
duì shǒu
  • rival;opponent;competition;adversary;match;opposition;equal;antagonist;other party in negotiation
对手 [duì shǒu]
  • (1) [opponent;adversary;antagonist]∶竞赛或斗争的对方

  • (2) [match;equal;other party in negotiation]∶劲敌。特指本领、能力、水平不相上下的竞赛的对方

对手[duì shǒu]
  1. 他的身高成为他相对于对手的先天优势。

    His height gives him an inbuilt advantage over his opponent .

  2. 在辩论中她着实给对手以猛烈的攻击。

    She really lammed into her opponent during the debate .

  3. 这一年结束,他们的排名比当地竞争对手超前六个名次。

    They finished the year six places above their local rivals .

  4. 我们决不能让竞争对手超过我们。

    We mustn 't let ourselves be overtaken by our competitors .

  5. 这家报纸获得内部消息,抢在所有竞争对手之前发表了。

    The paper had inside information and scooped all its rivals .

  6. 该队的竞争对手本赛季尚无败绩。

    The team 's opponents are unbeaten so far this season .

  7. 公司奠定了对竞争对手的绝对优势。

    The company has established total supremacy over its rivals .

  8. 他们必须穷追猛赶竞争对手。

    They needed to make up ground on their competitors .

  9. 他们所得的票数远远超出名次仅次于他们的对手。

    They had a large majority over their nearest rivals .

  10. 我们的工业能与海外对手以平等的地位竞争吗?

    Can our industry compete on equal terms with its overseas rivals ?

  11. 在采访中他好几次对他的对手粗俗地加以嘲讽。

    He made several cheap jibes at his opponent during the interview .

  12. 他第一局就将对手击倒三次。

    He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round .

  13. 公司不得不面对竞争对手们的小动作。

    The firm had to face some sharp practice from competing companies .

  14. 她在以前的所有交锋中都击败了这个对手。

    She has beaten her opponent in all of their previous encounters .

  15. 比赛结果是轰动性的,以4:1狂胜对手。

    The result was a sensational 4 – 1 victory .

  16. 这家公司继续比竞争对手推出更多的计算机系统。

    The company continues to ship more computer systems than its rivals .

  17. 那位摔跤手给对手来了个头部擒拿。

    The wrestler put his opponent into a head hold .

  18. 我们可以在会上对竞争对手进行估量。

    We 'll be able to assess the competition at the conference .

  19. 公司的许多生意都被对手夺走了。

    The company has lost a lot of business to its competitors .

  20. 我们能以低于我们的欧洲对手5%的价格出售。

    We were able to undercut our European rivals by 5 % .

  21. 她仍在为对手的失望而幸灾乐祸。

    She was still gloating over her rival 's disappointment .

  22. 他对失败表现得很洒脱,并且赞扬了对手的才能。

    He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent 's skill .

  23. 今年该报的发行量已超过了它的主要对手。

    This year the newspaper has outsold its main rival .

  24. 联队进了第二个球,这使对手感到的压力更大了。

    United turned up the heat on their opponents with a second goal .

  25. 这一举动为的是让对手措手不及。

    It was an attempt to wrong-foot the opposition .

  26. 她希望这一计划能彻底战胜对手。

    She hoped the plan would checkmate her opponents .

  27. 我们可担当不起落后于竞争对手的后果。

    We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors .

  28. 他指责对手在竞选活动中打移民牌。

    He accused his opponent of playing the immigration card during the campaign .

  29. 这个队被对手的速度和体力打败了。

    The team was undone by the speed and strength of their opponents .

  30. 他是个聪明的选手,但却缺乏老对手的体力。

    He 's an intelligent player but lacks the muscle of older competitors .