
  • 网络quantitative evaluation;Quantitative Assessment;quantitative estimation
  1. 提出了CT值线性的定量评价方法。

    A quantitative evaluation of CT number linearity was brought forward .

  2. 基于GIS的煤矿构造复杂程度定量评价研究与应用

    Application and Studying of the Quantitative Evaluation on Structural Complexity by GIS

  3. CO2弧焊熔滴过渡过程的特征及其定量评价

    Characteristics and quantitative evaluation on co_2 arc welding droplet transfer process

  4. CT定量评价脂肪肝

    CT quantitive assessment of fatty liver

  5. 基于Labwindows/CVI的CO2弧焊品质定量评价系统

    Quantitative estimating system of CO_2 arc welding quality based on Labwindows / CVI

  6. 菜田氮素反硝化损失与N2O排放的定量评价

    Denitrification Loss and N_2O Emission from Nitrogen Fertilizer Applied to Vegetable Field

  7. 基于构造复杂程度定量评价的瓦斯含量预测BP模型

    BP model of gas content prediction based on quantitative assessment of geological structure complexity

  8. 结论MR多序列综合扫描可对心脏瓣膜病特别是主动脉瓣疾病进行准确的定性及定量评价。

    Conclusion Heart valve diseases can be qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated by MR multiple sequences , especially in aortic valve disease .

  9. 基于网格与GIS的油气资源空间分布与定量评价系统及其应用

    Oil and Gas Resources Spatial Distribution and Quantitative Evaluation System Based on the Grids and GIS and Its Application

  10. 结论:CT灌注成像可定量评价肺癌放疗前后肿瘤血流灌注的改变,并可早期预测肿瘤的放射性治疗效果。

    Conclusion : Perfusion CT of lung cancer can enable assessment of tumor vascularity and perfusion changes that result from radiation therapy .

  11. 三维DSA距离测量准确性的模体定量评价研究

    Quantitative evaluation of distance measurement accuracy using phantoms for three-dimensional digital substraction angiography system

  12. 养分(磷)吸收机理模型的应用研究&Ⅲ.定量评价适应机制对玉米与大豆幼苗P吸收的作用

    Studies on the Applications of Mechanistic Nutrient ( P ) Uptake Model ─ⅲ . A Quantitative Approach to the Effect of other Adaptive Mechanism on P Uptake by Maize and Soybean Seedlings

  13. 提出了一种基于CT图像和立体测量技术定量评价上体结构性的方法和相应的定量指标,并首次对CT图像进行了处理。

    A new method and two quantitative indexes are also presented to analyze the change of soil fabric during the damage process on the basis of CT images and stereological technique .

  14. 以尾力矩(TailMoment,TM)作为细胞DNA损伤的定量评价指标,检测细胞照射后的初始DNA损伤(DNA单链断裂)和损伤后的修复能力。

    The tail moment ( TM ) was used as the end point , to quantify the initial DNA damage ( DNA single stand breaks ) and subsequent repair ability .

  15. 基于FDR的飞行安全定量评价模型FRAM-FD

    A Quantified Flight Risk Assessment Model Based on FDR

  16. 目的:应用彩色室壁运动技术(CK)定量评价存在收缩功能异常的陈旧心肌梗塞患者的左室局部和整体舒张功能。

    Objective : To quantitatively evaluate regional and global left ventricular diastolic function using CK in patients with old myocardial infarction ( OMI ) .

  17. 用TTT法定量评价生油岩

    Quantitative evaluation of source rocks with TTT method

  18. 为评价超精密工作台自标定过程中由随机测量误差引起的标定不确定度,提出了基于MonteCarlo模拟的自标定不确定度定量评价方法。

    The self-calibration uncertainty of ultra-precision stages caused by random measurement noise was evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations . The maximum uncertainty amplification factor of the self-calibration algorithm was used as the quantitative evaluation index .

  19. 结论:RT-3DE是一种定量评价左心室容量-时间曲线的可行、准确的新方法。

    Conclusion : RT-3DE was proven a feasible and accurate method for analysis of left ventricular volumes-time curve .

  20. 本文提出了一种新的加工烧伤定量评价方法,即采用工件表面烧伤的CCD图像对烧伤进行定量评价。

    In this paper , a new approach based on CCD image of the burned work-surface is proposed to evaluate the burn quantitatively , and the feasibility is discussed . The process of the quantitative evaluation is shown .

  21. 结论QTVI定量评价EH病人左室心肌功能,为进一步了解EH局部心肌收缩舒张功能变化及其局部与整体心肌功能的变化提供较为敏感、精确的方法。

    Conclusion QTVI offers a newer method for clinical practice which has a higher sensitivity and accuracy in evaluating LV regional systolic and diastolic function in EH patients .

  22. 这种对相关养分淋洗数据用双曲线按淋洗时间段分段拟合,并引入缓释指数SRI评价缓释肥料缓释特性的方法,为缓释肥料缓释特性的快速定性和定量评价提供了依据。

    The hyperbolic curve fitting method according to different leaching stages and the subsequent SRI are useful in quick evaluation on the slowrelease properties of the fertilizer in quality and quantity , respectively .

  23. 煤岩学标志、有机地球化学参数和热模拟实验产烃率数据为FMT值定量评价煤生烃排烃潜力的适用性和有效性提供了佐证。

    Marks of coal petrology , parameters of organic geochemistry and yield-oil of thermal simulated experiment are provided evidence for availability of " FMT " evaluation method .

  24. 目的应用经胸冠脉血流显像(TCFDI)技术定量评价梗死前心绞痛(PA)对冠脉内皮功能的影响。

    Objective To objectively evaluate the effect of preinfarction angina ( PA ) on coronary endothelial function by transthoracic coronary flow Doppler imaging ( TCFDI ) .

  25. 结论AQ技术为定量评价小儿TOF根治术前后的左、右室收缩、舒张功能提供了一种新的方法。

    Conclusions AQ may be used as a new method to evaluate the systolic and diastolic function of left and right ventricles before and after the total correction of TOF in children .

  26. 针对桩1块特高含水期底水稠油油藏的特点,利用NMR测井资料定量评价了该区块剩余油的分布情况,为利用水平井开采油水过渡带之上的剩余油提供了依据。

    According to the features of the viscous oil reservoirs with high water saturation and bottom water , the distribution of bypassed oil in Zhuang 1 block was evaluated with NMR logging techniques . The results provide a basis for horizontal well drilling .

  27. 提出DD-RCM模型节点影响度的定性和定量评价方法,完善了DD-RCM技术功能;

    Paper gives both qualitative and quantitative evaluating method of DD-RCMmodel nodes , which makes DD-RCM technology more perfect .

  28. 利用陆地卫星TM图像作为遥感信息源,运用GIS新技术方法,结合地学、生态学分析,以陕南山地为例,建立了山地生态环境定量评价标准、评价体系及模式。

    Base TM image of landsat on the resource of remote-sensing information , using G1S new technology and the analysis methods of geography and ecology , taking the mountainous region in Southern Shaanxi Province as an example , the mountainous region eco-environment quantitative evaluation standard , system and model .

  29. 药用真菌子实体多糖SEC-HPLC图谱的相似度定量评价研究

    A Study on Quantitatively Evaluating the Similarity of SEC-HPLC Profiles of Medicinal Mushroom Fruiting Body Polysaccharide Extracts

  30. 以某电厂的监控信息系统(SIS)中的历史数据库作为分析平台,基于非线性动力系统的复杂性刻画理论,提出利用Kolmogorov复杂性测度分析炉膛压力信号的波动程度,从而能够对燃烧状态做定量评价。

    With the help of Supervisory Information System ( SIS ), this paper introduced Kolmogorov nonlinear complexity index theory , and analyzed the stabilization of the pressure signals in furnace to quantitatively evaluate the combustion state . Firstly , furnace pressure signals were preprocessed .