
  1. 将军临终前有几个医生在照顾。

    On his deathbed the general was attended by several doctors .

  2. 妇女们有个任务,就是要到乌将军庙前的上智潭中“汰蚕花手”,以求日后养蚕无病无灾。

    Women have a task , that is to go to the Temple of Sophia Ukrainian generals lake ," eliminating the silkworm flower hand " in order to raise silkworms in future disease-free without disaster .

  3. 将军两年前曾任迪亚拉地区的作战指挥官,他称在周一早些时候参观省府巴库巴,当他看到他以前从事的发展项目一片混乱时,他十分难过。

    General pittard , who was an operational commander in Diyala two years ago , says he was__3__during a visit to the provincial capital baquba , early monday , when he saw many of the development projects he worked on lying in__4__ .

  4. 他在一位将军的门前站岗。

    He was entry at the door of a general .

  5. 幸运的是,另一位将军一位前美国空军将领提供了新的政治契机。

    Fortunately , another general , this one formerly of the American air force , is providing fresh political momentum .

  6. 命令舰队在海岩打败安东尼和克利奥帕特拉的罗马将军(公元前63-12)。

    Roman general who commanded the fleet that defeated the forces of Antony and Cleopatra at Actium ( 63-12 BC ) .

  7. 穆沙拉夫将军领导的前巴基斯坦军政府和新的巴基斯坦文官政府已多次选择与部落地区领袖达成和平协定,以控制极端分子。

    Both the previous military government of General Pervez Musharraf and the new civilian government have opted at various times to try to secure peace deals with tribal leaders to contain the militants .

  8. 鲍威尔将军站在讲台前

    And General Powell stood up

  9. 当时庞培将军,在公元前一世纪,把海盗赶出了地中海。

    Pompey was the general who cleaned the pirates out of the Mediterranean in the first century BCE .

  10. 黎巴嫩国家检察官起诉四位黎巴嫩将军因涉及谋杀前首相偌菲克何瑞,其死于二月。

    The Lebanese state prosecutor has charged four Lebanese generals in connection with the murder of the former Prime Minister , Rafik Hariri , who died in February .