
  • 网络Positioning Marketing;position marketing
  1. 定位营销战略理论在华南地区家用食用油行业的应用

    Positioning Marketing Theory for Food Oil Industry in South China

  2. 最后,作为定位营销理论框架的应用,本文以市场调查为主要研究方法,对成都摩尔百盛的定位进行诊断,并提出了相应的定位策略。

    Lastly , for the application in the theory of positioning marketing , this text use marketing research to diagnose the positioning problem of CHENGDU PARKSON MALL and prefer relevant positioning tactics .

  3. 在企业刚开业阶段和每隔一段时间,要着重做“定位营销”或“品牌营销”;

    It is highlighted to practise'positioning marketing'or'brand marketing'at the beginning of a corporation and after a certain period .

  4. 来自竞争的巨大压力,迫使中国的企业必须从新定位营销的功能,必须重视营销的作用。

    The great pressure from the competition enforces the business enterprise in China to define the function of marketing all over again , and to pay attention to the role of the marketing .

  5. 其中定位营销要素是指通过顾客分析确定目标市场,通过企业能力分析及竞争分析,明确企业的核心专长与竞争优势,并在此基础上寻得两者的最佳结合点。

    The positioning marketing element is the method that confirm the targeting market from the analysis customer , that define own core specialty and competitive advantage , and that find out the best join between the two element .

  6. 通过SWOT分析后,总结出公司在ND销售方面存在的关健问题。然后是运用营销的STP和4P理论从市场定位和营销策略方面进行了改进,最后提出了一些营销策略实施方面的建议。

    Through the SWOT analysis , the ND sale key issues which exist were summarized and then they were improved in the market positioning and marketing strategy aspects using STP and the 4P marketing theory . Finally , some advices were brought forward in marketing strategy and implementation .

  7. 淮南市旅游市场定位与营销策略分析

    Analysis on the Positioning of Tourist Market and Marketing in Huainan

  8. 上海瑞金-哈佛心脏中心市场定位和营销策略

    Market Positioning and Marketing Strategies for Shanghai Ruijin-Harvard Heart Center

  9. 黑龙江日报报业集团产品定位与营销策略分析

    Research on Product Positioning and Marketing Strategy of Heilongjiang Daily Newspaper Group

  10. 我国品牌童装的定位与营销策划

    Orientation and Sale Scheme for Popular Brand Children 's Wear in China

  11. 河南省南太行山旅游客源市场定位与营销策略研究

    Study on Tourist Market Positioning and Market Strategy in Southern Taihang Mountains

  12. 城步旅游客源市场的开发定位与营销对策研究

    A study on development location and marketing countermeasures of tourist market in Chengbu

  13. 邮政储蓄银行功能定位及其营销策略

    Postal Savings Bank Function Fixed Position and Marketing Strategy

  14. 定位是营销理论中的一个核心概念。

    Positioning is a core concept in marketing theory .

  15. 蒙山旅游客源市场定位及营销策略

    Mengshan Tourism Market Positioning and Marketing Strategies

  16. 包括公司的战略目标、目标市场及定位和营销组合策略。

    It consist strategy target , target market and marketing situation , marketing built-up strategy .

  17. 不同类型的全球企业不仅在战略重点上有着显著的不同,而且有着不同的市场定位和营销组合实施。

    Different global business has not only different strategic emphasis but also different market orientation and marketing portfolio .

  18. 长尾理论是一种指导服装企业自身定位以及营销策略的思维方式。

    The Long Tail is a way of thinking that conduct the self position and marketing strategy of garment enterprises .

  19. 最后,对天业地产奥体项目从项目定位和营销策略两个方面进行全面分析。

    Finally , it conducts a comprehensive analysis from both aspects of project positioning and marketing strategy of the Olympic project .

  20. 因此,准确的市场定位和营销策略是明珠家园项目开发成功的关键因素。

    Therefore , the determining factor for the success of the Pearl Homestead Project is the precis market selection and sales strategy .

  21. 根据市场营销战略的有关理论,企业的市场营销战略包括竞争战略和定位及营销组合策略。

    According to the relative theories of the marketing strategy , the marketing strategy includes competitive strategy , position and marketing combined policy .

  22. 其次,从市场定位、营销模式、风险分析、风险管理四方面入手,探讨了目前主流的中小企业贷款解决方案。

    Secondly , market positioning , marketing models , risk analysis , risk management , four aspects of the current mainstream of small business loans solutions .

  23. 近些年,省级卫视为了在全国市场做大做强,纷纷进行频道的重新定位和营销战略的调整,并已涌现出一些具有全国竞争力的、有特色的省级卫视。

    In recent years , the provincial satellite TVs try to find out a new channel position and change their marketing strategies in order to become the bigger and stronger .

  24. 营销战略是公司希望实现其营销目标所依据的思维逻辑。营销战略由用于目标市场、定位、营销组合和营销开支水平的各个特定战略组成。

    Marketing strategy is the marketing logic whereby the company hopes to achieve its marketing objectives , which includes special strategies for target markets , positioning , the marketing mix and marketing expenditure levels .

  25. 系统介绍了外国石油公司为扩大在中国润滑油市场的占有率而采用的营销策略,包括市场定位、营销策略、营销组合和技术服务。

    To marketing strategy of foreign oil companies to enlarge their share in China 's lube oil market is systematically introduced , including their market placement , sales strategy , business combination and technical service etc.

  26. 在此基础上,根据企业自身状况动态调整细分市场的数量和规模,寻找目标市场,为企业战略决策、产品定位和营销提供一定依据。

    On this basis , the quantity and size of market can be adjusted dynamically according to enterprise status and the objective market can be found in order to help the enterprise to make decision .

  27. 对此,笔者认为与存款有关的服务收费与否以及多少取决于商业银行自身的市场定位与营销策略,存款定价可以用来为银行的各种服务形成特定的客户基础。

    The authors think that deposit service charge depends on sale strategy and the market position of commercial bank itself , deposit pricing can be used to form specific customer foundation for various services of bank .

  28. 同时,从项目策划思路、形象定位、营销策划的具体操作方案等几个方面对阳光名仕广场项目的营销策划方案进行周密的设计。

    At the same time , from the project planning ideas , image positioning , marketing planning concrete operation scheme aspects of " sunshine project " famous square of marketing planning schemes for a detailed design .

  29. 房地产营销战略的制定按照内外部分析、市场调查、目标市场选择、市场定位、营销策略组合以及营销控制六大步骤依次展开。

    The establishment of real estate marketing stragetics will be performed in six steps : external and internal analysis , market investigation , objective market selection , market positioning , marketing tactics mix and marketing control .

  30. 同时分析指出三九啤酒目前在面临重大的战略机遇和挑战的环境下,在战略方向、竞争战略定位及营销策略提升方面存在的问题。

    Under the condition for Sanjiu Beer in face of grand opportunity and challenge at present , this writings also points out its existent matters depending on strategy direction , competition strategy orientation and marketing policy exaltation .