
  • 网络Laboratory animal science
  1. 信息时代的实验动物科学管理与教育

    The Management and Education of Laboratory Animal Science in Information Era

  2. 中国实验动物科学发展的思考

    Thinking about the Development of Laboratory Animal Science in China

  3. 我国实验动物科学发展现状与建议

    The Current Situation and Proposal about Development of Laboratory Animal Science in China

  4. 实验动物科学是一门新兴学科。

    The laboratory animal science is a new science .

  5. 疾病和污染的屏障或实验动物科学屏障的进展

    Barriers to Disease and Contamination or Barriers to progress in Laboratory Animal Sciences

  6. 实验动物科学带来的伦理问题在中国的表现

    Ethic Problems of Laboratory Animal Science in China

  7. 现代科学技术革命与实验动物科学

    Modern Revolution of Science-technology and Laboratory Animal Science

  8. 实验动物科学和服务组织

    Laboratory Animal Science and Service Organizations

  9. 科技革命可以看作是实验动物科学发展的源动力。

    Laboratory animal science of China must be compliance with the requirement of development of modern science-technology and make progress continually .

  10. 同时明确实验动物科学在比较基因组学研究中的地位和作用,为研究高等生物特别是人类的生、老、病、死提供生物模式。

    Status and responsibility of laboratory animal science are introduced , providing the model of cycle of high creature life especially human beings .

  11. 近年来随着实验动物科学的不断发展,该领域的研究已取得了长足的进步。

    In recent years , along with the continual development of the experimental animal science , there has been made rapid progress in this field .

  12. 实验动物科学是在现代科学技术革命带动下诞生的一门综合性的新兴学科,是现代科学技术的重要组成部分。

    Laboratory animal science is a new and developing integrated subject , which is born by means of science and technology revolution in the modern times , and is the important component of modern science and technology .

  13. 实验动物科学是生物医学乃至整个生命科学研究的基础和支撑条件,其发展和应用程度是衡量一个国家或地区科学技术水平高低的一个重要标志。

    Laboratory Animal Science is the basic and support conditions of biomedical and whole life sciences research , and its development and extent of application is the important sign of measure of a country or region level of science and technology .

  14. 其主要内容包括实验动物的科学与管理标准化、信息分类编码、完整基因组和功能的信息结构分析与比较、信息系统的研究。

    It includes Laboratory Animal Science and administration 's standardization , information classifying and encoding , information system , etc.

  15. 目的观察正常鹌鹑饲养不同时间血清甘油三酯、血糖、尿酸水平变化,为应用鹌鹑作为实验动物进行科学研究提供参考。

    ObjectiveTo observe the change of triglyceride , blood glucose and Uric acid at different time in normal Quail serum , and provide partial reference for study by quail as a kind of experimental animal .

  16. 如何正确选择和使用标准化实验动物,进行科学实验的原则和方法。

    Correctly choice and use of standardized laboratory animal , and the principles and methods for scientific experiment .

  17. 目的:实验动物是生命科学研究的基础和重要支撑条件,也是药品生产检测和新药研究的基础。

    Objective : Laboratory animals are the basis for life science research and an important supporting condition for the production and study of new drugs .

  18. 实验动物是生命科学研究中不可缺少的实验材料,实验动物质量控制是动物实验成功重要保证,其中病毒学检测是非常重要的内容。

    Laboratory animals are indispensable for life science research in the experimental materials . Quality control of laboratory animals is an important guarantee for the success of animal experiments , in which virological monitoring is crucial content .

  19. 维护实验动物福利促进生命科学发展

    Stressing the welfare of laboratory animals to advance life science

  20. 规范建设与管理实验动物中心促进眼科学发展

    The Normalized Construction and Management of Laboratorial Animal Center in the Development of Ophthalmology Discipline

  21. 鱼类实验动物在现代生命科学研究中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Fish as laboratory animals play a more and more key role in modern life science .

  22. 目的:实验动物是现代生命科学研究的重要组成部分,是生物医学乃至整个生命科学的基础和重要支撑条件,对于促进生命科学领域的研究、新药研制和相关产品开发,都非常重要。

    Objective : It is the essential part of the scientific study of the modern life to try the experiments on the animals .

  23. 中国实验动物信息网络建设将有助于推进我国实验动物科学产业化、信息化、社会化的进程,是实验动物科学实现跨越式发展的重要领域。

    Construction of China Laboratory Animal Information Net will improve laboratory animal industrialization and socialization .

  24. 本文在分析发达国家实验动物发展状况的基础上,结合当前经济社会发展和科学发展的需要,对中国实验动物科学发展中值得注意的几个问题提出了建议。

    Based on the analysis about the developmental state of laboratory animal science in developed countries , this paper provides some suggestions about development of laboratory animal science in China , correlating with the requirement in development of economy , society and science in China .