
duì bǐ yǔ yán xué
  • contrastive linguistics
  1. d对普通语言学、理论语言学和对比语言学的研究不无稗益。

    D Beneficial to the research in general linguistics , theoretical linguistics and contrastive linguistics .

  2. 对比语言学的目标与范围

    Targets and Scope of Contrastive Linguistics

  3. 此项研究采用语料库语言学的定量分析和对比语言学定性分析相结合的研究方法,语料取自CCAE英语在线语料库和国家语委汉语语料库(CMLC)。

    It is conducted using methodology that combines both the quantitative approach of Corpus Linguistics and the qualitative approach of contrastive analysis . The data for this research are drawn from the online CCAE ( Corpus of Contemporary American English ) and CMLC ( Chinese Modern Language Corpus ) .

  4. 大力加强对比语言学学科范畴研究

    Attach Great Importance to the Research of Disciplinary Categories

  5. 对比语言学视角下的高职英语翻译教学研究

    English-Chinese Translation Teaching Studies in Vocational College from the Viewpoint of Contrastive Linguistics

  6. 对比语言学的理论建设问题

    On Theory Research in Contrastive Linguistics

  7. 翻译与对比语言学

    Translation and the Contrastive Linguistics

  8. 国外对比语言学的发展主要归于沃尔夫、拉多、詹姆士、菲亚斯科及巴茨尔·哈蒂姆等诸多学者的努力。

    The development of contrastive linguistics abroad is attributed to such linguists as Whorf , Lado , C.

  9. 第一章主要追溯了对比语言学、语篇分析及对比语篇分析的历史发展。

    Chapter one is a retrospection of the development of contrastive linguistics , discourse analysis and contrastive discourse analysis .

  10. 二十世纪50年代对比语言学的兴起为语言学研究提供了新的研究方法和研究思路。

    The booming of contrastive linguistics in 1950s gives rise to a new approach to the study of languages .

  11. 对比语言学:欧化语料的影响与对策晚清词语-注释:汉语欧化与知识建构

    Contrastive Linguistics : Influence and Countermeasure of Irregular Language Material ; " Word-Annotation " in the Late Qing Dynasty

  12. 本文的研究也为拓宽对比语言学以及认知语言学的应用做出贡献。

    The studies carried out in this paper contribute to expanding the application of contrastive linguistics and cognitive theories .

  13. 以不同语言间同、异为对象的对比语言学具有悠久的历史。

    Contrastive linguistics , the study of similarities and differences between various languages , has a long and glorious history .

  14. 本文从对比语言学角度分析了英汉语言动静之特点,即英语的静态特征与汉语的动态特征。

    This paper analyzes the static feature of English and dynamic one of Chinese through contrastive analysis ( CA ) .

  15. 随着我国改革开放和对外交流的扩大,国内对比语言学研究正迅速发展,许余龙先生的《对比语言学概论》是我国第一部对比语言学的概论性专著,为广大研究者提供了理论上的借鉴。

    With the spread of the reform and open-up and external intercommunion , contrastive linguistics in China has been rapidly developing .

  16. 谈对比语言学及其研究方法&对比语言深层结构与表层结构的研究

    On Studying Methods Of Contrastive Linguistics & A Research on " Cognitive Structure " and " Superficial Structure " of Contrastive Linguistics

  17. 本文尝试用文化语言学和对比语言学的方法来对比研究蒙汉惯用语的异同点。

    This paper attempts to use Cultural linguistics and comparative linguistics theory , Contrast similarities and differences between Mongolian and Chinese idioms .

  18. 笔者采用对比语言学的方法,就上述五种类型从就词义、语用方面发生的变异进行了比较研究。

    Using the methods from Comparative Linguistics , we shall compare the above five categories in terms of change in definitions and pragmatics .

  19. 第二章阐述了与本文相关的理论:对比语言学以及功能语法的理论基础与应用。

    Chapter 2 illustrates the relative theories involved in the thesis : the theoretical basis and application of contrastive linguistics and functional grammar .

  20. 在对比语言学界中,关于汉英定语对比的文章有很多。

    In the field of Contrastive Linguistics , there are a lot of papers about the contrastive study on Chinese and English attributes .

  21. 对比语言学对于翻译有着重要的理论意义,因此,在翻译教学中有必要进行英汉对比分析。

    Since contrastive linguistics is theoretically significant in translation , it is necessary to make contrastive analysis between English and Chinese in translation teaching .

  22. 摘要礼貌是对比语言学中语用对比研究一个不可忽略的问题,在迥异的中英文化中更是如此。

    Politeness is a non-negligible factor in the pragmatic comparison in comparative linguistics , which is particularly the case in Chinese and English cultures .

  23. 另一方面,对比语言学一直被公认为是分析两种语言最有效的方法之一。

    Meanwhile , as is known to all , contrastive analysis is believed to be an effective method to explore and analyze two different languages .

  24. 本文依据对比语言学的相关理论,通过对汉英成语进行对比分析,探讨汉英成语的特色和成因。

    This paper , based on the theory of contrastive linguistics , discusses English and Chinese idioms ' characteristics and the reasons for their formation .

  25. 理论上,它有利于对比语言学的发展;实践上,本文将为习语翻译提供理论指导。

    In theory , it will benefit the development of Contrastive Linguistics ; in practice , this study will offer theoretical guidance for idiomatic translation .

  26. 语义是语义学、语用学、社会语言学、对比语言学和英汉对比研究共同研究的对象。

    Semantic meaning is the common object of study in semantics , pragmatics , sociolinguistics , contrastive linguistics and contrastive studies between English and Chinese .

  27. 对比语言学亦称对比分析,是对两种或多种语言进行系统比较对比的学科。

    " Contrastive Linguistics ", also termed as Contrastive Analysis ( CA ), is a systematic comparison of the linguistic systems of two or more languages .

  28. 本文试图采用对比语言学、认知心理学及美学相关理论对汉日比喻辞格分别进行历时性和共时性比较,并深入探究语言背后的社会文化因素。

    This thesis makes the diachronic and synchronic contrast of simile in Chinese and Japanese under the guidance of Contrastive Linguistics 、 Cognitive psychological and Aesthetic Theory .

  29. 该论文的理论框架是一个三级模式:语言学对比语言学和翻译理论翻译实践。

    The theoretical frame of the research paper relies on a pattern of three-level theoretical support , namely , linguistics contrastive linguistics and translation theory translating practice .

  30. 作为对比语言学研究一个组成部分,汉英语言对比一直是学界研究的重点。

    As an integral part of comparative linguistics , the studies of language between Chinese and English have been a focus in this field for many years .