
dǎo hánɡ shè bèi
  • Navigation equipment;navigational aids
  1. 当你设计你的站点的时候,需要考虑另外两套导航设备。

    There are two other sets of navigational aids to consider as you design your site .

  2. 基于黑板模型和多Agent的导航设备数字维修平台

    Navigation devices digital maintenance platform based on blackboard and multi-agent

  3. 全球定位系统(GPS)作为一种通用的定位系统具有许多其他导航设备无可比拟的优越性。

    Global Positioning System as a general navigation device has many incomparable superiority .

  4. 基于GPS的低成本车载导航设备的研究实现

    Research and Implementation of GPS-based Low-cost Vehicle Navigation Device

  5. 敬告:这不是专业的导航设备,所以,如果你在户外,请使用真正的指南针或GPS。

    Disclaimer : This is not a real navigation device , use real compass or GPS when going outdoors .

  6. NET作为操作系统的导航设备显控手柄的设计与实现,详细介绍了系统的设计、开发过程。

    NET operating system as a significant navigation equipment design and implementation of the control handle , The details of the design development process .

  7. 而在船舶导航设备中,GPS以其能提供连续、高精度的船位,已经成为船上最重要的一种导航和定位的方法。

    GPS is the most important navigation and position equipment for its ability to provide the continuous and precise ship position .

  8. 军用导航设备故障智能诊断的DSS软构件技术

    DSS-Based Software Component Technology for Intelligent Malfunction Diagnosis of Military Navigation Equipment

  9. 我刚刚购买了一个全球定位系统(GPS)导航设备,仅仅使用了几次之后,我就迷上了它。

    I just purchased a Global Positioning System ( GPS ) navigation device and , after only a handful of uses , I 'm hooked .

  10. 缺乏GPS等现代导航设备的中小型飞机,其飞行准备和飞行实施都需要进行大量的领航计算。

    Flight preparation and implementation of small and medium aircrafts that lack modern navigation equipment such as GPS need a large number of navigation calculations .

  11. GPS系统芯片是利用GPS基本原理设计而成的全天候实时定位导航设备。

    The GPS system chip is an equipment used for location and navigation round-the clock , and it is designed based on GPS basic theory .

  12. 我国渔船用通信导航设备技术与质量现状多线程串口通信技术在GPS导航中的应用

    Chinese technology and quality status of navigation and communication equipment in fishing vessel field Application of Multi-thread Serial Port Communication Technology in GPS Navigation System

  13. 具体讨论了H调制式惯性导航设备中利用该种电路设计进行陀螺温度控制的优越性,分析了内模控制器设计的模型,并进行了方案的试验验证。

    Then it shows the advantages of the circuit used in H modulation inertial navigation system , analyses the IMC model and verifies the concrete circuit scheme .

  14. 船舶自动识别系统(AutomaticIdentificationSystem,简称AIS)是一种新型的船舶辅助导航设备,国际海事组织已通过AIS强制性安装议案。

    The Automatic Identification System ( AIS ) is a new kind of navigation aid and its installation has been mandatory by the IMO MSC 73 conference .

  15. GPS罗经是新一代船用导航设备,它克服了传统罗经的许多缺点,能全天候、实时地为船舶等提供精确的导航数据。

    GPS compass is a new kind of navigation equipment , which overcomes the shortcomings of traditional compasses and provides accurate navigation data anywhere , anytime .

  16. 但MXAir的设计和技术确立了一个新基准,以此可以判断其它陀螺仪传感导航设备。

    But the design and technology of the MX Air has set a new benchmark by which to judge other gyroscopic-based navigation devices .

  17. 设计该接收机的主要目的是为了替代目前正在自主式农业移动机器人上使用的昂贵的GPS导航设备。

    The main purpose of the design of the receiver is to replace the expensive GPS navigation equipment which is currently used on Autonomous Agricultural Mobile Robot .

  18. 便携式导航设备(PND,PortableNavigationDevices),是当前导航领域的热点产品之一。

    PND ( Portable Navigation Device ) is one of the current hot navigation products . It can be used as handheld or onboard devices .

  19. 通过对模型误差传递的理论分析,证明该模型的精度足以满足对INS等高精度导航设备动态标校的要求。

    The result of error analysis of this model shows that the accuracy of this model is precise enough to meet the dynamic calibration requirements of navigation instrument .

  20. 飞机上的一种无线电导航设备,通过测量电波往返飞机和预选地面(DME)台之间所需要的时间来确定两者间的距离。

    A radio navigational aid for determining the distance from a selected DME ground station by measuring the time of transmission to and from it .

  21. 试验结果表明,在动态条件下,系统达到了≤30〃的测量精度,满足对包括高精度GPS姿态测量系统、平台罗经在内的高精度导航设备进行初始标校的精度要求。

    Finally a dynamic measuring experiment is designed and carried out . The results of the experiment show that the dynamic heading metering accuracy is lower than 30 ″ and this accuracy satisfies the calibration requirement of modern navigation devices .

  22. 同时,该方案还可以提供SAR系统所需的运动补偿信息,由此构成导航设备与任务设备互补的双向信息融合系统。

    At the same time , this scheme can provide the motion compensation information to SAR . Therefore , on the basis of it , a bidirectional complementary information amalgamation system of navigation devices and task devices can be formed .

  23. 提出在未来MLS系统逐步取代ILS系统的过程中,ILS/MLS组合着陆系统导航设备的应用与发展。

    Further , the utilization and development of combined ILS / MLS navigation device in the course of replacing ILS with MLS step by step are put forward .

  24. 采用传统的人工测量方法对XX型号的惯性导航设备进行检测,工作量非常大且效率不高,已经不能满足现代化形势的需求。

    Using traditional manual measurement method to test the ⅹⅹ model of inertial navigation equipment , the workload is very large , and the efficiency is not high , already cannot meet the needs of modern situation .

  25. 导航设备制造商tomtom利用来自移动网络的连接数据,在出现延误时对方位引导加以更新。

    Tomtom , a maker of navigation devices , uses connection data from mobile networks to update directions if there are delays .

  26. 洛阳机场导航设备的控制系统

    On the Control System of Navigation Equipment Installed in Luoyang Airport

  27. 无线电罗盘是飞机常备的导航设备之一。

    Radio compass is a usual navigation unit on aircraft .

  28. 惯性导航设备维修决策控制方法的研究

    Research on Maintenance Decision Control Method for Inertial Navigation Equipment

  29. 现代无线电导航设备在航海中的应用

    The Applications of Modern Radio Navigation Equipment to Marine Navigation

  30. 一种面向移动导航设备的电子地图空间索引结构

    An Index Method for Digital Map Spatial Data in Mobile Navigation Systems