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róng yán
  • looks;appearance;facial appearance
容颜 [róng yán]
  • [appearance] 容貌

  • 玄微依其言服之,果然容颜转少,如三十许人。--《醒世恒言》

容颜[róng yán]
  1. 为了真实重现受害人的3维容颜,提出了一种基于螺旋CT的3维颅骨重建影像的3维凸包软组织厚度计算方法。

    In order to reconstruct 3D appearance truly , a new method of calculating parenchyma thickness is put forward in this paper .

  2. 时光勿勿,容颜易失!

    The time is diligent , the appearance is volatile !

  3. 她的容颜未能幸免于时间的摧残。

    Her looks had not survived the ravages of time .

  4. 她的容颜显示青春已逝,令人感伤。

    Her face was a poignant reminder of the passing of time .

  5. 卡莉一向心直口快,告诉女儿说她的容颜正在衰老。

    Never one to mince words , Carlie told her daughter that her looks were fading .

  6. 所以,才会有webglow这个说法的出现,因为这种美丽的容颜只存在于网络上。

    That 's where the term " web glow " comes , the glow only exixts on the Internet .

  7. Webglow(网络美颜)指网络发布的照片中完美无瑕的容颜,而在现实生活中,照片中的人物可能并没有那么漂亮。

    Web glow refers to the perfect look one appears in online photos , while in real life , they are probably not so attractive as they diaplayed .

  8. 你肤浅,你整天想的就是穿戴和容颜。

    You 're shallow and obsessed11 with looks and how you 're dressed .

  9. 为永葆青春而进行的无望抗争使得越来越多的男男女女走进美容诊所,而这种保持容颜的努力往往是徒劳而无功。

    The hopeless battle to stay young is driving increasing numbers of men and women into cosmetic surgery clinics in a vain bid to maintain their looks .

  10. 她容颜甚甜美,手若柔荑。

    She 's got the sweetest face and the gentlest hands .

  11. 冬天没有损害他的容颜,也没有影响他的豆蔻年华。

    No winter marred his face or stained his flowerlike bloom .

  12. 守墓,却守不住你如花容颜。

    Shou tomb , but could not restrain your flower face .

  13. 用娇嫩的容颜编织未来的梦想…

    And weaves the dream of future With its delicate complexion ...

  14. 弥子瑕年纪大了以后,脸上现出了衰老的容颜。

    After the older son defect , the aging faces the appearance .

  15. 她双唇红润,她容颜悠闲。

    Her lips were red , her looks were free .

  16. 是否那神圣的容颜,曾在我们前方照耀阴暗高地?

    And did the Countenance Divine shine forth upon our clouded hills ?

  17. 他的容颜是他内心的真实写照。

    His face was a true picture of his mind .

  18. 当我容颜已老,你是否还会爱我

    Will you still love me when I 'm no longer beautiful ?

  19. 来这里,我不是寻找容貌华美的人,因为容颜可以掩盖内在;

    I 'm not looking for the looks for they can decieve .

  20. 岁月会催老容颜,但不要催老心灵。

    Although I am aging , but my heart is still young .

  21. 我将会一直记住你孩童的容颜。

    And I 'll always remember you like a child , girl .

  22. 勾画你容颜的心儿何处可容?

    Where is the heart in which you were outlined ?

  23. 爱你逝去容颜的痛苦;

    And loved the sorrows of your chang face ;

  24. 爱不受时间的愚弄,尽管如花的容颜。

    Love 's not time 's fool , though rosy lips and cheeks .

  25. 时间会改变一切,包括我们的容颜,包括我们的体态。

    Time will change everything , including our appearance , including our posture .

  26. “你还记得吗?”他问道,天使一样的容颜有些黯然。

    " You remember ?" he asked , his angel 's face grave .

  27. 为何不给所有女子羞花闭月的容颜?

    Why don 't give every girl gorgeous beauty ?

  28. 为什么中年女性经常为她们逝去的青春容颜困扰不已呢?

    Why are we women in mid-life so obsessed with losing our looks ?

  29. 闭上双眼,你会看到那爱你之人的容颜

    Just close your eyes , and see , her face who loves you

  30. 你知道的,不是每个女孩生来就有奥黛丽-赫本的容颜。

    You know not every girl was born with Audrey Hepburn 's face .