
  • 网络Navigation accuracy;NAV ACCURACY
  1. 一种在较大初始数学平台误差角下提高AUV导航精度的新方法

    A Method to Improve AUV Navigation Accuracy Under Considerable Initial Alignment Errors

  2. 然后本文在研究了影响导航精度的主要因素和卡尔曼滤波基本原理的基础上,将卡尔曼滤波理论应用到GPS卫星导航中。

    Then after researches on the main factors which may impact navigation accuracy and the basic Kalman filter principles , this thesis applies Kalman filter theory to GPS satellite navigation .

  3. 但GPS是由美国国防部控制的,对非授权用户,其所能获得的定位导航精度较低,且使用安全性无法得到保障。

    The GPS is controlled by the American Department of Defense . Its unauthorized user only can obtain low positioning accuracy without safety .

  4. 该技术解决了图像变形对导航精度的不利影响,减少了术前的准备环节,提高了C型臂X射线机应用灵活性。

    This technology eliminates the disadvantage caused by the image distortion , shortens the preparation time before surgery and improves the flexibility of the C-arm X-ray machine .

  5. 首先分析了GPS卫星对特定区域的覆盖情况,然后针对不同位置的GPS卫星失效,考察对GPS导航精度即目标区域GDOP值的影响,并通过仿真予以验证。

    Then according to the voidness of GPS satellites in different position , the effect on navigation accuracy of GPS ( that is GDOP ) is studied . The validity of voidness strategy is proved by simulation .

  6. 标准定位服务(SPS)的固有误差、SA措施和市区环境的共同影响,使得GPS的导航精度难于满足特种车辆监管系统的需求。

    Affected by the connatural error of Standard Positioning Service ( SPS ), Selective Availability , and urban districts surrounding , GPS positioning precision is difficult to satisfy the requirement of Special Vehicle Surveillance & Management System .

  7. 弹上惯测组件(IMU)的误差是影响系统导航精度的重要因素,并直接决定导弹的落点偏差。

    The errors of Inertial Measurement Unit ( IMU ) affect the accuracy of the system a lot and also determine the impact point error of missiles directly .

  8. 为提高捷联惯导系统(SINS)长时间工作的导航精度,分析了SINS的姿态角、飞行速度和定位三类基本误差,以及系统误差的表示方法。

    To improve the navigation accuracy of strapdown inertial navigation system ( SINS ) in long time flying , the three general errors of attitude , velocity and station and system error were analyzed in this paper .

  9. 随着IGNS在临床中的广泛应用,在导航精度以及导航信息等方面均提出了更高要求。

    With the wide application of IGNS , the demand for precise and clinical information is greater than ever .

  10. 采用Unscented卡尔曼滤波算法,对紫外敏感器测量精度、姿态误差、部分轨道参数以及地球模型对导航精度的影响进行了仿真验证。

    Simulation is taken using the unscented Kalman filter to validate the effect of the ultraviolet sensor measurement precision , attitude error , certain orbit parameters and the model of earth shape on navigation precision .

  11. 与常规的单基站差分定位方案(如RTK)相比,VRS技术不仅能提高定位导航精度,而且能扩大系统定位服务覆盖范围和提高系统可靠性。

    As opposed to the conventional single station applications , e.g. RTK , Multi-Base methods or VRS technique lead to substantial improvements for positioning and navigation on the accuracy , service area coverage and system robustness .

  12. 为了提高激光捷联惯导系统(LSINS)的导航精度,需要测试系统中惯性器件的模型参数。

    To improve the navigation accuracy of laser strapdown inertial navigation system ( LSINS ), the model parameters of inertial instrument must be tested .

  13. 本文参考国外文献,讨论了伽利略系统的军事用途,重点从增强可用性、提高导航精度、保障后勤自动化和改善城市地区可用性等4个方面详细分析了伽利略公共安全信号(PRS)的军用价值。

    Based on some foreign references , the paper discusses its military benefits , and analyses in its detailed military uses of Public Regulated Service in enhancing availability , improving navigation accuracy , ensuring logistical automation and increasing the availability in urban area .

  14. 惯导平台的漂移是影响惯性导航精度的主要原因。

    The drift of inertial is the main for navigation accuracy .

  15. 一种重力异常对弹道导弹惯性导航精度影响的补偿方法

    Compensation for Errors of Ballistic Missile Caused by Gravity Abnormality

  16. 提高卫星自主导航精度的滤波算法和仿真

    Filtering Algorithm and Simulation for Improving the Precision of the Satellites Autonomous Navigation

  17. 初始对准的精度在很大程度上影响着系统最终的导航精度。

    The accuracy of initial alignment has a great influence on navigation accuracy .

  18. 空基激光陀螺捷联惯导系统导航精度的分析与研究

    Analysis and Study on Navigation Accuracy of Laser Gyro SINS System of Vacuous Basis

  19. 弹性机翼对机载导弹子惯导系统导航精度的影响分析

    Analysis on influence of elastic wing on accuracy of inertial navigation subsystem in Airborne Missile

  20. GPS/惯性组合方式讨论与导航精度分析

    Discussion on the integration approaches and navigation performance of integrated GPS / inertial navigation systems

  21. 仿真结果表明,等效旋转矢量方法提高了导航精度。

    The simulation results indicate that the rotation vector can greatly increase the attitude accuracy .

  22. 应用结果表明,该方案能显著提高数据链的导航精度。

    The application result shows that the scheme can improve greatly navigation precision of data link .

  23. 通过车载实验表明了该组合可以提高导航精度,特别是位置和速度的精度有明显的提高。

    This integrated system can improve the navigation precision , especially the position and the velocity .

  24. 实验检测结果证实了该分析结果的有效性,为控制和提高超声波网络导航精度提供了依据

    It is verified by experimental results that the proposed error analysis method is effective . NETWORK

  25. 仿真分析可见,该组合滤波算法能大大提高导航精度,是一种行之有效的方法。

    The simulation results prove the effectiveness of the presented algorithm to improve the navigation accuracy .

  26. 导航精度的评估与检验

    Evaluation and test of navigation accuracy

  27. 仿真结果表明:该算法的导航精度相对于地磁导航有较明显的提高;

    Simulation show the navigation precision of the algorithm is improved evidently compared with geomagnetic navigation .

  28. 地形匹配的任务规划时间长,导航精度低,而且在沙漠、海洋中飞行时,极度缺乏地标。

    And the terrain matching navigation has the shortage of quite longtime task programming and low navigation precision ;

  29. 与输出校正和反馈校正方案相比,这种校正方法提高了系统导航精度。

    Compared with these two revising methods , the composed revising method improves the integration system navigation accuracy .

  30. 实践证明,该方法能实现功能模块平稳切换,对导航精度没影响,提高了导航计算机系统的可靠性。

    Practics shows that the system stability , control accuracy and reliability of the INS computer are satisfactory .