
  • 网络disney animation;Walt Disney Pictures
  1. 故事改编自漫威的一部喜剧漫画,不过该电影全由迪士尼动画制作,并没有和其旗下的漫威工作室(MarvelStudios)合作。

    The plot is based on a Marvel comic , though the film is being produced wholly at Disney Animation , and not in collaboration with subsidiary Marvel Studios .

  2. 1984年和1994年之间,也就是迈克尔•艾斯纳和杰弗里•卡森伯格执掌迪士尼动画的鼎盛时期,这家公司推出了一部又一部令人叹为观止的音乐剧。

    In the Michael Eisner / Jeffrey Katzenberg heyday between 1984 and 1994 , Disney animation rolled out one musical blockbuster after another .

  3. 这部电影的情节如糖似蜜,女主角性格被动,只会傻笑,完全无视过去几十年来社会(包括迪士尼动画在内)已经向前走了很远。

    With its treacly plot and its simpering , passive heroine , it refused to acknowledge that society – and , for that matter , Disney cartoons – had moved on in the intervening decades .

  4. 你在迪士尼动画中也能看到同样的画面。

    You see the same thing in Disney animations .

  5. 在众多动画电影之中,迪士尼动画电影无疑是动画电影的翘楚。

    Among the numerous animated films , Disney animated film is undoubtedly the best .

  6. 第二章,主要论述沃尔特以后迪士尼动画的转变。

    Chapter two discusses the changes of Disney animated film after Walter passes away .

  7. 在十二朋友园,十二幅马赛克壁画用迪士尼动画角色重新演绎中国的十二生肖。

    In the Garden of the Twelve Friends , 12 mosaic murals reimagine Disney characters as the signs of the Chinese zodiac .

  8. 在过去,迪士尼动画中的花木兰曾穿上裤装女扮男装成士兵,《阿拉丁》中的茉莉公主也曾身着哈伦裤。

    In the past , Mulan wore trousers during her time disguised as a male soldier and Jasmine wore harem pants in Aladdin .

  9. 迪士尼动画利用跨越民族界限和国家界限的题材为美国文化赢得了世界的普遍认同和接受。

    Disney animation won the universal recognition and accept to the American culture by using the subject across the nation and state boundaries .

  10. 一位来自美国佛罗里达州的少女引起了世人的惊叹,因为她长得酷肖迪士尼动画电影《冰雪奇缘》中的艾丽莎女王。

    A Florida teen is causing strangers to freeze and stare because of her uncanny likeness to Queen Elsa from the Disney movie Frozen .

  11. 这座城堡的名字来源于有着750多年历史的家族。这一伟大的苏格兰建筑被完整地保存下来,看起来像是从迪士尼动画里走出来的一样。

    Owned by the same family for over seven hundred fifty years , this great Scottish mansion has been maintained superbly and looks like something directly out of a Disney movie .

  12. 排名第二的是恐怖惊悚片《人类清除计划2》,票房为2840万美元。迪士尼动画电影《飞机总动员2:火线救援》排名第三,票房为1800万美元。

    In second place , the horror thriller , The Purge : Anarchy , with 28.4 million dollars , and third place , Disney 's Planes : Fire and Rescue with 18 million dollars .

  13. 本文《迪士尼动画电影的文化内涵》共分三个部分,从不同角度对迪士尼动画电影的历史发展、特点、文化价值以及对中国动画电影的启示等方面进行论述。

    This thesis , The Cultural Connotation of Disney Animated Film , consists of three chapters , expounding from different perspectives the cultural value of Disney animated film and its impact on Chinese animated films .

  14. 重组后的迪士尼动画电影的内容不再是单一表现美国本土的文化,它更加注重融合世界文化以迎合全球观众的口味。

    The contents of the reorganized animated films have no longer been a single performance of native American culture , but putting more emphasis on the integration of world culture and catering to the tastes of a global audience .

  15. 小说中融汇了卡巴拉教、数学公式与迪士尼动画人物,但却成为世界范围内的畅销书,不过却没有像《玫瑰之名》那样,赢得评论界的一致好评。

    Despite mixing allusions to the Kabbalah , mathematical formulas and Disney characters , the novel also became a worldwide best seller - even though it did not receive the near unanimous acclaim that critics had accorded to " The Name of the Rose . "

  16. 但迪士尼的动画家听到这曲子。

    But when the Disney animators heard this music .

  17. 洛克伍德有着大大的眼睛,苹果般丰满的面颊,一头短发透着鬼马精灵。她看上去像一个早期迪士尼的动画造型——很有可能是某种林中生灵。

    Lockwood is all large eyes , apple cheeks and pixie haircut - like an early Disney creation , perhaps a woodland creature ;

  18. 如果说迪士尼的动画电影模式是建立在英雄和公主,坏人受到惩罚,个人自由得以实现,那么皮克斯则更加接地气。

    If Disney 's animated-movie formula relies on tales of heroes and princesses , of villains destroyed and personal freedom achieved , then Pixar 's formula is far more mundane .

  19. 此外,几部改编自迪士尼经典动画的真人电影也将登上大荧幕,包括《狮子王》、《阿拉丁》和《小飞象》。

    Live action versions of several Disney classics will be headed to the big screen too , including " The Lion King , " " Aladdin " and " Dumbo . "

  20. 是的,这是又一部翻拍自迪士尼经典动画的真人版电影,但《花木兰》似乎和《灰姑娘》、《美女与野兽》天差地别。

    Yes , it 's another live-action remake of a classic Disney cartoon , but Mulan looks as if it could be worlds away from Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast .

  21. 特别是迪士尼公司动画部的主创人员将中国文化融合到动画电影中以扩展海外动画市场的做法,令世界动画电影人瞠目结舌。

    The practice of the fusion of Chinese culture to the animated films in order to expand overseas animation market by Disney Animation Department has especially brought the world animation filmmakers astonishment .

  22. 《冰雪奇缘》的国内总票房已达2.978亿美元,全球票房为6.40亿美元,在迪士尼出品的动画电影中仅次于《狮子王》(TheLionKing)。

    The movie grossed $ 297.8 million domestically , and its global total of $ 640 million ranked it second only to ' The Lion King ' among Disney Animation releases .

  23. 拉塞特是在2016年迪士尼收购皮克斯动画工作室时加入的。

    Lasseter joined the company in 2006 when Disney bought Pixar Animation Studios .

  24. 这是来自于迪士尼的经典动画影片。

    This is a classical movie from Disney .

  25. 电影专家认为迪士尼奠定了动画艺术的发展。

    Movie experts say Walt Disney was responsible for the development of the art of animation .

  26. 被誉为日本华特·迪士尼的传奇动画大师宫崎骏再一次成为了公众的焦点。

    Known as Japan 's Walt Disney , legendary animator Hayao Miyazaki is in the spotlight once again .

  27. 2014年她出演了《沉睡魔咒》——翻拍自迪士尼1959年动画《睡美人》的真人电影。

    In 2014 she starred in Maleficent , Disney 's live-action remake of the Sleeping Beauty cartoon from 1959 .

  28. 当时我并不清楚他的作品,只知道迪士尼式的动画而且并不喜欢,所以我拒绝了。

    I did not know his work . I knew only Disney-type animation , and disliked it . I said no.

  29. 该服务将会成为漫威电影、星球大战系列、迪士尼和皮克斯动画的专属播放平台,每个月会员费将是6.99美元,大约是网飞标准价的一半。

    The service will be the exclusive home of Marvel , " Star Wars , " Disney Animation and Pixar and will cost $ 6.99 a month - about half the price of a standard Netflix subscription .

  30. 迪士尼制作的家庭动画电影《无敌破坏王》(Wreck-ItRalph)依然有不俗的票房表现。其上映三周后仍然获得了1830万美元的票房,它在美国国内的累计票房因此达到1.215亿美元。

    Disney 's animated family film ' Wreck-It Ralph ' continued a healthy run , earning $ 18.3 million in its third week in theaters , and bringing its cumulative domestic total to $ 121.5 million .