫和小前锋位置,但是湖人队在这两个位置上已经足够好了,他的位置选择阻碍了他。

    Verdict : Mitchell is best suited for playing the SG or SF spot , but the Lakers are so stacked there , his natural position counts against him .

  18. 国王队在选秀中将优先考虑小前锋和控卫的位置,不过也不排除他们会进行交易的可能。

    Kings will be given priority in the draft position of small forward and point guard , but does not rule out the possibility that they will carry out transactions .

  19. 但是,除了这位历史第一小前锋,或许是历史第一球星,改换了东家之外,今年夏天还有着好几笔堪称震撼的签约。

    But besides one of the greatest , if not the very best , players to ever play basketball switching jerseys , that isn 't the only notable move this summer .

  20. 球迷甲:你觉得你打哪个位置最牛,小前锋还是大前锋?特别是当你来到东部联盟之后。

    Dee ( Fairfax , VA ): What position do you feel you can be most effective playing small forward or power forward , especially with the shift to the Eastern Conference ?

  21. 接下来将是有趣的一周,看看鲍尔如何与有机会出现下赛季轮换阵容中的小前锋英格拉姆和中锋祖巴茨搭档,并展示自己。

    This should be a fun week to observe how Ball asserts himself among several players who figure to have a shot in the Los Angeles rotation in the fall , such as small forward Brandon Ingram and center Ivica Zubac .

  22. 休斯顿火箭队不仅仅能提供给安东尼在这些西部球队中去竞争总冠军荣誉的最好机会,还能在球队小前锋阿里扎以自由球员的身份加盟太阳队后,为安东尼创造一个重要的角色,从而弥补火箭队失去阿里扎后带来的空缺。

    Houston not only offers Anthony his best chance to contend for a title among these teams , but to carve out a significant role in the wake of the Rockets losing veteran small forward Trevor Ariza to Phoenix in free agency .

  23. 向球移动是外国小前锋无球活动的特点,他们表现出很强的攻击欲望:中国小前锋也表现出很强的积极性,有一定主动要求攻击的意识。

    To move the ball without the ball forward foreign activities of small features , they show a strong desire to attack ; China also showed a strong small forward , the enthusiasm , there is a certain sense of initiative to attack . 3 .

  24. 这样的选择,火箭就可以重新签下所有自由球员卡佩拉,保罗和首发小前锋铁扎,同时还需要老板愿意负担火箭方面的巨额奢侈税。

    A trade would allow the Rockets to re-sign any of their free agents , including Capela , Paul and also starting small forward Trevor Ariza , with new owner Tilman Fertitta 's willingness to pay a giant luxury-tax bill the main issue from Houston 's standpoint .

  25. 当时,这位联盟顶级小前锋的合同还剩下一年,而人们普遍认为乔治只会在雷霆短暂停留,因为乔治曾数次直接在媒体面前表达他对洛杉矶的热爱和为湖人效力的愿望。

    The small forward only had a year left on his deal and it was widely believed that the Thunder were only getting the former Indiana Pacer as a one-year rental , as George was very vocal in outlining his love for Los Angeles and desire to play for the Lakers .