
  • 网络closing balcony
  1. 通过适当的模型简化,建立不同的封闭阳台方案,利用DEST-h热环境模拟软件对不同的阳台方案下的室内热环境进行模拟。

    With appropriate model simplification , different enclosed balcony schemes are being built . DEST-h thermal environment simulation software is being introduced to each scheme .

  2. 住宅封闭阳台的评价和节能设计

    Remark on the Sealed Balcony Space of Residence and Saving Energy Design

  3. 封闭阳台围护结构温差修正系数探讨

    Correction Coefficient of Temperature Deviation for Structure with Enclosed Balcony

  4. 封闭阳台渗漏通病与防治

    The leakage and prevention of sealing up the balcony

  5. 封闭阳台传热系数的确定方法

    Method of defining the heat-transfer coefficient for the balcony closed with window glass

  6. 夏热冬冷地区的封闭阳台设计

    Design of Enclosed Balcony in Region of Hot Summer and Cold W in ter

  7. 可调节室内气候的住宅南向封闭阳台

    A southward Enveloped Balcony of Adjusting Interior Climate

  8. 关于阳台和封闭阳台的思考

    Pondering over the Balcony and the Closed Balcony

  9. 某地封闭阳台围护结构温差修正系数的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Correction Coefficient of Temperature Deviation of Enclosed Balcony Structure in an Area

  10. 住宅建筑中的阳台及封闭阳台

    The balcony and closed balcony of housing

  11. 对于一般6层单元式住宅与6层以下公共建筑未封闭阳台阳台门的热负荷计算进行了分析比较,提出了接近实际状态的计算方法。

    This paper makes analysis and comparison of heating load calculations of unclosed balcony 's door of a common six-storey apartment and sub - six-storey building .

  12. 根据阳台内围护结构及封闭阳台本身结构的不同分别计算温差修正系数。

    This paper discussed the unhealthy consequence and introduced the different correction coefficient when the structure of balcony or the structure with enclosed balcony is different .

  13. 论述了住宅阳台的建筑功能,分析了封闭阳台的利弊,提出了解决问题的建议。

    The author discuses the architectural function of house balcony , analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the closed balcony , and brings forward the advice for solving the problems .

  14. 该项目室内空调系统为风机盘管水系统,夏季由放置在各户封闭阳台上的蒸发冷凝式空调机组提供冷水,冬季由小区锅炉房提供热水。

    The indoor air conditioning system is fan-coil water system , whose chilled water is supplied by the evaporative-condensation type air conditioning units installed at closed balcony of every household , and whose hot water is supplied by the boiler room of the quarter .

  15. 随着人们住房条件的改善,在装修过程中拆墙、凿洞,或铺砌地砖、吊制顶棚、封闭阳台等装修施工,常给房屋结构的安全带来不同程度的危害。

    With the improvement of the inhabitable condition , people like to decorate their houses , such as dismantle a wall , cut a hole , pave the floor , mount ceiling , envelop the balcony and so on , which do somewhat harms to the structure .

  16. 蒙面的妇女;有篷大马车;封闭的阳台;白雪覆盖的田野。

    Women with covered faces ; covered wagons ; a covered balcony ; snow-covered fields .