
  • 网络Family management;Patriarch- based Management;family-run management;post - family management
  1. 针对AB公司薪酬体系存在的问题,运用薪酬理论知识,结合该企业家族式管理的特点和发展方向提出改进方案,进而对AB公司的薪酬体系进行优化设计。

    Salary System for AB , the problems with the salary of theoretical knowledge , combined with the characteristics of the business family management and direction of incidence suggest improvements , and thus AB , salary system optimization .

  2. 第三章论述了恒信公司家族式管理创新的方案设计。

    Chapter III discusses the Hengxin family management and innovative design .

  3. 大连LM科技股份有限公司(简称LM公司)是一家高新技术民营企业,在经历了高速发展的创业阶段后已成为国内外成功的知名企业,但家族式管理的弊端越来越显著。

    Dalian LM Science and Technology Stock Co. , Ltd ( short for LM Company ) is a high-tech nongovernmental business enterprise . It has turned into a successful well-known corporation both home and abroad after its carving out stage with high-speed development .

  4. 传统的家族式管理虽然在民营企业发展的初期起到了积极的作用,但这种基于血缘和姻亲关系的家族化人力资源配置方式已经严重制约了民营企业进一步发展的步伐。

    Traditional family management has limited the private enterprises ' development .

  5. 转换民营企业家族式管理模式的思考

    Thinking of Changing the Familial Management Mode of Private-owned Enterprises

  6. 但是,它已经为离开家族式管理后的光景作准备了。

    But , it has begun preparation for life beyond family management .

  7. 家族式管理与家族企业核心竞争力

    Patriarch - based Management and Core Competence of Family Businesses

  8. 我国新兴民营企业家族式管理的探讨

    Research into the " family-style " management in china 's developing private-owned enterprises

  9. 民营企业家族式管理模式探析

    Research of family management for civilian - run enterprises

  10. 民营上市公司是否应该摆脱家族式管理的制约,让渡控制权,向专业化管理的治理结构演变?

    Should private listed companies process the evolution from family governance to professional operation ?

  11. 家族式管理对中国家族企业发展限制的研究

    Restriction of Family-management on Chinese Family-owned Enterprises Development

  12. 在中国私营企业中,以血缘、亲缘和姻缘为纽带的家族式管理是企业的主要管理模式。

    Blood relation and familial relation are the main models of privately-owned enterprises in China .

  13. 台塑集团家族式管理

    Family Management of Formosa Plastics Group

  14. 民营企业在由家族式管理向公司制管理的发展过程中,遇到的最大问题就是治理结构和内部控制问题。

    The biggest problem for the enterprises run by civilian is fathering structure and inside contral .

  15. 然而同任何其他管理方式一样,家族式管理也存在一定的局限。

    However , just like any other enterprise organization , family firms also have some limitations .

  16. 家族式管理的创新

    The innovation of clan type management

  17. 同时,企业家族式管理也使得其内部财务管理体制不健全、不规范。

    At the same time , their internal financial management system was neither sound nor standardized .

  18. 民营企业管理模式探析&家族式管理过时了吗?

    Mode Selection for Management of Private Enterprises Is Patriarch - based Management Out - of - date ?

  19. 随着民营企业的发展扩大,民营上市企业面临着家族式管理的瓶颈。

    With the expansion of the development of private enterprises , private listed companies facing the bottleneck of family management .

  20. 第二章列举了恒信公司现有家族式管理存在的问题并对产生这些问题的原因进行了深入的分析。

    Chapter II lists the Hanson family management problems in the existing and the reasons for these problems conducted in-depth analysis .

  21. 如政府主导型经济导致泡沫经济,家族式管理不但不利于市场竞争而且还容易滋生腐败等等。

    Such as " government-led enterprise " led to the bubble economy , family management is not conducive to market competition and so on .

  22. 家族式管理制度具有制约企业扩大发展的因素,而现代企业管理制度也有不利于执行的因素。

    The family-managing system has the factors restricting developments of civilian-operated enterprises , but the modern business management system has disadvantages to carry into execution .

  23. 注重管理创新,提高管理水平,适时用三本(人本、资本、成本)一体化管理模式替代家族式管理模式;

    Pay attention to management innovation , improve level of management , and substitute the mode of familial management with the mode of integration management .

  24. 由于家族式管理、对人力资本与传统资本增长的互动关系认识不足等方面原因,民营企业在薪酬管理方面存在着以下诸方面问题:对薪酬界定的程序公平关注不够;

    There are several problems of salary management in private enterprises . For example , they have not paid attention to the process of salary design .

  25. 但在进入二次创业阶段后,其以自我为中心的非理性化的家族式管理,已经日益成为民营企业从量变到质变的桎梏。

    But during the second phase of undertaking , these enterprises have met obstacle into qualitative change because of their Familial management , which is self-centered and irrational .

  26. 分析了我国中小建筑施工企业利润微薄、家族式管理、面临激烈竞争的现状,提出了中小建筑企业改变现状必须从制度管理入手,提出制度建设应运用现代化企业制度建设理论。

    This paper analyzes the problems that small and medium building construction enterprises in our country are confronting , such as low profit , family management and fierce competition .

  27. 随着民营企业的发展,原有的家族式管理对企业发展的瓶颈制约越来越凸现。

    With the development of private enterprises , the effect of bottleneck constraints of the old family-like management on the development of enterprises is becoming more and more obvious .

  28. 但民办高校家族式管理比较普遍,投资与管理没有相对分离,从而影响了民办高校的可持续发展。

    However , family management mode generally exists in private colleges and the investment is not relatively separated from its management , which affected the sustainable development of private colleges .

  29. 随着制度变迁的深化,中国私营企业的发展出现了新的变化,开始由家族式管理向专业化管理转变、由集权管理向分权管理转变、由传统企业管理制度向现代企业制度转变。

    With intensifying this change , new changes begin taking place , namely , the changes from family management to specialized management , from centralized to decentralized and from traditional to modern .

  30. 现代企业理论也认为:抛弃家族式管理,采用现代企业管理制度是民营企业的唯一的出路,是历史的必然。

    According to modern business theory , to discard management as by a family and adopt modern business management system is the only way out and a historical certainty for private enterprises .