
duì chèn
  • symmetry;symmetrical
对称 [duì chèn]
  • [symmetry;symmetrical] 指图形或物体两对的两边的各部分,在大小、形状和排列上具有一一对应的关系

  • 我国的建筑,…绝大部分是对称的

对称[duì chèn]
  1. 真正的古典舞蹈要求对称与平衡。

    Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance .

  2. 我喜欢这所房子,因为它非常对称。

    I loved the house because it had perfect symmetry

  3. 他嘴边礼节性地挤出一个微笑,以示对称赞致谢。

    His lips curved up in the obligatory smile , acknowledging the compliment

  4. 他们自己的生活似乎已经拥有叙事艺术的对称性。

    Their own lives already seemed to possess the symmetries of narrative art .

  5. 在裁剪布料前要确保两个边缘的图案对称。

    Before you cut the cloth , make sure that the pattern matches up on both edges .

  6. 大楼的两翼完全对称。

    The two wings of the building are exactly symmetrical .

  7. 这类张量叫做反对称张量或斜对称张量。

    Tensors of this kind are called antimetric or skew-symmetric .

  8. 圆的对称中心线就是直径。

    The axis of a circle is its diameter .

  9. 已经证实病毒有两种对称型,即立体对称和螺旋对称。

    Two types of viral symmetry have been recognized , the cubical symmetry and helical symmetry .

  10. 一个集合上的二元关系,如果它是自反的也是对称的,可称它为相容关系。

    A binary relation on a set that is reflexive and symmetric is called a compatible relation .

  11. 轻微倾斜地层的侵蚀通常造成非对称的山脊,称为单面山。

    Erosion of gently dipping strata commonly results in the formation of asymmetrical ridges known as cuestas .

  12. 电子及其他任何粒子都应该显示波的性质,才能体现自然界波粒互补的对称性。

    Electrons or any other " particle " should display wave properties to preserve the complementary wave-particle symmetry of nature .

  13. 扫描并绘制吉萨金字塔群地图的科学家们称,他们发现吉萨大金字塔并不完全对称。

    Scientists scanning and mapping the Giza pyramids say they 've discovered that Great Pyramid of Giza is not exactly even .

  14. 对称性的破坏会打乱自然界的根本秩序

    The breaking of symmetry scrambles the underlying order of nature .

  15. 物理定律对平移是对称的

    The laws of physics are symmetrical for translational displacements .

  16. 设A是n阶反对称符号模式。

    Let A be a n-order anti-symmetric sign pattern .

  17. 对称性顶骨凹陷症的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Symmetrical Impression of Parietal Bones

  18. 结果皮质下动脉硬化性脑病的主要CT表现为:①脑深部对称性的低密度灶;

    Results Main CT findings included : ① Symmetrical lower density in deep whitematter ;

  19. 非对称信道对TCP性能的影响及其解决方法

    The Effects of Asymmetric Links on TCP Performance and Its Solutions

  20. 分立对称性与SU(N)大统一模型

    Discrete symmetry and su ( n ) grand unified models

  21. 一类非对称的K型正交变换

    A Class of Unsymmetrical K-Type Orthogonal Transforms

  22. 强相位具有近似的SU(3)对称性。

    Strong phases are approximately SU ( 3 ) flavor symmetric .

  23. 但是核-核碰撞中∧/p比值趋向1,并不必然意味着夸克的味对称性。

    However , the ratio A / p approaching to unity in AA collisions comparing to pp collision does not necessarily mean quark flavor symmetry .

  24. 结果表明在一般情形下,在位于外部均匀纵向磁场的等离子体波导中,不存在分离的轴对称E波和H波。

    It is showed that E wave and H wave can 't be separated in this kind of plasma wave-guide .

  25. 对称三值逻辑及对称三值CMOS电路

    Symmetric ternary logic and symmetric ternary CMOS circuits

  26. 对称连杆曲线的FFT应用研究

    Investigation on Application of FFT to Symmetric Coupler Curves

  27. 先是利用对称根轨迹确定加权阵Q和R的各种适当的组合,然后计算这些组合下系统的H2范数。

    At first the suitable combinations of the weighting matrices Q and R are selected by using the symmetric root locus .

  28. 对称三值电流型CMOS施密特电路

    Symmetric ternary current-mode CMOS Schmitt circuits

  29. GaAs对称定向耦合光开关的研究

    Study of GaAs Symmetric Directional Coupler Switch

  30. 对称传输电流开关理论与对称三值电流型CMOS算术电路

    A Theory of symmetric Transmission Current - Switches and Symmetric Ternary Current - Mode CMOS Arithmetic Circuits