
  • hedge fund
  1. 这项调查由对冲基金咨询公司aksia于10月进行,该公司由前瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)对冲基金专家组成的团队管理。

    The survey was conducted by aksia , a hedge fund consultancy run by a team of former Credit Suisse hedge fund specialists , in October .

  2. 本周三,在拉斯维加斯召开的SALT对冲基金会议上,嘉登表示,卢英德正在“憋死”这家公司。

    On Wednesday , speaking at the SALT hedge fund conference in Las Vegas , Garden said Nooyi is " suffocating " the company .

  3. 据对冲基金研究公司(hedgefundresearch)的初步月末数据显示,8月份对冲基金平均回报率为0.17%。

    The average hedge fund returned 0.17 per cent in August , according to preliminary month-end numbers from hedge fund research .

  4. 每日新知:据HedgeFundResearch报告,对冲基金4月份上涨,但涨幅不如标准普尔(S&P)。

    Another day , another study : hedge fund research reports that hedge funds gained in April , but not as much as the S & P.

  5. 1998年,在对冲基金长期资本管理公司(long-termcapitalmanagement)倒闭后,利率被大幅下调,2001年股市崩盘时又被进一步下调。

    Rates were then sharply reduced in 1998 , after the collapse of the hedge fund long-term capital management , and were lowered again when the stock market collapsed in 2001 .

  6. 希尔德布兰德夫妇均曾为美国对冲基金摩尔资本(moorecapital)工作,在此期间相识,他俩至今保持着一种国际化的生活方式。

    The hildebrands met while both worked for Moore capital , the US hedge fund , and maintain an international lifestyle .

  7. 2007年堡垒投资集团(FortressInvestmentGroup)上市时,(公司投资总监)迈克•诺沃格拉茨和这家对冲基金的其他负责人立即成为了亿万富翁。

    Mike Novogratz and the other principals of hedge fund fortress investment group ( fig ) became instant billionaires when the company went public in 2007 .

  8. 上月,两个BearStearns投资银行发行的对冲基金由于债务问题几乎崩溃。

    Last month , 2 hedge funds operated by the investment bank Bear Stearns nearly collapsed under debt .

  9. 克雷默是对冲基金BostonProvidentLP公司的一般合伙人。

    Kramer is a general partner of the hedge fund Boston provident , LP .

  10. 苹果当初还没有售出哪怕一款平板电脑(Tablet)产品,然而对冲基金已从关于该产品的谣言中赚得盆满钵盈。

    Apple has yet to sell a single tablet , yet hedge funds already have made millions from rumors surrounding the product .

  11. 2005年,他与另一位对冲基金经理帮助为美国西部航空公司(americawest)与全美航空(usairways)的合并筹措资金,再次吸引了伯克希尔的关注。

    He had also attracted attention as one of two hedge fund managers who helped finance a merger of two airlines , America West and US Airways , in 2005 .

  12. 其他商品对冲基金管理人,包括伦敦的BlueGoldCapitalManagement在内,都认为有必要回归套利交易(又称相对价值交易)模式。

    The need to return to arbitrage trading or relative value is shared by other commodities hedge fund managers including London-based BlueGold Capital Management .

  13. 成交量格外强劲,此前大举认购首次公开发行(ipo)分配的对冲基金希望快速锁定利润。

    Volumes were exceptionally heavy as hedge funds , which had bid aggressively for IPO allocations , sought to turn a quick profit .

  14. 然而,一家基于Twitter上流露的市场情绪信息进行交易的对冲基金,在成立仅一个月之后就关闭了。

    However , a hedge fund set up to trade on information about market sentiment revealed on Twitter closed after only a month .

  15. 专营CDS市场的华尔街人士称,看来有数十家对冲基金在这项交易上同摩根大通进行了对赌。

    Wall Streeters who specialize in the CDS market say it appears that dozens of hedge funds have piled into the anti-jpmorgan trade .

  16. 过去一个季度,富时对冲基金指数(ftsehedgefundindex)下跌5%,而富时全类股指数(ftseallshare)则下跌11%。

    The FTSE hedge fund index has dropped 5 per cent over the past quarter , compared with an 11 per cent fall on the FTSE all share .

  17. 目前证交所整合的动力来自:衍生品数量巨额增加、对冲基金交易量上升、算法交易(algorithmictrading)大规模增多,以及对企业国际上市的争夺。

    Consolidation is being driven by huge growth in derivatives , increased trading by hedge funds , massive growth in algorithmic trading , and competition for international listings .

  18. 对冲基金再也无法从银行手中获得廉价的信用额度,许多特别殊投资机构工具和管道(conduit)投资者实际上已破产经崩溃。

    Hedge funds can no longer get cheap credit lines from banks , and many special investment vehicles and conduits have virtually collapsed .

  19. 贝尔斯登(BearStearns)上月透露,它旗下两只对冲基金蒙受了巨大损失&它们持有与次级抵押贷款相关的CDO证券,,但却难以判断损失的数量。

    Bear Stearns last month revealed large losses at two hedge funds that owned subprime-related CDOs - but had trouble quantifying the losses .

  20. 杰夫•维斯蒙特曾是投资银行家,他创建了一家专注于消费品公司的对冲基金WestwoodsCapital。

    Jeff Westmont , a former investment banker , is the founder of westwoods capital , a consumer oriented hedge fund .

  21. 被认为具有系统重要性的金融机构将面对最严格的要求,这些机构将包括大型银行、保险公司、gecapital之类的金融集团,可能还有规模较大的对冲基金。

    The heaviest demands would be placed on institutions deemed to be systemically important ranging from large banks to insurance companies , financial groups such GE Capital and , potentially , hedge funds of sufficient size .

  22. 因此,1996年10月,贝恩出资成立了BrooksideCapital,在贝恩资本的大框架下作为一家独立的对冲基金进行经营。

    So Bain sponsored the launch of Brookside capital in October 1996 , to operate as an independent hedge fund underneath the Bain Capital umbrella .

  23. 对于2008年马多夫(madoff)事件之后蓬勃发展的对冲基金行业而言,这更多变成了一个问题,而非优势。

    For a booming post-2008 , post-madoff hedge fund industry , that has become more a problem than an advantage .

  24. 所用的数据挖掘软件在一定程度上是基于SEC开发的一种模型,该模型用于筛查对冲基金回报率,以探测马多夫(Madoff)式欺诈的迹象。

    The data mining software is partly based on a model the SEC developed to trawl through hedge fund returns for signs of Madoff-style chicanery .

  25. RABCapital本周代表旗下一只规模较小的对冲基金在英国高等法院提起诉讼,要求这家破产的投行归还其持有的5000万美元。

    RAB Capital sued in the UK High Court this week demanding the return of $ 50m held by the failed bank on behalf of one of RAB 's smaller hedge funds .

  26. 2004年,公司推出了名为SearchAlternativeInvestments(缩写为Sail)的基金,从事对冲基金的专业投资,旗下资产近20亿美元,其中大部分是米勒家族的资金。

    In 2004 , the firm launched Search Alternative Investments ( Sail ), a fund of hedge funds specialist that manages nearly $ 2bn of assets , a big part of which consists of Miller family money .

  27. 但是,该基金同时也对一些贪婪无情的股东负责,比如英国对冲基金tci。

    But it is also answerable to some shareholders that are red in tooth and claw , including UK hedge fund TCI .

  28. 卡恩是位政治家、经济学家,他会推行自己的观点。一位密切关注IMF的对冲基金经理表示,而拉加德更像一位董事长。

    DSK was a politician and an economist who would push his own ideas , says one hedge fund manager who monitors the IMF . Christine Lagarde is more like a chairman of the board .

  29. 三个星期前,乔治·亨德里克森(JorgeHendrickson)失去了在曼哈顿一家对冲基金的工作岗位。

    After Jorge Hendrickson lost his job at a Manhattan hedge fund three weeks ago , he stopped shaving .

  30. 他援引美国对冲基金经理大卫艾因霍恩(DavidEinhorn)及其公司绿光资本(GreenlightCapital)的例子,该人及其基金因市场滥用行为在今年1月被英国监管部门处以720万英镑的罚款。

    He cites the recent case of US hedge fund manager David Einhorn and his firm Greenlight Capital , who were fined £ 7.2m for market abuse by UK regulators in January .