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duì ǒu
  • dual;pairing;antithesis;spouse;antithetical parallelism
对偶 [duì ǒu]
  • (1) [dual]∶在命题演算中,整个公式里交换合取与变换而得到的结果

  • (2) [antithesis]

  • (3) 两个相反成分中的第二个

  • 与论题对立的对偶

  • (4) 一种修辞方式:两个字数相等、结构相似的语句表现相关或相反的意思或用两个对称语句加强语言效果(如下笔千言,离题万里)

  • (5) [spouse]∶指配偶

对偶[duì ǒu]
  1. 将“technology”当今的第一层意思定义为“科技”是很确切的。它既和“科学”很对偶,又很体现具体内容。

    It is appropriate to define the first meaning of technology in Chinese as " keji ", not only as an antithesis to match " science ", but also to reflect its complete meaning .

  2. 二元Hamming码Ham(r,2)及其对偶码的性质研究

    Dual Hamming Code Ham ( r , q ) and Nature of Antithesis Code

  3. 最后讨论了H和H°之间的对偶关系。

    In the end we give the duality between H and H ~ ° .

  4. 红外成像目标模拟器方位系统的对偶自校正PID控制

    Dual self-tuning PID control to azimuth system of infrared photogenic objective simulator

  5. 一类E(b,ρ)-凸半无限规划的对偶性及鞍点理论

    Duality and saddle-point theory for a class of E_ ( b ,ρ) - convex semi-infinite programming

  6. Banach序列空间Vp及其对偶空间

    Banach Sequence Spaces V_p and It 's Dual Spaces

  7. DC规划的一个对偶定理

    A Duality Theorem for DC Programming

  8. 32面体展开图的对偶图G(p,q,f)的4着色

    4-colouring of dual G ( p , q , f ) of a 32-face sphere development

  9. 具有(F,α,ρ,d)-凸广义分式规划的混合型对偶

    Mixed Dual for Generalized Fractional Programming with ( F ,α,ρ, d ) - Convexity

  10. Banach格上对偶C0-半群

    Dual C_ 0-semigroup in Banach lattices

  11. 给出了一般多目标分式规划问题(P)及其Mond-Weir型对偶问题(D)关于G-Pareto解的两个对偶性定理。

    Gives two duality theorems of G-Pareto solution for generalized multiobjective fractional programming problem ( P ) and its Mond-Weir type dual problem ( D ) .

  12. 连续时间对偶加权Markov分支过程

    Continuous-time Dual Weighted Markov Branching Processes

  13. 集&集映射的最优化问题的Lagrange对偶关系

    Lagrange duality relation of optimization problems with set set maps

  14. Modular拟阵的对偶性

    The Dual Modular Matroid

  15. Lagrange对偶问题与惩罚函数的几何讨论

    Geometric discussion on Lagrange dual problem and punition functions

  16. 应用对偶方法设计单级PFC变换器

    Application of Duality Principle in Design of Single-stage PFC Converter

  17. 基于对偶变换的新型单级PFC变换器研究

    Research on New Single-Stage PFC Converter Based on Duality Principle

  18. 广义凸规划中的Lagrange乘子及对偶

    Lagrange multipliers and duality in generalized convex programming

  19. 广义弱鞍点定理与Lagrange对偶;

    Weak saddle point theorem and Lagrange duality ;

  20. 通过Fourier积分变换,将问题转化为对偶积分方程的求解。

    By using the Fourier interal transform and the boundary conditions , the problem is reduced to dual integral equations .

  21. 在(F,ρ)s-凸函数的基础上,给出了多目标规划的两个逆对偶定理。

    On the basis of ( F ,ρ) _s Convex functions two converse dual theorems of multiobjective programming are given under .

  22. 一种新颖的求解离散Gabor展开对偶窗的方法

    A Novel Approach to solve the Optimal Dual Window of Discrete Gabor Expansion

  23. 有限HopfC~-代数的表示与对偶

    Representation and Duality of Finite Hopf C ~ - Algebra

  24. Banach空间的强光滑性及对偶空间的严格凸性

    On the Strong Smoothness of Banach Spaces and the Strict Convexity of the Dual Spaces

  25. 本文主要讨论了Banach空间中某些凸性和光滑性的一些对偶性质。

    We mainly studied the dual properties of some convexities and smoothnesses in Banach spaces .

  26. 阐述对偶量区段分析法在线性二次型最优控制问题、Kalman滤波问题中的应用。

    The applications of analysis methods of dual variables interval in linear quadratic optimal control and Kalman filtering are accounted .

  27. 对偶性与Lagrange方法

    Duality and Lagrange Technique s

  28. Neumann得到了一个对偶的结论:若群G的所有子群H满足∣H~G:H∣<∞,则群G是finite-by-abelian。

    Neumann has obtained a dual result that if G is S-group , then it is finite-by-abelian .

  29. 摩擦机理是源于PTFE在滑动过程中相对于对偶面上的成膜作用。

    The wear mechanism is derived from the thin film of PTFE formed on the contact-surfaces during sliding .

  30. 最优化问题的Lagrangian对偶理论与SQP方法

    Lagrangian Dual Theory and SQP Method in Optimization Problem