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The Development of the Shallow Band Convection Cell in Nonuniform Viscous Basic Flow
In addition , the severe convective system is composed of convection cell , in which existing the dynamic field , the microscopic field and the electric field having interaction between each other , respectively .
Heavy rain is close connected with the deep convective cloud clusters and convective cells with the strong radar reflectivity , high echo top and big VIL .
At third , the direction and speed of convective storm cloud is near to the wind in 700 hPa ;
A typical spring came Hail Radar Products Show monomer feature analysis
The numerical experiments about the effects of several factors on the formation of supercell airflow pattern
At fourth , convection development over Jinggang mountain is interrelated with the low-level inbound mean radial velocity on the middle of Luoxiao mountain ;
Analysis of Local Extra-heavy Rainstorm by Meso - β Scale Convective Monomer & Take the example of Zichang extra-heavy rainstorm on July 4 , 2002
The medium level suppression in the Doppler channel and high level suppression in the Surveillance channel can be invoked when convective precipitation cells are contaminated .
Convective cloud clusters of the rainstorm were characterized by coexistence of multiple convective cells with their numbers and sizes increased greatly for the fully developing cloud clusters .
The horizontal width of the condensate falling from the convective cells was much less than the width of the observed mesoscale downdraft ( 60 km compared to150 km ) .
Convective cells formed at high altitude plots firstly and then spread to lower altitude area , and the speed and directions of cells'spread depend on terrain factors and upper level wind .
It is suggested that active regions of strong earthquakes M ≥ 6 are under the control of lithosphere thickness : the fault only occurred at the some thickness of lithosphere controls the position of epicentre .
The front lifts the southeasterly warm moist inflow of the meso β vortex , generating the vertical motion upward and the storm cloud in the meso β vortex , and arousing a new convective cell ;
The paper introduces the meteorological feather of storms , the general feather and development environment condition of convective cell , radar echo character of the severe storm weather , point out the evidence of storm serial algorithm .
This configuration of upper and lower level air flows is favorable for convective cells spawning at the left rear and decaying at the right front of the MCS , which might act as a key dynamic mechanism for the left-moving rainstorm .
Radar Feature Analysis on the First Convective Event of 2009 in Guangzhou