
  1. 寻根溯源,澄清术语“情报”与“信息”的界说

    Inquiring into the Root of the Matter , Clearing Definition of " Intelligence " and " Infromation "

  2. 寻根溯源,全球通胀失衡可以归因于富国和穷国在危机后所采取的刺激措施。

    The global inflation imbalance can be traced back to the post-crisis stimulus , in both rich and poor countries .

  3. 当代文学景观的寻根溯源&评黄伟林的《中国当代小说家群论》

    To Search for Root and to Trace to Origins for the Landscape of Contemporary Literature & Comments on Huang Wei-Lin s Group Comments on Contemporary Novelists China ;

  4. 到内部设计师、编辑素质和出版社组织等方面展开分析,以求寻根溯源,找到症结所在。

    The internal psychological designers , editors and publishers the quality of the organization in such areas as analysis in order to seeking roots traceable to find crux of the problem .

  5. 笔者通过对陪审制度历史的考察,为人民陪审制度寻根溯源,力求寻找人民陪审制度原本设立的初衷和存在的依据。

    By the author of the history of the study the jury system , jury system root of the matter for the people , and strive to find the people to establish the original intention of the jury system and the existence of the original value .