
  • 网络rich list;Billionaires List;Forbes list of billionaires
  1. 《星期日泰晤士报》(SundayTimes)周日发表了年度富豪榜,在前20名中,仅有6位出生于英国。

    Only six of the top 20 in the annual Sunday Times Rich List – published yesterday – were born in Britain .

  2. 在《星期日泰晤士报》2011年度富豪榜(SundayTimesRichList)上,预计帕特洛与马丁合起来的收入达4800万英镑(约合7800万美元)。

    In the 2011 Sunday Times Rich List , the combined wealth of Paltrow and Martin was estimated at £ 48m ( $ 78m ) .

  3. 据报道,第九城市(The9Limited)总裁、一度荣登中国富豪榜的富翁朱骏正在洽谈购买利物浦足球俱乐部(LiverpoolFootballClub)。

    Zhu Jun , chairman of The9 Limited and onetime China rich lister , is reportedly in talks to buy the Liverpool Football Club .

  4. 墨西哥媒体巨头卡洛斯·斯利姆(CarlosSlim)以740亿美元的净资产位于福布斯富豪榜首位。

    Mexican media mogul Carlos Slim retains the top spot with a net worth of $ 74 billion .

  5. 据《星期日泰晤士报》(TheSundayTimes)的2015年富豪榜,50岁的赫斯特在英国富豪榜上排名第450位,资产2.15亿英镑。

    Now 50 , Mr. Hirst is ranked as the 450th wealthiest person in Britain , worth 215 million , according to The Sunday Times 's " Rich List " for 2015 .

  6. 《星期日泰晤士报》富豪榜(SundayTimesRichList)上榜者中,至少有40人拥有英格兰足球超级联赛(PremierLeague)或者英格兰冠军联赛(Championship)俱乐部。可想而知,对这些人而言,这些俱乐部基本上是玩物,而非生意。

    At least 40 members of the Sunday Times Rich List own Premier League or Championship clubs - mostly , one assumes , as toys rather than business undertakings .

  7. 比尔·盖茨(BillGates)从大学退学,迈克尔·戴尔(MichaelDell)和23岁就登上福布斯亿万富豪榜的扎克伯格同样如此。

    Bill Gates dropped out of college . So did Michael Dell . So did Mr. Zuckerberg , who made the Forbes billionaires list at 23.Mr .

  8. 社交网站Facebook的创始人马克扎克伯格排在富豪榜第35位,是上榜富豪中财富增长最多的人,他的资产增长了三倍多,从去年的20亿美元增长到69亿美元。

    Facebook 's Mark Zuckerberg , No.35 , saw the largest relative increase , more than tripling his fortune to $ 6.9 billion from $ 2 billion .

  9. 据PhilanthropyUK称,15年以前,《星期日泰晤士报》富豪榜(SundayTimesRichList)上有75%的人财富是继承来的,25%的人靠的是自力更生。

    Fifteen years ago , 75 per cent of the individuals on the Sunday Times Rich List had inherited their wealth while 25 per cent were self-made , according to Philanthropy UK .

  10. 《福布斯》(Forbes)富豪榜显示,印度和中国亿万富豪今年的表现强于美国富豪。

    Billionaires in India and China outperformed their US peers this year , according to the Forbes rich list .

  11. 该公司从福布斯中国富豪榜(ForbesChinaRichList)和胡润百富榜(HurunChinaRichList)等知名富豪榜上搜集了中国富豪的个人财富信息,同时还在榜单上添加了这些人的教育背景。

    The company gathered information of individuals ' wealth from prominent rich lists including those from Forbes China Rich List and Hurun China Rich List , among others , while adding the educational background of those on the list .

  12. 根据《福布斯》(Forbes)的数据,万达亿万富翁创始人王健林在中国富豪榜上排名第四,净资产为132亿美元。

    Wang Jianlin , Wanda 's billionaire founder , is China 's fourth-richest man , with a net worth of $ 13.2bn according to Forbes .

  13. 5月10日发刊的富豪榜上,章泽天的丈夫、京东创始人兼CEO刘强东也榜上有名,身价388.2亿元。

    Also on the list , which was published May 10 , was Zhang 's husband , JD.com founder and CEO Liu Qiangdong , worth 38.82 billion RMB ( about US $ 5.6 billion ) .

  14. 作为科班出身的工程师,45岁的马化腾位列《福布斯》(Forbes)全球富豪榜第46位,净资产为219亿美元。

    An engineer by training , the 45-year-old is listed as the world 's 46th richest man by Forbes , with a net worth of $ 21.9bn .

  15. 但中国富豪榜编撰者胡润(ruperthoogewerf)称,这些习惯或许不会持久。

    But Rupert Hoogewerf , publisher of the China rich list , says such habits may not last long .

  16. 在时报查明身份的时代华纳中心公寓的业主中,有至少17位曾登上《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志的年度富豪榜。

    Among the Time Warner Center owners identified by The Times are at least 17 billionaires on Forbes magazine 's annual list of the world 's richest people .

  17. 《福布斯》(Forbes)估计,陈氏兄弟的身家合计30亿美元,在香港富豪榜上名列第17位。二人的父亲创建了恒隆地产。

    Forbes estimates that the brothers , whose father founded Hang Lung , are worth a collective $ 3bn , placing them 17th on the Hong Kong rich list .

  18. 曾多年位居全球富豪榜首位的墨西哥电信业大亨卡洛斯•斯利姆(CarlosSlim)认为,我们应该重视的是时间,而非金钱。

    Carlos Slim , the Mexican telecoms magnate who was the world 's richest man for many years , suggests that it is time , rather than money , that we should value .

  19. 最新一期的胡润全球富豪榜(HurunGlobalRichList)表示,算上过去一年新出现的32位超级富豪,北京已成为全球亿万富翁之都,总计100名超级富豪超过了纽约的95人。

    With 32 newly minted super-rich in the past year , China 's capital has become the billionaire capital of the world , the latest Hurun Global Rich List says , with a total of 100 to the Big Apple 's 95 .

  20. 上个月,《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志公布了年度中国内地富豪榜。榜单显示,中国有66名富豪的资产价值超过10亿美元。

    Last month , when Forbes magazine unveiled its annual China rich list , it showed that there were 66 people in the country with assets worth more than $ 1bn .

  21. 该组织援引《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志亿万富豪榜的数据称,制药和卫生保健领域亿万富豪的财富净值跃升了47%。

    Using data from Forbes magazine 's list of billionaires , it said those listed as having interests in the pharmaceutical and health care industries saw their net worth jump by 47 percent .

  22. J.K.罗琳曾是一位亿万富翁。直到2012年,她加入了慈善捐赠机构,高额的税收让她跌出富豪榜上。

    J.K. Rowling was a billionaire until 2012 when a combination of charitable giving and high taxes removed her from the list .

  23. 《福布斯》杂志日前公布了日本年度富豪榜,由于“任天堂”Wii游戏机的热销,“任天堂”前任董事长山内溥以78亿美元的身价成为日本首富。

    Soaring sales of Nintendo 's Wii game machine have made former Nintendo chairman Hiroshi Yamauchi Japan 's richest man , worth $ 7.8 billion , Forbes magazine said in its annual rankings .

  24. 就在沙特王子阿尔瓦利德•本•塔拉尔(PrinceAlwaleedbinTalal)因为自身在富豪榜上的排名不够靠前而向《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志提出抗议的当周,伦敦东部的一个行业特别审理委员会受理了一起截然不同的抗议。

    In the same week that Prince Alwaleed complained to Forbes about not being high enough up its list of billionaires , a different sort of complaint was being made in an industrial tribunal in east London .

  25. 伦敦公共关系咨询公司ianmonkassociates负责人伊恩莫克(ianmonk)表示,富豪榜在昔日是光荣的象征,如今则“更像是税务官员、平均主义者和考虑离婚的女人们的猎杀名单”。

    Once a badge of honour , says Ian monk , head of the London-based public relations consultancy Ian monk associates , rich lists now seem " more like a hit list for the taxman , the Levellers and wives contemplating divorce " .

  26. 房地产开发商Soho中国有限公司总裁张欣决定向灾民提供个人帮助。张欣虽年仅43岁,但已位列《福布斯》杂志中国富豪榜第7位,资产估计超过30亿美元。

    Zhang Xin , the 43-year-old chief executive of property developer Soho China and , according to Forbes Magazine , China 's 7th richest person with a fortune estimated at more than $ 3bn , decided to respond personally .

  27. 最值得关注的两位新人分别是来自南非的PatriceMotsepe和尼日利亚人AlikoDangote,他们是首次跻身全球富豪榜的非洲黑人。

    Two of the most noteworthy new entrants are South Africa 's Patrice Motsepe and Nigeria 's Aliko Dangote , the first black Africans to make their debut among the world 's richest .

  28. 富豪榜飙升背后的均衡发展之忧

    Anxious of Equilibrium Development on the Back Cover Rich List

  29. 他在世界富豪榜排名136位。

    He is the 136th richest person in the world .

  30. 在2010年登上《福布斯》全球亿万富豪榜时,他的个人资产净值为170亿美元。

    Forbes has his2010 net worth of $ 17 billion .