- capacitance;capacitive reactance;captance;condensance

The topology and capacitance of ACEL matrix screens
A new circuit of body capacitance impedance measurement
Moreover , the diameters of capacitive loops in Nyquist plot were larger with increase of aluminum content in coating .
The approach uses the parasitic inductance of the antenna to implement ASK modulation by adjusting the capacitive reactance of the matching network , which changes with the backscatter circuit .
At power frequency , since the capacitive reactance of SVC 's filter circuit is much larger than system inductance , the parallel resonant could not happen .
Impedance spectroscopy showed a capacitance arc in low temperature , low-frequency Warburg impedance appeared in high temperature .
When the concentration of Na_2CO_3 was low , the Nyquist diagram was composed of a capacitive loop and an inductive loop .
The results based on electrochemical impedance spectrum indicate the corrosion process of carbon steel is typical electrochemistry active polarization in hydrochloric acid , ODD and KI .
When the potential reached 0V , there are three time constants , one inductance arc and two contain arcs .
The connection of the Cole-Cole model parameters to the ohm resistance and capactive reactance of biologic tissue is analyzed , and validation experiment is conducted .
The EIS behaviors were different which obtained at various polarization potentials . The capacitance semi-circles with negative differential resistance transfer from the first quadrant to the second quadrant had been observed which marked the nature of passivation .
The low-frequency inductance loop emerged at the water content of20 % . It disappeared with increasing water content and a single capacitive impedance loop was observed .
It can realize large-scale smooth regulation of the TCSC impedance connected in the transmission line ; thereby it can be used to increase transmission capacity , control power flow flexibly and improve transient stability of the system .
Nonlinear transform relationship between the conductance and capacitivity of the bioelectrical impedance is demonstrated , and the relation between them when different dispersion factors exist in the Cole-Cole model is presented in addition .
At the working frequency of 1 kHz , its AC resistance and AC capacitive reactance reaches 100 k Ω and 10 k Ω, respectively , with time drift less than 1 % .
Moreover , it was characterized by Warburg inductive arc with semi-infinite diffusion in the low frequency zone and by capacitive arc in the high frequency zone , and the electrode reaction was dominated by pervasion procedure , which was attributed to the formation of a corrosion product film .
The effect of emitter resistance the function of capacitive impendance
The Exploring of Single-phase Machine 's Maximums Starting Torque
With decreasing temperature , capacitance arc diameter increased , so the impedance modulus increased .
The electrochemical impedance spectra of hot rolled steel and carbon steel showed single capacity .
There is only one capacitive reactance arc on EIS at Ecorr , which means one time constant .
The precision and the stability all were 0.1 Ω when the circuit was used to measure body .
It is supposed that exfoliation degree can be judged through the analysis of these two capacitive components .
Transformer with the same capacity , with the de - crease of frequency , the input capacitor impedance increases .
The measurement range of reactance was 1 to 50 Ω . The accuracy of measurement was ± 1 % .
It can be seen from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy , the capacitance arc is greater as the time goes on .
Each partial impedance also consists of charge transfer resistance , adsorbent resistance and adsorbent capacitance ( or adsorbent inductance ) .
But at the harmonic frequency , the system inductance increases greatly and the reactance of the filter circuit reduces greatly .
The article designed a circuit of body capacitance impedance measurement according to circuit of phase measurement and circuit of impedance measurement .
The first is accurate measurement of capacitive impedance of three-phase transmission lines to earth , and the error is under 2 % .