
jiā zhuānɡ
  • home decoration
  1. 而据《家装》杂志的计算,2006年厨房大修的平均预算费用高达54万美元,甚至连小修的平均预算也达到了1。8万美元。

    The average budget for a " major " kitchen overhaul in 2006 , calculates Remodeling magazine , was a staggering $ 54,000 , even a " minor " improvement cost on average $ 18,000 .

  2. 如果下班之后,你在床上闲躺着,但是被手机上的政治评论所惹怒,或者因为思考如何翻新家装的决定而焦虑不安的话,你的大脑根本无法从高度精神觉醒的状态中得到休息。

    If after work you lie around on your bed and get irritated by political commentary on your phone or get stressed thinking about decisions about how to renovate your home , your brain has not received a break from high mental arousal states .

  3. 他们将在我们家装上供热供电系统。

    They will install a heating and lighting system in our house .

  4. 基于WEB的面向大规模定制的软家装营销系统

    Web-Based Mass Customization Oriented Indoor Decoration Sales System

  5. 家得宝(HomeDepot)也关闭了Expo品牌的家装设计连锁中心。

    Home Depot ( hd ) shut down its Expo chain of home design centers .

  6. 美国家装业巨擘家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)过去两年间,也已陆续关闭其在中国的5家超市。

    Home Depot , the US home improvement giant , has closed five of its Chinese superstores in the past two years .

  7. 但在中国,家装市场无异于一场“diy灾难”。

    But in China , the market is nothing short of a DIY disaster .

  8. 该文通过对大规模营销和大规模定制营销的比较,提出了一种基于WEB的面向大规模定制的软家装混合营销模式,介绍了基于WEB的软家装营销系统。

    On the basis of comparing the mass sales with the mass customization sales , this paper brings forward a compound sales system of indoor decoration based on the WEB , and gives an explanation of it .

  9. 百安居不是第一家在中国遭遇困难的DIY式家装连锁店。

    B & Q is not the only DIY chain to encounter difficulties in China .

  10. LF装饰公司是家装行业中迅速发展壮大的代表之一,2009年经营产值已经超过10亿元。

    LF decoration co. , ltd. is the representative of rapid expansion in decoration industry , the output value had more than 10 billion in 2009 .

  11. 全球最大的家装零售商家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)正考虑出售或分拆其大型批发供应部门。此前维权股东对公司施压,要求改变其经营策略。

    Home Depot , the world 's biggest home improvement retailer , is considering the sale or spin-off of its large wholesale supplies division following pressure from activist shareholders for a change in strategy .

  12. 吉姆巴顿自打开始玩林肯积木(LincolnLog)和乐高(Lego)时就喜欢上家装设计了。

    Jim Barton had loved home design for as long as he could remember , as far back as when he played with Lincoln Logs and Legos .

  13. 相比之下,零售业领头羊沃尔玛(wal-mart)和自助家装连锁企业家得宝(homedepot)等依赖于国内消费者的公司,则公布了令人失望的业绩和暗淡的业绩预期。

    By contrast , companies that depend on domestic consumers such as Wal-Mart , the retail bell-wether , and home depot , the do-it-yourself chain , have released disappointing results and gloomy predictions .

  14. 然后通过分析构筑共同愿景、开展团队学习、优化组织结构及培育学习型文化等方面,阐述J家装公司创建学习型组织的具体措施。

    Fourth , the measures to apply a learning organization are proposed , which from the aspects of common vision , team learning , optimizing organization structure and cultivating learning culture .

  15. 成为LIMITLESS的客户,将享受终身贵宾式服务,包括家装咨询、家具保养、LIMITLESS动态和新产品信息传递。

    Customers of LIMITLESS are eligible for the life-long VIP service , including offering home decoration advisory , furniture maintenance , LIMITLESS trends and new product information .

  16. 家装用品零售商美国劳氏公司即将发布的一款应用程序可实现Phab2Pro手机用户用手机测量空间及测试家居用品和房内其他装饰的数字模型是否适合房间尺寸。

    Home improvement retailer Lowe 's is releasing an app that enables Phab2 Pro users to measure spaces with the phone and test how digital replicas of appliances and other decor would look around a house .

  17. 家装行业中顾客满意对行为意向有显著的正面影响。

    Customer satisfaction also has remarkable positive impact on behavior intention .

  18. 格林先生家装了防盗报警系统。

    Mr. Green has installed a burglar-alarm system in his home .

  19. 基于Pro/E的家装表的外观设计

    Outward appearance design of family watch on Pro / Engineer

  20. 家装理财第五步不盲目攀比装修档次。

    Home improvement budget for the fiscal first step after the renovation .

  21. 2000年-2010年10年间,家装行业每年以12-15%的速度增长。

    The annual growth rate of decoration industry is 12-15 % in 2000-2010 .

  22. 内蒙古家装橱柜设计交流群今天成立了!

    Inner cabinet design communication group set up today !

  23. 家装装饰设计中的色彩配置方案探究

    Probe on the Color Configuration in Home Decoration Design

  24. 他给我家装了安保系统

    he installed a security system in my house .

  25. 家装工程新模式&住宅装修“工厂化”全配套工程

    A New Mode of Domestic Decoration & Complete Factory Project of House Decoration

  26. 基于软家装分类编码系统的产品设计及应用

    The Product Design and Application of Classifying & Coding System for Soft Decoration

  27. 只要我们在家装一台呼吸机就行了

    and if we had a ventilator at home ,

  28. 我公司主营密度板、家装材料。

    Our company sells the density board , the family to install the material .

  29. 央视启动全国家装室内空气污染调查覆盖全国15个城市1000个家庭

    CCTV Operates Domestic Survey of Interior Air Pollution Over 15 Provinces and 1000 Families

  30. 在对宏华公司的需求进行详细调研后,建立了软家装供应链的整体业务流程模型。

    The soft decoration SCM system is designed .