
tī duàn
  • bench;go
梯段[tī duàn]
  1. 梯段爆破是最常用的爆破工程之一。

    Bench blasting is the most usual type of blasting work .

  2. 水平孔光爆加水平梯段一次爆破挖除;

    Horizontal hole smooth blasting together with horizontal hole bench blasting ;

  3. 第一个梯段使用与广场相同的材料。

    The first level uses the same material as the plaza .

  4. 装药计算的重点主要放在梯段爆破上。

    The basic charge calculations have been concentrated round bench blasting .

  5. 第二个梯段为使用者行走的舒适而设计。

    The second level is designed for user can walk comfortably .

  6. 相似理论在深孔梯段爆破飞石距离计算中的应用

    Application of Similarity Theory in Distance Estimation of Flyrock from Deep-hole Blasting

  7. 采用大孔径深孔梯段爆破开采堆石料

    Rock-fill quarried by adoption of large deep hole blasting with gradient section

  8. 水电工程施工梯段爆破计算机仿真及应用

    Application of Computer Simulations of Bench Blasting to Construction of Hydropower Engineering

  9. 梯段硐室组合爆破设计与效果分析

    Design and Effect Analysis of Combine Blasting on Step Hole and Chamber

  10. 水电工程施工梯段爆破试验计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation of Staged Blasting Test in Hydroproject Construction

  11. 露天深孔梯段爆破后冲破坏的成因及控制

    Cause and control of impulsive damage from deep-hole bench-blasting

  12. 采石场采用深孔梯段微差挤压爆破技术;

    The deep bench differential squeezing blasting was adopted in the quarry area .

  13. 三梯段悬挑楼梯的内力分析

    Internal Force Analysis of Three Flight Free Standing Staircase

  14. 浅谈降低深孔梯段爆破大块率的措施

    Preliminary discussion on reduction frequency of boulder occurrence in deep hole bench blasting

  15. 复杂环境条件下高梯段深孔控制爆破

    High bench longhole controlled blasting under complicated environment

  16. FMODM法在梯段爆破参数优化中的应用研究

    Research of Application of Fuzzy Multi-Objective Decision Making to Parameters Optimization of Bench Blasting

  17. 关于减少梯段爆破二次爆破量的探讨

    Discussion on decreasing twice blasting for bench blasting

  18. 高梯段深孔爆破设计与施工

    Design and construction of high bench deep-hole blasting

  19. 深孔梯段爆破在阳江核电站厂平工程的应用

    Application of Deep Hole Blasting in Yangjiang Plant

  20. 深孔梯段爆破开采筑坝石料

    Exploiting Dam Rocks by Wide-spacing Deephole Bench Blasting

  21. 附有螺旋楼梯梯段利用图表设计的实例。

    Attached to this paper is an example of a helical staircase designed by diagrams .

  22. 对石场梯段开采中钻孔积水的分析和处理方法的探讨

    Analyses on Water Logging in Drill-hole in Bench Mining of Quarry and Its Handling Method

  23. 特定条件下的深孔梯段微差控制爆破技术

    Deep-hole-bench microsecond-controlled blasting technology under special conditions

  24. 大孔距深孔梯段爆破开采筑坝石料

    Quarrying of Rock Material for Construction of Dams by Largely Spaced Deep Hole Bench Blasting

  25. 深孔梯段爆破试验研究;

    Deep hole steps explosion test research ;

  26. 在过去,主堆石料大多采用深孔梯段爆破法开采。

    In the past , main materials have being exploited mostly by the boring blasting method .

  27. 提出了深孔梯段爆破的安全控制标准。

    The security control standard is proposed for the deep hole step - by - step blasting .

  28. 面板堆石坝深孔梯段爆破开采坝料控制设计

    Control Design on Mining Dam Material by Deep Hole and Bench Blasting for Rock-fill Dam with Concrete Facing

  29. 倾斜矿房梯段式连续回采上向水平分层尾砂胶结充填法在蚕庄金矿的应用

    Application of continuously stepped stoping of inclined room by way of upward horizontal slicing and cementation fill with tailing

  30. 天生桥一级水电站大孔径梯段爆破开采石料及爆破震动观测

    Stone extraction using ladder blasting with large bore diameter and vibration observation of blasting in Tianshengqiao ⅰ Hydropower Station