
mì shì
  • back room;penetralium;adytum;a room used for secret purpose
密室 [mì shì]
  • [a room used for secret purpose] 用于秘密活动的房间

  • 密室垂帘。--《聊斋志异.促织》

密室[mì shì]
  1. 我在玩这个游戏的时候找到了一间密室!

    I was playing the game when I found a secret room .

  2. 密室逃脱真的很有挑战性。

    Escape prison games can get really challenging .

  3. 为了减轻你的恐惧,任何密室逃脱游戏都不会把你和一个装满人类排泄物的便盆关在同一个房间。

    And just to ease your fears , no escape prison game will put you in a room with a bucket full of human waste .

  4. 她居然告诉我我得了个“B”是因为洗碗区后面的密室环境不佳。

    And she told me I got a " B " because of the conditions of the back room off the dishwasher area .

  5. 它计划复制其在英国使用的安全密室(securecell)架构,即网络产品所用的关键软件代码由当地企业编译并交第三方保管。

    It plans to replicate the secure cell structure it uses in the UK , whereby critical software code for network products is compiled by locals and put in escrow .

  6. 法院命令延期打开密室A和B是因为他们预期的宝藏的大小,以便在密室打开之前安排安全工作。

    The court order to delay the opening of vaults A and B are due to the size of the treasure expected to be there , in order to arrange for security before these vaults are opened .

  7. 公司还表示,愿意针对安全方面的担忧,从技术上找到解决方案,例如其在英国采取的“安全密室”(securecell)架构,即软件代码由当地企业编写并输入。

    The company has also shown itself willing to find technological solutions to security worries , such as a " secure cell " structure in the UK under which software codes are compiled and input locally .

  8. 据华纳家庭娱乐公司所言,她亲自校订并通过了他们收在密室DVD里的时间线。

    According to Warner Home Video , she personally edited and approved the timeline that they included on the DVD of Chamber of Secrets .

  9. 毫无疑问,克里斯蒂安•格雷(ChristianGrey)肯定会让他们提前签一份合同,承诺绝不泄露Vue电影院北芬奇利店或Odeon电影院谢菲尔德店的那间密室里发生过什么。

    No doubt Christian Grey would have had them sign a contract in advance promising never to reveal what happened inside the secret chambers of the Vue North Finchley or the Odeon Sheffield .

  10. 油母页岩原矿通过螺旋运输机的气密室涌入空气干燥器(下文称为AFD)的内部凹座。

    From the air-tight chambers of the screws the raw oil shale is poured into the inner recess of the aerofountain drier ( hereinafter AFD ) .

  11. 不过等我布置这间密室时,我最后肯定会省掉所有情色道具,而选择放一把La-Z-Boy休闲躺椅,一台超大屏幕的电视和一条直通棒约翰(PapaJohn’s)披萨店的热线电话。

    But when the time came to furnish it , I 'd end up eschewing all the erotica and opting for a La-Z-Boy recliner , a huge TV and a hotline to Papa John 's pizzeria .

  12. 外国影片的销售只在一间密室里进行。

    Foreign films are on sale only in a back room .

  13. 就在这个岛上某个密室等着我们呢。

    Just waiting for us in a vault on the island .

  14. 密室确实又给打开过。

    That the chamber of secrets has indeed been opened again .

  15. 这些传单是在阿姆斯特丹的一间密室中印制的。

    The leaflets had been produced in a backroom in amsterdam .

  16. 他与经理在密室里商谈了三个小时。

    And the manager were closeted together for three hours .

  17. 中国古代密室型故事研究

    The Study of Hidden Chamber Type in Ancient Chinese Tales

  18. 同学们听到了关于密室的故事。

    The students are told the story of the Chamber of Secrets .

  19. 所以是有人把它改造成密室了

    So , somebody turned it into a secret room ?

  20. 他为蒙巴顿设计了所有密室

    Paul designed all of the secret war rooms for General Mountbatten .

  21. 开密室会议及派菜鸟投手上场也没有扭转颓势。

    Neither have closed-door meetings or trying out rookie hurlers .

  22. 传说怎么描述密室之光的?

    What 's exactly the legend tell us the light in the chamber ?

  23. 希望保护自己的葡萄酒的收藏家也在建造密室。

    Wine collectors keen to protect their bottles are also building secret cellars .

  24. 如果关闭洛杉矶办事处的话,我们就需要追踪密室。

    If shutting down the Los Angeles cell is all we were after .

  25. 密室以前曾经打开过?

    The Chamber of Secrets has been opened before ?

  26. 但是,密室交易的严重程度还只是逐渐呈现出来。

    But the extent of the back-room deal-making is only gradually becoming clear .

  27. 人们曾经在密室里和游艇上搏斗。

    Men fought in back rooms and on barges .

  28. 你们玩过密室逃脱游戏吗?

    Have you ever been to an escape room ?

  29. 《密室的新版结局:布希、高尔,互控之外》后记的结论探讨。

    Revised epilogue to Echo Chambers : Bush v.Gore , Impeachment , and Beyond .

  30. 现在那个密室是那么空洞,大法师们几乎不能在那一片朦胧中站直。

    Now the chamber is hollow , the magisters barely standing in a haze .