
  • 网络Sign;Signage system
  1. 上述种种情况都影响到导视系统这一新生的设计门类的发展。

    So above conditions all affect the development of the newly sign design system .

  2. 这些都将对导视系统的理论建设与专业研究起到一定的作用。

    All of these will influence the theory establishment and professional study of sign design .

  3. 在这种情况下IPTV导视系统的任务就显得更加艰巨,它直接关系到受众人群的信息获取效率。

    In this case , the task of guide system of IPTV becomes more and more difficult ; it is directly related to the efficiency of acquiring information among the audience .

  4. 第三部分是介绍人性化在IPTV导视系统中如何实施,主要针对信息、编排、视传和声音方面进行分析。

    The third part is mainly introducing how to bring the human nature of guide system of IPTV into effect . In this part the information , layout , transfer and sound were also analyzed .

  5. 城市家具中信息导视系统的设计

    Sign Design of City Furniture

  6. 并总结出一套云南岩溶景观旅游风景区导视系统使用的评价细则。

    I also summary service rating details about the sign system of the karst landscape scenic spots .

  7. 导视系统设计,在快节奏生活的今天,越发显得重要起来。

    Great importance has been attached to guide system design in the presence of a fast-paced life of today .

  8. 我国医疗机构中医疗标识导视系统的身影,使人感受到人文关怀的理念。

    The figure of medical sign guides in Chinese medical institutions makes people feel the concept of humane care .

  9. 并具体从尺度、环境整体和互动结合等几个方面阐述了城市家具中导视系统设计的原则与方法。

    And finally discusses the design principle and the method from the aspects of the propriety , environmental unity and interaction .

  10. 最后,对石林景区导视系统进行设计,将研究成果应用于实际案例。

    Finally , I design the sign system of " The Stone Forest ", and put these research results to actual cases .

  11. 本文对国内国际上的优秀案例进行分析,并就城市导视系统设计的功能、审美特征以及实施方法进行了探讨。

    This paper analyzed the excellence case all of the world , and expound the effect design and the actualize of City Sign Design .

  12. 高校景观设计物的要素常见的包括植物、道路、水景、小品、照明、导视系统六部分。

    The things in landscape design at colleges and universities mainly consist of plant , road , waterscape , opuscule , lighting and way finding system .

  13. 再根据导视系统设计的方法和设计原则,来指导导视系统的布点设置、导视信息内容设置及其表现方式的设计制作。

    According to the method of system design guides and design principles to guide the distribution system set up guides , information content guides the way to set design and its performance .

  14. 城市视觉信息导向系统,也称为城市导视系统,是城市视觉传达系统的重要组成部分,也是信息传达的重要手段之一。

    Visual guidance system in urban , also called direction system in urban , is an important part of visual communication system in urban , which is also one of the important ways to convey information .

  15. 其次,阐述了影响云南岩溶景观旅游风景区导视系统设计的相关要素,提出导视系统能否准确传达出该景区内的空间信息区域研究、文化娱乐信息的重要性。

    The second part expounds the relevant impacting elements of the sign system of karst landscape scenic spots , and proposed the importance of whether the sign system could accurately express the spatial , cultural and entertainment information .

  16. 道路的增加,人口的密集,机动车辆的普及等现象导致人们对城市交通的疏导和管理有了更高要求,人们的交通出行越来越依赖城市交通导视系统的指引。

    The increase of roads , population density , motor vehicle the popularization phenomenon led to the city traffic guidance and management of a higher demand , people travel to rely more and more on city traffic guide system .

  17. 大到城市道路的指示牌、功能性建筑标识、园区区域说明,小到房间门牌号,甚至我们每天都要去的厕所的男女标识这都属于城市的导向导视系统。

    Among city road signage , functional building signs , description of park area , room number and even male and female identity of toilet we go to every day , all belong to guide sign system in city .

  18. 使导视系统成为茫茫信息海洋中的灯塔,为迷失在其中的人们指引方向,更好的为观众服务,增加其自身的含金量,充分突显其价值所在。

    It also makes the guide system become a beacon of a vast of information and suitable for guide people . It also can service for the audience better , increase the content of its own and show its value adequately .

  19. 它以明确快速的指向性功能作为其建构的基础,在导视系统设计发展和研究过程的几十年间,已经有了一些基本的规范,比如导向符号、基本形式和基本类别等。

    With clear and fast directing function as its basis for construction , there have been some basic standards in guide signs , basic forms , and basic categories during the decades of development in way-finding system design and its research .

  20. 将蒙古族文化特征运用于标识导视系统设计的视觉传达中,可以更加准确的体现出民族特色,通过本民族文化特征来引发共鸣,是民族自豪感的体现,同时能够在情感深处引发受众认可。

    The Mongolian cultural identity in the sign guides visual communication system designs can more accurately reflects the national characteristics which is a manifestation of national pride , and at the same time is able to trigger the emotional depths of audience recognition .

  21. 对智能化导视系统设计还结合了新媒体艺术的启示作用进行研究,认为计算机技术中的革新扩展了作为崭新方式的互动艺术的潜在可能性。

    Gave moral guidance to the intelligence regards the system design also to unify the new media art enlightenment function to conduct the research , thought in the computer technology the innovation to expand has taken the brand-new way the interactive art latent possibility .

  22. 古建博物馆是我国传统文化的最佳展示平台,导视系统在这个展示平台中发挥了指引、传播、交流等重要作用,而其中的字体元素又是传播信息最有力的工具。

    The Ancient Architecture Museums are the best display platform of traditional Chinese traditional culture , and the guide system has played an important role in guide and communication , the typeface design in the system is the most powerful tool to spread information .

  23. 本文从研究古建博物馆导视系统字体设计现状入手,得出字体设计研究的相关要素,找出现状中存在的问题,并尝试在之后的研究过程中解决问题。

    This paper begins with research the state of typeface design in ancient architecture museums ' guide system , find out the related elements to typeface design , identify the problems in current situation , and try to find out how to solve the problems .

  24. 导视牌示系统是将自然、人文等有关信息通过标牌媒介的方式传递给游客的综合性系统。

    The scientific system of public notice is a comprehensive system delivering natural and cultural information to tourists .

  25. 我公司研发拓展部,专业从事公共环境导视标识系统的设计、生产、施工安装等服务。

    I expansion of the research and development company , specializing in public Your identification system environment in the design , manufacture , installation and construction services .

  26. 本文从强调城市家具不但具有家具的功能属性,还具有城市信息的传递和导视这一视觉属性的角度出发,论述了信息导视系统的合理化设计对城市家具在环境中视觉作用的影响。

    This article asserts the fact that the city furniture not only owns the basic functions of the furniture , but also has the functions of information transmission and sign guide , then elaborates the influence of rationalized sign design of city furniture in environment vision .