
  • 网络aesthetic economy
  1. 继传统的农业经济形态、工业经济形态之后,大审美经济形态的萌发为世人注目。新的经济形态的产生为社会的发展提出了许多新的课题。

    After agricultural economy , industrial economy and grand aesthetic economy have become the focus of the world 's attention .

  2. 大审美经济与中国传统戏曲发展

    The Economic Situation of Aestheticism and the Development of Traditional Chinese Drama

  3. 大审美经济形态中的艺术设计教育

    Art Design Education in Major Aesthetic Economic State

  4. 凌继尧先生认为,从上世纪70年代大审美经济的萌动开始,美学与经济学的关系日益密切。

    With the springing of aesthetic economics in 1970s , there has been a closer relationship between aesthetics and economics .

  5. 现代设计中德昂族服饰元素的应用研究具有促进德昂族服饰艺术延续传承、走向世界的重要意义,同时具有促进德昂族审美经济发展的重要意义。

    De ' ang costumes in modern design elements with the applied research to promote the continuation De ' ang apparel art heritage , the importance of the world , at the same time promoting economic development De ' ang aesthetic significance .

  6. 论审美的经济效能

    On Economic Functions of Aesthetics

  7. 本文分别从市场基础、审美、经济三个方面研究当代家居环境中陶艺的价值。

    This article chose from the market foundation , esthetic , the economical three aspects studies the values of ceramic arts in contemporary domestic environment .

  8. 在有声电影中使用哪种语言,是一个涉及政治、文化、审美甚至经济等诸多方面的复杂问题。

    What language is used in a sound film is a complex issue involving many aspects such as politics , culture , aesthetics and even economics .

  9. 以审美、经济、科学、伦理和宗教等角度全面认识木材,将对人类自我完善发展产生积极影响。

    A comprehensive understanding of wood in the aspects of esthetic , economy , science , ethics , religion , etc. , would have a positive influence on the developing process of mankind .

  10. 通过审美消费经济的内涵和特征描述,从重庆消费市场现状论述本地区发展审美消费存在的优势和不足,提出解决问题的具体方法。

    Describing the connotations and characteristics of beauty consumption economy and discussing the advantages and disadvantages based on the existing situation in Chongqing consumption market , this paper puts forward specific solutions to problems accordingly .

  11. 第二章,论证这种审美观念与经济的共谋关系。

    The second chapter illustrates the collusive relations between aesthetic views and economy .

  12. 随着社会发展,其满足人类生活需求的实用功能逐渐减弱,审美功能、经济功能逐渐凸现出来。

    With the development of the society , its basic function in human life has gradually weakened and the economic function has gradually exposed .

  13. 不同时期的广告反映一个国家和民族不同时期的文化发展、价值观念、审美情趣和经济状况。

    The advertisements in different times inflect a country 's or a nation 's culture developments , values , esthetic interests , and economic conditions in its period .

  14. 旅游的审美性与经济性的互相依存日渐明显,旅游审美的实现愈加不能脱离现实的经济基础。

    It becomes obvious that tourism aesthetic quality and economic quality are dependent each other , travel aesthetic realization can 't break away from realistic economic base further more .

  15. 影响停车产品的外部因素包括:使用者及其行为、生活消费方式、文化审美、社会经济因素、时间范围的点等因素。

    External factors that affect parking products include : users and their behavior , consumption patterns , cultural , aesthetic , social and economic factors , the time range of points and other factors .

  16. 在规训社会中,微观权力利用话语、场域、资本等权力技术,通过塑造符合男权话语与消费文化之审美目的与经济目的标准身体,对女性身体进行着无孔不入的规训。

    In the disciplinary society , micro-power elects consumer-discourse and patriarchal discourse as the two main strategies , and take the discourse , field , capital as the means to shaping " standard body " that meets the purposes of patriarchal aesthetic and economics .

  17. 审美价值在包装经济管理中的地位与作用

    The Place and Role of Aesthetic Values in Packing Economic Management

  18. 常规的室内设计仅以客户的审美、功能、经济以及身心健康需要为唯一的设计标准,这一设计理念,已经不能满足时代的要求。

    Conventionally , the interior design has been paid attention on the customers ' interests in aesthetic , functional , economic and health needs as the design criteria .

  19. 作为一场社会变革运动,唯美主义完成了对文学艺术领域、日常生活领域、审美思维方式甚至经济领域的卓有成效地改塑。

    As a social change movement , aestheticism reformed and portrayed the field of literature , art , daily life , esthetic way of thinking and even the field of economic .