
  • 网络Directed cell;committed cell
  1. 在MST区,定向细胞激活定向组群网络,然后通过MT和MST之间反馈网络的作用,克服孔径现象,实现该区域的定向运动捕获。

    The directional cells activate a directional grouping network , proposed to occur within cortical area MST . The interaction between the model MT and MST cells solves the aperture problem , accomplishes directional motion capture within that region .

  2. 这种情况下的有丝分裂被称作不均等分裂,这也就是干细胞需要保持的在非定向细胞和定向细胞之间的健康平衡。

    That form of mitosis is called asymmetric division , and it 's exactly what stem cells need to maintain a healthy balance between uncommitted and committed cells .

  3. 代谢工程是指通过某些特定生化反应的修饰来定向改善细胞的特性或运用DNA重组技术创造新的化合物。

    Metabolism engineering referred to the improvement of cellular properties by special biochemical reactions or the construction of new compounds by DNA recombination techniques .

  4. 某些化合物及生长因子皆可以促进ES细胞定向心肌细胞的分化。

    Certain compounds and growth factors can promote ES cells differentiation into cardiomyocytes .

  5. 为了论证在感染人群中定向造血细胞是否在庇佑病毒,科林斯小组求助一位血液学家,他将15名感染HIV的志愿者骨髓里提取出定向造血细胞。

    To determine whether HPCs actually harbor the virus in infected people , Collins 's team worked with a hematologist who removed HPCs from the bone marrow of15 HIV-infected volunteers .

  6. 此外,诱导ES细胞体外定向造血细胞分化对于建立治疗性克隆以治愈多种血液病具有重要的研究和应用价值。

    Furthermore , in vitro differentiation of ES cells to hematopoietic cells is valuable for establishment of therapeutic clone against a variety of hematological disorders .

  7. 低剂量的He-Ne激光照射可使多向性造血干细胞(CFU(-s))和粒系定向干细胞(CFU(-c))的增殖能力增加。

    The colony-forming capacity of haemopoietic stem cell and granulocyte committed precusor cell can be increased by lower dose He-Ne laser irradiation .

  8. 诱导骨髓基质细胞表达神经细胞标记物Nestin,NSE和GFAP:脑源性神经节苷脂定向诱导细胞分化作用的研究

    Induction of Neural Markers Nestin , NSE and GFAP Expression in Cultured Bone Marrow Stromal Cells : Differential Effects of Brain Gangliosides

  9. 粒细胞集落刺激因子(GranulocyteColony-StimulatingFactor,G-CSF)是生长因子家族的一员,主要功能是刺激定向祖细胞向中性粒细胞分化。

    Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor ( G-CSF ), a member of the growth factor family , mainly stimulates the differentiation of committed progenitor cells to neutrophils and also modulates neutrophil actions and their distribution in the body .

  10. 用体内琼脂扩散盒法测定脾脏细胞中粒系定向干细胞生成团数的产率,结果表明,经SBA凝集者高于未经凝集者2.8倍。

    Using agar diffusion chamber method , the production rate of colonies of granulopoietic stem cells among spleen cells was determined . It was found that CFU-C / 105 of the SBA agglutinated fraction of spleen cell was enhanced 2.8-fold over that of non-agglutinated fraction .

  11. 双盒法测小鼠骨髓粒系定向干细胞

    Double agar diffusion chambers method assaying granulopoietic stem cells in mouse bone marrow

  12. 微米木纤维定向重组细胞纤维含量的定量求解理论研究

    Study on Quantitatively Calculated Theory of Micro-Meter Woodfibre Directional Reconstituted Content of Cell Fibre

  13. 巨细胞病毒感染对定向干细胞增殖的影响及黄芪的干预作用

    Effect of cytomegalovirus infection on proliferation of committed stem cells with the presence of Astragalus Membranaceus injection in vitro

  14. 促肾上腺皮质激素对小鼠骨髓粒系定向干细胞的抑制效应

    The inhibition effect of adrenocorticotropin ( acth ) on granulopoietic stem cells ( cfu-c ) in bone marrow of mice

  15. 定量测定造血干细胞的体内扩散盒琼脂培养技术Ⅰ粒系定向干细胞的体内扩散盒琼脂培养技术

    AN IN VIVO DIFFUSION CHAMBER TECHNIQUE FOR QUANTITATION OF HAEMOPOIETIC STEM CELL ⅰ . The Diffusion Chamber Culture Technique for Granulocytic Committed Stem Cells

  16. 精原干细胞的成功培养为今后重建完整的生精细胞系的治疗性移植和对这类定向干细胞的发育及分化潜能的研究提供了细胞模型。

    The cultivation of SSCs may provide an ideal cell model for the research of committed stem cells'development and differentiation , which can be applied in remedial transplantation .

  17. 具有选择性刺激定向千细胞分化生成中性粒细胞集落的功能,并且对某些白血病细胞的分化和增殖有影响。

    G-CSF possesses the ability to stimulate the colony formation of granulocyte from committed hematopoietic stem cells . It may exert effects on possible proliferation and differentiation of some human and murine myeloid leukemic cells .

  18. 它包括以下几个过程:定向暂态细胞对图像的暂态特性进行响应,输入到定向短程滤波器中,通过竞争信号的作用有选择性的放大特征跟踪信号。

    It is the result of several processing stages : Directional transient cells respond to image transients and input to a directional short-range filter that selectively boosts feature tracking signals with the help of competitive signals .

  19. 由于腹腔渗出细胞中存在原、幼巨噬细胞,按照血细胞发育是不可逆回的理论,推测腹腔巨噬细胞不是来源于血液循环中的单核细胞,而是来自血循环中的定向干细胞。

    According to development of blood cell is irreversible theory , presence of macrophage-blast and pro-macrophage in peritoneal dialysis cells is assumed that the source of peritoneal macrophages is rather circulating committed stem cells than monocytes in blood circulation .

  20. 使用循环伏安法、交流阻抗测试以及荧光标记等手段对修饰后的表面进行评估,表明修饰后的传感器表面具有良好的生物相容性,能维持细胞生理活性,可定向诱导细胞生长。

    Cyclic voltammetry ( CV ), AC impedance test and fluorescence labeling were utilized to evaluate surface characteristics after treatment . Results indicated the surface exhibited well biocompatibility , which could induce cells immobilization in orientation as well as keeping good physiological activities .

  21. 胚胎发育的早期,干细胞与祖细胞彼此协同地增殖分化,不存在3个等级的定向干细胞,不存在普适统一的干细胞巢结构。

    At the initial stage of embryo growth , stem cells and the progenitor cells proliferate and differentiate in coordination and there do not exist the three grades of committed stem cells , nor does the universally unified structure of stem cell niche .

  22. 科林斯和同事们首先明确了定向造血干细胞可以被HIV感染。

    Collins and colleagues first established that HPCs could be infected with HIV .

  23. 结论悬滴培养法结合药物改善微环境,可用于药物诱导ES细胞定向分化心肌细胞的实验体系。

    CONCLUSION An effective method was established by combining drug with hanging-drop cultures of ES cells for inducing the differentiation of ES cells into cardiomyocytes in vitro .

  24. 目的采用简易光电成像系统记录胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)体外定向分化心肌细胞的搏动频率,为药物诱导ES细胞体外定向分化心肌细胞提供量化评价指标。

    AIM To provide a simple method to investigate the inducible effects of drugs on the directional differentiation of embryonic stem ( ES ) cells to cardiomyocytes in vitro by adopting a photoelectricity-imaging system .

  25. 骨肉瘤患者外周血单个核细胞IL-6和NO的测定外周血单个核细胞定向诱导树突状细胞及其抗肿瘤免疫的体外研究

    Study on in vitro nitric oxide and interleukin-6 levels Induced from peripheral Mononuclear cells in patients with osteosarcoma Generation and Functional Characterization of Dendritic Cell from Peripheral Mononuclear Cells of Patients with Solid Tumors and Induction of Its Anti-tumor Activity in Vitro

  26. 过氧化物歧化酶、与膜联蛋白A6与细胞的活力有关,调节着细胞的分裂增殖与分化,但是否与定向成骨细胞分化有着密切关系尚有待进一步研究。

    Superoxide dismutase and annexin A6 had relation with the vitality of the cells , regulated cell division , proliferation and differentiation ; but whether they had closely relation with directing differentiation of osteoblasts remained to be further studied .

  27. 同时,通过Real-TimeRT-PCR检测原代和第5代BM-MSCs的亚全能干细胞标记分子、心肌和组织定向性干细胞的标记分子和基质金属蛋白酶(MMP3、MMP9、MT1-MMP)的基因表达水平。

    Meanwhile , expressions of markers of pluripotent stem cells , committed stem cells about myocardium and endothelial tissues by primary and passage 5 BM-MSCs and matrix metalloproteinases ( MMP3 / MMP9 / MT1-MMP ) were examined using Real-time RT-PCR .

  28. 而且,亚全能干细胞标记分子、心肌和组织定向性干细胞的标记分子和基质金属蛋白酶的基因表达水平在原代BM-MSCs的表达也明显高于第5代BM-MSCs。

    And gene expressions of markers for pluripotent stem cells , cardiac committed stem cells , endothelium committed stem cells and matrix metalloproteinases were also expressed higher by primary BM-MSCs than those expressed by passage 5 BM-MSCs .

  29. 动员人外周造血祖细胞定向诱导树突状细胞

    Generating dendritic cells by mobilizing human peripheral hematopoietic precursor cells

  30. 骨髓间充质干细胞定向分化肝细胞及肝内移植研究

    Differentiation of induced mesenchymal stem cells into hepatocytes and transplantation in liver