
kuān dài lián jiē
  • broadband connection
  1. 更改用宽带连接到internet的密码。

    Change the password used with a broadband connection to the internet .

  2. 如果您已具有internet拨号连接或想使用宽带连接,请单击此处。

    Click here if you already have a dial up connetion to the Internet or want to use your broadband connection .

  3. 重复的页面刷新的后果是Web体验变得异常缓慢和沉闷,即使对于那些具有高速的宽带连接的用户也是如此。

    Repeated page refreshes can result in a fairly slow and clunky Web experience , even for users with the fastest broadband connection available .

  4. 多用户ADSL宽带连接

    Multiuser ADSL the breadth take the conjunction

  5. 许多人通过某种形式的宽带连接访问Internet,这些形式可能是DSL、网线、光纤或其他方法。

    Many people access the Internet through some kind of broadband connection & be it DSL , cable , fiber-optic , or some other method .

  6. 2008年FCC决定向公众开放美国无线电空白频谱,这些频谱可用于无线宽带连接。

    FCC decided in2008 to open up the US radio white spaces for the public to be used for wireless broadband communication .

  7. 重点讲解:2008年FCC决定向公众开放美国无线电空白频谱,这些频谱可用于无线宽带连接。

    FCC decided in 2008 to open up the US radio white spaces for the public to be used for wireless broadband communication .

  8. 所作的修改给予显着改善的速度为用户在速度较慢的宽带连接,如低端DSL连接。

    The changes made grant significant speed improvements for users on slower broadband connections such as lower-end DSL connections .

  9. 券商里昂证券(CLSA)的数据显示,只有三分之一的中国家庭有宽带连接。

    Only a third of Chinese households have broadband connections , say brokerage CLSA data .

  10. 丹麦的一家电信运营商TDC就为其宽带连接业务绑定了这种服务。

    TDC , a Danish telecoms operator , has bundled such a service with its broadband connections .

  11. Skype提供了快捷的宽带连接以及良好的中央处理器,使人们能够更快地在因特网上与任何人通话,而且还是免费的。

    Skype offers anybody with a fast broadband connection and decent CPU processor speed the opportunity to call anybody on the internet for FREE .

  12. 这些技术仍处在早期阶段,但随着宽带连接因此变得更加普遍,市政wi-fi可能更难以证明自己存在的理由。

    Such technologies are in their early stages but , as broadband access becomes more pervasive as a result of them , Muni Wi-Fi could be harder to justify .

  13. 智能手机、skype账号、宽带连接和广大公众能接入的wifi把他们从办公室的枷锁中解放出来,允许他们在任何感觉工作效率最高的地方工作。

    A smartphone , Skype account , broadband connection and wide public access to WiFi have liberated them from the shackles of the office to work wherever they feel most productive .

  14. 比如,Nest等智能恒温器的问世,意味着管道和供暖公司现在需要IT技能,因为系统的故障有可能和管道或者锅炉有关,也有可能和宽带连接有关。

    The advent of smart thermostats such as Nest , for example , means plumbing and heating companies now need IT skills since a system breakdown may have as much to do with a broadband connection as with the pipes or the boiler .

  15. 另一半利用TD-S网络为笔记本电脑提供移动宽带连接,在更多TD-S手机出现之前,移动宽带连接市场似乎更有前途。

    The other half are using the TD-S network to provide a mobile-broadband connection for laptops , which seems a more promising market until more TD-S handsets become available .

  16. 目前,美国只有一座城市为每一位居民提供1Gb的宽带连接,它既不是高新技术城旧金山,也不是大学城波士顿,而是位于阿巴拉契亚山脚的察特怒加市(田纳西州第四大城市)。

    Only one American city offers one-gigabit internet connections to every resident , and it is not tech-savvy San Francisco or university-laden Boston , but Chattanooga , Tennessee 's fourth-largest city , nestled in the Appalachian foothills .

  17. 因此,它正在帮助职员支付高速宽带连接费用。

    It is helping staff to pay for high-bandwidth connections instead .

  18. 这些盒子彼此契合,将宽带连接覆盖至整个社区。

    These boxes mesh with one another to spread broadband connectivity throughout communities .

  19. 提供您宽带连接服务的名称是什么?

    What is the name of the service that provides your broadband connection ?

  20. 它的最好有一个宽带连接,以查看溪流。

    It 's best to have a broadband connection to view the streams .

  21. 所有你所需要的是个人电脑,宽带连接和一个麦克风。

    All you need is a PC , Broadband connection , and a microphone .

  22. 目前,这个页面只有6张照片,所以在使用宽带连接时页面装载速度相当快。

    With only six photos , the page loads fairly quickly at broadband speeds .

  23. 但是这些天有没有办法,我可以用我的宽带连接。

    But these days there 's no way I could do without my broadband connection .

  24. 这对于宽带连接的主机或小网络来说是有用的。

    This can be useful for a broadband connection to a host or small network .

  25. 超宽带连接产品的发展前景

    The Promise of Ultra - Wideband Connectivity

  26. 因此为什么美国互联网比韩国的宽带连接是又慢又贵呢?

    So why is U.S.Internet so much slower and pricier than broadband connections in South Korea ?

  27. 标准普尔表示,越来越多的大学生要求套间宿舍和宽带连接等服务。

    S & P says students are increasingly demanding such luxuries as en-suite accommodation and broadband connections .

  28. 在较高速的宽带连接下,比对每首歌曲的耗时通常少于15秒。

    The process usually takes less than 15 seconds per track with a reasonably fast broadband connection .

  29. 这个新的互联网可望提供速度可高达6000倍,比目前的宽带连接!

    This new internet is expected to provide speeds of up to6000 times faster than current broadband connections !

  30. 因此,他得出这样的结论:居住在美国的教师通过宽带连接来辅导亚洲学生,将是该行业的未来。

    Therefore , he has concluded , the future will be US-based teachers tutoring Asian students via broadband connections .