
dìng zuì
  • declare sb. guilty;convict sb.;convict
定罪 [dìng zuì]
  • [convict] 根据法庭或其他权威的裁决,决定断定或宣告其犯法或有罪

  • 他被审并定罪,罚款500元

定罪[dìng zuì]
  1. 先前给他们的定罪已经宣布证据不足。

    Their convictions were declared unsafe .

  2. 没有足够的证据来定罪。

    There was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction .

  3. 爱德华兹被控犯有诈骗罪,但却从未被定罪。

    Edwards was indicted on racketeering charges but never convicted .

  4. 他因为在纳税申报表上作假而被定罪。

    He was convicted of filing false income tax returns

  5. 没有足够证据给他定罪。

    There was insufficient evidence to convict him .

  6. 依照刑法规定,审判仅涉及定罪。

    The trial is concerned only with the determination of guilt according to criminal law

  7. 他是个已定罪的重犯。

    He 's a convicted felon .

  8. 因刑事罪名被定罪的罪犯将可能被禁止从事教师职业。

    Convictions for criminal offences might lead to the persons concerned being debarred from entering the teaching profession .

  9. 昨晚这家公司悬赏1万英镑,寻找能将凶手定罪的证据。

    The firm last night offered a £ 10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the killer .

  10. 他们收缴毒贩的船、车和房产,并在这些恶棍被定罪后将其拍卖掉。

    They take drug dealers ' boats , cars and houses and auction them off after the crooks are convicted .

  11. 大约一半由联邦定罪的组织动物角斗者们都获得了缓刑。

    Roughly half of all federally-convicted animal fighters only get probation .

  12. 最近的一份报告提出了几项建议,包括废除大多数定罪后处罚,但保护公共安全特别需要的处罚除外。

    A recent report makes several recommendations , including the abolition of most post-conviction penalties , except for those specifically needed to protect public safety .

  13. 不幸的是,有许多联邦和州的法律对数量惊人的美国人实施定罪后限制,这些人永远无法完全偿还他们对社会的债务。

    Unfortunately , many federal and state laws impose post-conviction restrictions on a shockingly large number of Americans , who are prevented from ever fully paying their debt to society .

  14. Convict定罪陪审团才不会给我定罪。

    That jury will never convict me .

  15. 本案法官布莱恩基斯(briankeith)告知阿多博利,“基于法庭的定罪,他的罪行非常严重”。

    Judge Brian Keith told Adoboli his " fall from grace as a result of these convictions is spectacular " .

  16. 不幸的是,辉瑞的这些行为违反了美国专门用来定罪海外行贿的《反海外腐败法》(FCPA)。

    Unfortunately for Pfizer , such acts violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ( FCPA ) , an American law that criminalises bribery abroad .

  17. 而萧•皮特曼律师事务所(ShawPittman)的利兹•斯特恩(LizStern)则说,如果沃尔玛基于这一点被定罪的话,她会相当“震惊”。斯特恩女士为企业雇用移民提供咨询意见。

    And Liz Stern of the law firm Shaw Pittman , who advises businesses on immigrant employment , says she would be " shocked " if Wal-Mart were convicted on such a basis .

  18. 因此,除非明确要求依据特殊的法令进行定罪,否则使用§1B1.3中“相关犯罪行为”的标准。

    Accordingly , the " relevant conduct " criteria of § 1B1.3 are to be used , unless conviction under a specific statute is expressly required .

  19. 萨维尔事件就是一个令人不安的例子。《新闻之夜》(Newsnight)节目的编辑显然看都没看足以定罪的采访视频就放弃了调查节目。

    The Savile case , in which the editor of the Newsnight programme apparently dropped the investigation without even watching the damning interview , is a haunting example of what can result .

  20. 投资者杰拉尔德科文(GeraldCorwin)在一封信中写道:我想看着他和参与这一骗局的所有人被定罪,被判至少100年监禁,没有任何假释机会!

    Investor Gerald Corwin wrote in a letter : I would like to see him , and anybody else involved in this scam , convicted and sentence [ d ] to at least 100 years behind bars without any chance of parole !

  21. 在肯尼亚,被定罪的海盗可能面临终身监禁。

    In Kenya , convicted pirates can face life in prison .

  22. 这两人因罪状铁证如山被定罪了。

    The two men were convicted on some extremely damning evidence .

  23. 这个囚犯被定罪犯有两宗谋杀罪。

    The prisoner was found guilty on two counts of murder .

  24. 刑事审判中定罪观的确立与贯彻

    Establishment and Implementation of the Notion of Conviction in Criminal Trials

  25. 而他所得的是微不足道的定罪。

    Yet all he 's got are nickel and dime convictions .

  26. 论定罪三段论及其在法庭审判中的作用

    On Syllogism in Conviction and Tts Function in the Lawcourt Trial

  27. 我一定要给这混蛋定罪。

    I am going to nail this son of a bitch .

  28. 当定罪的那天后就已经不在了。

    Were not there on the day the crimes were committed .

  29. 现在的问题是她决不能被定罪。

    The last thing she needs right now is a criminal record .

  30. 第四部分,定罪的立法完善和定罪的体系化。

    IV Legislative consummation of condemnation and systemization of condemnation .