
jiàng lǐng
  • general;lead;high-ranking military officer
将领 [jiàng lǐng]
  • (1) [high-ranking military officers]∶高级军官

  • (2) [general]∶将帅

  • (3) [lead]∶带领;率领

将领[jiàng lǐng]
  1. 安德鲁·杰克逊(AndrewJackson1767&1845),美国历史上著名的将领,美国第七任总统。

    Andrew Jackson ( 1767 to 1845 ) was a prestigious general and the 7th president of the USA.

  2. 一位退伍的海军将领Jones强调了锁定本拉登的紧迫性,并谈到了追捕或杀死本拉登的新战役。

    Jones , a retired Marine general , stressed the urgency of targeting bin Laden , and spoke of a renewed campaign to capture or kill him .

  3. 高级将领整齐有序地在他身后站成几排。

    The senior leaders lined up behind him in orderly rows

  4. 英国广播公司的一项民意调查预计工党将领先12个百分点。

    A BBC poll gave the Labour Party a 12 per cent lead

  5. 他将领到海军补助的退役金。

    He is taking a gratuity from the Navy .

  6. 所以军队领导或者指挥官就被称作thebrass成员,或被称为brasshat(高级将领),甚至是topbrass(军方高层)。

    Or he might have been called a brass hat . Or , even the top brass .

  7. 这一方案的提出建立在一项有无党派的CEO联盟和退休将领提出的方案之上。

    It 's actually built off a proposal put forward by a non-partisan coalition of CEOs and retired generals and admirals .

  8. 沃森在执掌IBM近40年后,将领导权交给了儿子&后者很快就将IBM带入了电子计算的新时代。

    After running IBM for almost 40 years , Watson handed leadership to Tom & who quickly plunged IBM into the new era of electronic computing .

  9. 万宝矿产有限公司(WanbaoMiningLtd.)依靠缅甸高层将领而不是社会关系取得了Letpadaung铜矿所需的土地和许可。这座铜矿位于缅甸西北部地区的蒙育瓦附近。

    Wanbao Mining Ltd. relied on Myanmar 's generals rather than community relations to get the land and permits needed for the Letpadaung copper mine near Monywa in northwestern Myanmar .

  10. 缅甸军政府在高级将领丹瑞(ThanShwe)的领导下,正急于在选举之前打垮少数民族武装组织。

    The government , led by Senior General Than Shwe , is keen to break the power of the ethnic armies before the elections .

  11. 她一度挑起Herod和她的阿拉伯邻国亚拉伯人的战争,并且指示她在那一地区的将领尽可能地延长那得战争。

    At one point she incited a war between Herod and his Arab neighbors the Nabateans , ordering her commander in the region to prolong the contest as long as possible .

  12. 还有他们精明的将领栗林(Kuribayashi)将军,爱国但又尊重其美国敌人。

    And their wise leader General Kuribayashi , a patriot who nevertheless respects his American foes .

  13. 指挥美国和北约所有驻阿军队的戴维彼得雷乌斯(davidpetraeus)等许多高级将领将在未来9个月内换人,这让奥巴马有机会任用那些认可其战略的军官。

    Many of the top generals , including General David Petraeus , who commands all US-NATO forces in Afghanistan , will be replaced over the next nine months giving Mr Obama the opportunity to bring in officers who will concur with his strategy .

  14. 当时南部邦联的指挥将领包括托马斯(斯顿威尔)约翰逊、约瑟夫约翰斯顿、詹姆斯朗斯特里特和J.E.B.斯图亚特。

    Southern commanders included Thomas ( Stonewall ) Jackson , Joseph Johnston , James Longstreet , and J.E.B. Stuart .

  15. 周五,日本首相首席顾问YoshiroMori飞往冲绳安抚日渐愤怒的民众,美军驻本岛最高将领也于周四做了前所未有的道歉。

    On Friday , the chief aide of Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori flew to Okinawa to soothe mounting local anger , while the top US military official on the island made an unprecedented apology on Thursday .

  16. 他枉费心机地在政界人物和军事将领中间进行一些人事更动。

    In vain he made changes among the politicians and generals .

  17. 一个优秀的将领常预知敌军的行动,并设法应付。

    A good general tries to anticipate the enemy 's movement .

  18. 军事将领要知道军队中所有人的名字。

    Army generals would know the names of all their troops .

  19. 人们期待士兵以毫不犹豫的忠诚跟随其将领。

    Soldier is expect to follow their leader with unquestioning loyalty .

  20. 这位将领战败后,政府将他召回。

    The government recalled the general after he lost the battle .

  21. 中国有很多世界上著名的军事家和将领。

    China has many strategists and generals well-known to the world .

  22. 因此如今得用无线电通知这位海军将领。

    The Admiral would now have to be informed by radio .

  23. 男仆将领你到门口处。

    Old use my man will show you to the door .

  24. 陆军上将米歇尔·约翰逊打破了军队高级将领的限制。

    Major General Michele Johnson breached the military 's Brass Ceiling .

  25. 晚清军事将领地理分布研究

    A Study on Geographical Distribution of Military Generals in Late Qing

  26. 古罗马将领恺撒的军事统帅艺术

    The Military Commanding Skills Of Caesar , An Acient Roman Commander

  27. 善战的将领能预知敌军动向而作好战斗部署。

    A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do .

  28. 伟大的同盟军将领,史东旺·杰克逊,逝世了。

    The great Confederate General , Stonewall Jackson , was dead .

  29. 我认为永乐年间的明朝在将领方面有着极大的优势。

    I think Ming would have great advantages during Yongle leadership .

  30. 他充分信任他麾下的将领们做他们的工作。

    He trusts his operational lieutenants enough to do their jobs .