
tī tián
  • terrace;terraced field;bench terrace
梯田 [tī tián]
  • [terraced field] 在山坡上开辟的农田,样子像楼梯,一级一级的,边缘筑有田埂,以防止水土流失

梯田[tī tián]
  1. 黄土丘陵区软埂梯田复式配置技术

    Soft-ridged bench terrace design in hilly loess region

  2. 与全园裸露(对照)比较,水平梯田梯壁植草水土保持效果最佳,其平均径流系数减少85.19%,土壤侵蚀量减少98.85%,其他各处理也有不同程度防治水土流失的效果。

    Compared with bare soil ( ck ), planting Bahia grass on level bench terrace wall was the most effective method to conserve soil and water , it reduced average runoff coefficient by 85.19 % and amount of soil erosion by 98.85 % . Others also had various effects .

  3. 他们手脚并用,爬上了一片成陡直梯田状的橄榄林外面的石头围墙。

    They clambered up the stone walls of a steeply terraced olive grove

  4. 传统的草坪已经被低成本梯田所取代,梯田上有个高位水塘和瀑布似的水流。

    The traditional lawn has been replaced by low-cost terracing , with a raised pool and waterfall .

  5. 每亩梯田我们得填上成千上万筐好土。

    We had to fill up each mu of terraced fields with thousands of basketfuls of good soil .

  6. 现在用电把水提到梯田灌溉。

    Water is now lifted to terraced fields by electric power .

  7. 顺等高线栽植,无论做或不做梯田对于保持水土都能有效

    Contour planning with or without terracing is effective in conserving both soil and moisture .

  8. 所以这种酒是纯天然的,而且当你身处地中海梯田,俯瞰碧蓝大海并远眺蓝色天空的时候,还有什么比诗人济慈吟诵的“啜饮一大杯暖意浓浓的南国酒”更让人高兴的事呢?

    So it 's all perfectly2 natural , and on a Mediterranean3 terrace , looking over a blue sea and a blue sky , what could be more delightful4 than ' a beaker full of the warm South ' as Keats put it .

  9. pH值变化于8.08~9.74之间,坡耕地>坝地>梯田;

    The pH value changes from 8.08 to 9.74 , CK > dam land > terrace .

  10. TM图像在机修梯田调查中的应用

    Application of TM Image in the Investigation of Machine Repair Terraced fields

  11. 试验结果表明B样条算法具有良好的精度和稳定性,能较好地改善在构建DTM时常出现的梯田现象。

    The experiments showed that B-spline algorithm with better precision and stability will better eliminate thorny terrace phenomenon which often happened in the DTM construction .

  12. 采用田间正交旋转试验设计,于1999年在延安市燕沟进行了小麦产量与氮肥(N)、磷肥(P2O5)和有机肥(M)3因子5水平的新修梯田地膜小麦试验。

    Field plastic-mulched wheat trials were conducted by using the regression design of orthogonal rotation in terrane land in Yanan City .

  13. 1m剖面坝地平均含水量比梯田高33.33%,比坡耕地高55.06%,具备了作物高产稳产的水分条件;

    Soil water capacity of dam land is very rich , and higher by 33.33 % than terrace , and higher by 55.06 % than CK .

  14. 新修梯田马铃薯沟种较平作、垄作产量分别提高11.1%和15.9%,产值分别增加7.9%和23.6%,追施N肥可使产量和产值分别增加20.3%和15.7%;

    The yield of potato with furrow planting could be increased by 11.1 % and 15.9 % , and the output values increased by 7.9 % and 23.6 % respectively compared with that by flat and ridge planting in newly built terraced field .

  15. 利用青石山区梯田堰边栽植1~2a生核桃实生苗,株距4~5m,行距不等,每公顷平均375株。

    Walnut seedlings were planted on the edge of the terrace in limestone mountain area with distance between plants 4 ~ 5 meters and averaging 375 seedlings per hectare .

  16. 随着流域输沙模数的增加,梯田、造林和种草等措施的RRS与坝地RRS差异变小。

    With the increase of sediment delivery modules , the difference between RRS of terrace , forest , grass and RRS of dam land decreases .

  17. 年均降水量与坝地RRS为显著负相关,而年均降水量与梯田、造林、种草的RRS显著正相关。

    The positive correlations between average annual precipitation and RRS of terrace , forest and grass practices are evident respectively , but the correlation between average annual precipitation and RRS of dam land is negative evidently .

  18. 当Pi30>50mm2/min,i30>0.28mm/min时,水平梯田的减水减沙效益随着Pi30的增大而减小。

    When Pi 30 50 mm 2 / min and I 30 0.28 mm / min , the soil and water conservation benefit of level terrace is decreasing in pace with Pi 30 increasing .

  19. 连续3a试验研究结果表明,陕北丘陵沟壑区旱梯田采取双料沟垄组合覆盖,可明显改善土壤水、气、热环境状况。

    Results from the 3 years of field experiment indicate , that the mulching measure with plastic film on the ridge and straw in the ditch in the dry terraced land in North Shaanxi Loess Plateau hilly and gully region could improve the soil water , air and temperature condition .

  20. 以年产流降雨量和汛期雨量作为年降雨指标,经过分析发现,当年产流降雨量大于125mm和汛期雨量大于350mm时,随着雨量的增大,水平梯田的蓄水保土效益减小,呈极显著相关。

    With annual rainfall output and flood season rainfall as annual rainfall index , we found the benefit would reduce with the increases of rainfall when the annual rainfall was greater than 350 mm or the flood reason rainfall was larger than 125 mm .

  21. 小流域坡耕地集流梯田工程设计与应用

    Design and application of rainwater harvesting terrace project in hillside fields

  22. 免耕种植、梯田种植、鱼鳞坑造林等水土保持措施有效的减弱径流氮磷的流失;

    No tillage can decrease the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus ;

  23. 中国梯田生物埂研究:现状和方向

    Study on Terrace Bio-embankment in China : Present Situation and Trend

  24. 这些山坡的梯田属于道仁村的。

    The terraces on these mountain slope belong to Daoren Village .

  25. 把水拦住的梯田成为农田。

    The terrace that trapped the water became the farm field .

  26. 水平梯田减蚀作用分析

    Analysis of Effects of Bench Terraced Field on Reducing Soil Erosion

  27. 水平梯田减水减沙效益计算探讨

    Discussions on Calculation of Water and Sediment Reduction Benefits of Terraces

  28. 谐波分析理论在梯田土壤水分研究中的应用

    Study on Soil Moisture in Terrace Field by Harmonic Wave Analysis

  29. 论哈尼梯田水产所有权制度的法制化

    On The Management of The Aquatic Product Ownership in Hani Terrace

  30. 梯田工程概算定额编制研究

    A Study on Drawing up Budgetary Estimate Quota of Terraced Field