
  1. 室内装修污染的解决之道&导入HSE装修污染防治工程

    Disposing of the Pollution Caused by Interior Decoration - Introducing the HICE Project to Prevent and Cure Interior Pollution

  2. 这些问题的存在,影响到室内装修污染的救济。

    The existing problems affect the remedy of indoor fitment pollution .

  3. 室内装修污染检测治理,给您一个绿色、健康、温馨之家

    Examination and government indoor environment , Let our lives in green

  4. 论房屋室内装修污染的非环境侵权性

    The Pollution Caused by Interior Decoration & a Non-environmental Tort

  5. 我国室内装修污染的现状及其法律原因分析

    The interior decoration pollution status quo and its legal analysis

  6. 室内装修污染与防治对策

    The Indoors Fitment Pollution and Prevention and Control Countermeasure

  7. 第一部分讨论室内装修污染是不是环境侵权?

    Is the first part of discussion house decoration pollution the environment tort ?

  8. 室内装修污染的危害及防治

    The Harm and Control of Indoor Decoration Pollution

  9. 室内装修污染问题已被广泛重视,其中室内甲醛污染尤为严重。

    Nowadays , much attention has been paid to indoor decoration pollution , particularly formaldehyde pollution .

  10. 室内装修污染的调查及其遗传毒性的研究

    An Investigation of Air Pollution in Newly Decorated Rooms and Study on Genetic Toxicity of Pollutants

  11. 从环境法的角度来看,室内装修污染实质是一种特殊的环境污染。

    From the point of environmental law , indoor fitment pollution is a kind of special environmental pollution .

  12. 第二部分讨论室内装修污染是产品责任还是违约责任?本章将室内装修分成了非包工包料的室内装修和包工包料的室内装修。

    The second part discusses whether the house decoration pollution is the product liability or liability for breaching contract ?

  13. 第五部分分析室内装修污染适用产品责任的构成要件。产品责任构成要件是产品缺陷、损害事实、缺陷与损害事实之间的因果关系。

    Investigation on the Housing Decoration Pollution from Formaldehyde The third part of house decoration pollution is the product liability .

  14. 甲醛作为室内装修污染中的头号污染物,已被世界卫生组织确定为致癌和致畸形物质。

    Formaldehyde , as the top one killer in the indoor chemical pollutants , has been identified as carcinogenic and teratogenic substances by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) .

  15. 装修污染问题已经成为严重危害人类健康安全的“隐性杀手”,本文指出了室内装修污染对人体所造成的伤害,防治的必要性刻不容缓,并根据具体污染源及状况给出了几点建议。

    The article points out the harm of interior decoration to human and the necessity of its prevention , and puts forward some suggestions on the basis of pollution sources and pollution condition .

  16. 这种现象不仅发生在我国,而是普遍存在于世界范围内,室内装修污染的危害已经受到全世界的广泛关注,不少国家已采取多种措施减少其对民众生活的危害。

    This phenomenon occurs not only in China , but generally exists in all the world . Interior decoration pollution has attracted the wide attention of several countries , many of them have taken various measures to reduce its harms .

  17. 消除室内装修化学污染的常见花卉种类及作用

    The species of flowers and the functions of eliminating chemical contamination of interior decoration

  18. 长沙市室内装修及空气污染情况的调查

    An Investigation of Indoor Decoration and Air Pollution in Changsha City

  19. 室内装修致空气污染的研究

    Study on the Indoor Air Pollution resulted from Interior Decoration

  20. 室内装修中的污染

    Pollution in an Interior Fitment

  21. 介绍了室内装修的空气污染来源及危害,并提出了控制防治的措施。

    The paper introduced the source and the harm of indoor decoration pollution , some controlling measures have been put forward .

  22. 介绍室内精装修工程污染源的种类及其危害性、相关标准、检测方法和结果判定、控制要点、防治措施及应用实例。

    The paper describes the types of pollution sources of interior fine decoration engineering and their hazardness as well as related standards , detecting methods , result determination , control keypoints , prevention measures and examples of application .

  23. 浅议木质室内装修材料与环境污染

    Brief Analysis on Wooden Interior Decoration Material Its Pollution to Enviroment

  24. 室内装修所带来的污染是严重的,不论是装饰材料的使用还是室内设计的不恰当都会造成室内空气的污染。

    The indoor decoration pollution is serious .

  25. 近年来,由室内装修引发的环境污染问题受到了普遍关注。

    Recently , the problem of indoor air pollution caused by decoration and fitment are following with interests .

  26. 本文介绍建筑装修工程室内环境污染物浓度检测的情况,分析污染物的来源,提出解决室内装修污染的方法和措施。

    This paper makes a brief introduction of density tests and sources analysis of the indoor environmental pollutants and provides treatments accordingly .

  27. 本文阐述了室内主要污染物的来源及对人体健康的危害,并提出了减少室内装修污染的对策。

    The article expounds sources of interior main pollutant and harming in human a body health and put forward countermeasures of decreasing pollution of interior decoration .