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  • conductive plastics
  1. 炭黑填充HDPE复合型导电塑料的阻燃化

    Fire retardancy of conductive plastics of HDPE composite filled with carbon-black

  2. 炭黑填充HDPE复合导电塑料研究

    A study of HDPE compound conductive plastics filled with carbon black

  3. 导电塑料作为基底的DSC有着透明、质轻、可弯曲的优点,可以实现大规模卷轴式操作,适合工业化生产。

    DSCs with substrate of conductive plastic are flexible , transparent and has a light quality , fitting for large-scale roll-ro-roll operation .

  4. 导电塑料一般分为结构型和复合型两大类。

    Electric plastic has been classified into structure and complex types .

  5. 不锈钢纤维填充聚丙烯导电塑料的屏蔽效能研究

    Study the Shielding Effectiveness of Stainless-Steel-Fiber / PP Conductive Plastics

  6. 导电塑料的电阻率与压力关系研究

    Study on the relationship between electric resistance and pressure of conductive plastics

  7. 导电塑料角位移传感器电阻膜的喷涂工艺研究

    Research on Spraying of Resistive Film in Angular Displacement Sensor of Conductive Plastic

  8. 聚苯胺是一类特种功能材料,俗称导电塑料。

    Polyaniline is a special functional materials , we call it conductive plastics .

  9. 炭黑填充型导电塑料的研究与应用

    Study on Conductivity of Carbon-black-filled Plastics and its Application

  10. 介绍了可剥性导电塑料的配方、制造工艺及涂敷方法。

    This paper introduces the process of the overlay way of conduction electricity plastic .

  11. 加工工艺对导电塑料制品电性能的影响

    Studies on how the processing technology influence on the conductive properties of carbon black-polyethylene

  12. 钒电池集流体用聚四氟乙烯导电塑料的制备与性能

    Preparation and Performance of Polytetrafluoroethylene Conducting Plastic on Vanadium Redox Flow Battery ' Collector

  13. 不锈钢纤维填充热塑性导电塑料研究进展

    Research development of stainless-steel-fiber filled thermoplastic conductive plastics

  14. 中子、伽玛组织等效导电塑料

    A neutron gamma tissue equivalent conductive plastic

  15. 导电塑料电位器电刷形状和材料的选择

    Selection of the Shape and Material of the Wipers in the Potentiometer of Conductive Plastic

  16. 导电塑料材料在EMC/EMI中的应用

    Conductive Plastics in EMC / EMI Applications

  17. 黄铜纤维/PVC复合导电塑料研制

    Copper Fiber / PVC Conductive Plastic Composite

  18. 硅烷交联型复合半导电塑料

    Silane Crosslinked Semiconductive Plastics Composite

  19. 导电塑料的进展

    The Progress of Conductive Plastics

  20. 本文综述了复合型及结构型导电塑料的研究、应用和进展。

    This article introduces the study and application of the compositing type and structural type conductive plastics .

  21. 复合型导电塑料的研究

    Study on Conductive Composite Plastics

  22. 电刷形状和材料与导电塑料电位器的噪声、寿命及可靠性关系甚大。

    Wipers ' shape and material have a strong effect on the noise , life and reliability .

  23. 导电塑料概述

    Review of conductive plastics

  24. 介绍了复合型导电塑料,特别是导电纤维增强热塑性塑料在屏蔽电磁波干扰中的应用现状和技术发展趋势。

    This paper presents the application of conductive thermoplastic composites in the shielding of electromagnetic interference ( EMI ) .

  25. 本文概述了用黄铜纤维填充聚氯乙烯树脂制造导电塑料的方法,并对影响其导电性的主要因素进行了讨论。

    The method of preparing copper fiber filled PVC conductive plastics is de-scribed and the main factors affected on its conductivity are discussed .

  26. 阐述了作为功能材料的导电塑料的发展、分类及各类复合型导电塑料的加工、性能和应用。

    Development and classification of various conductive plastics which act as functional material discussed in this article . Preparation , properties and application of composite conductive plastics were also reviewed .

  27. 介绍了合金护套铁路贯通地线与导电塑料护套铁路贯通地线的设计原理及主要性能。

    Introduced the principle of design and the main performance of railway links up grounding wire with alloy sheath and railway signal links up grounding wire with conductive plastic sheath .

  28. 导电塑料电位器是一种新型精密电位器,被广泛应用在军工、航空航天、汽车和精密制造等行业中。

    Conductive plastic potentiometer ( CPP ), a new type of high-precision potentiometer , is widely used in military industry , aeronautical and astronautical industry , auto industry , sophisticated manufacturing .

  29. 导电塑料不仅具有普通塑料优良的加工性、稳定性和密度小等特点,而且它还具有良好的导电性和机械强度、耐蚀耐热性,已经在很多方面获得了应用。

    Conductive plastic not only has good machinability and lower density , but also has high mechanical strength and thermal stability . Therefore , it has been used in various areas .

  30. 本人对智能型电气阀门定位器进行了总体设计,该定位器主要由8031单片机应用系统、导电塑料电位器和由四只电磁阀构成的双气动系统组成。

    I completed the overall design of the intellective electropneumatic valve positioner . This positioner is composed of 8031 SCM system , electric-plastic potentiometer and double-pneumatic system comprised with four solenoid valves .