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  1. 这相当于告诉面试官,钱是你唯一在意的东西。

    This may tell the interviewer that money is the only thing you care about .

  2. 再次,自古以来,由于民族习惯、民族心理的特殊性而产生的官本位钱本位意识是行政垄断产生的深层次原因,甚至是主要原因。

    Thirdly , since ancient times , consciousness of " official position " and " money worship ", which derives from our national habits and psychology , is the deep cause or even the main reason for it .

  3. 乐视北美首席研发官罗伯.钱德霍克(RobChandhok)表示,乐视正在重构电子产品与媒体的价值链,同时提供一座更优雅、直观的桥梁来解决用户体验分散的问题。

    Rob Chandhok , LeEco 's chief R & D officer for North America , said the company was reconstructing the value chain of electronics and media , while providing a more elegant and intuitive bridge that will solve the problem of a fragmented user experience .

  4. 理所当然,你的首席财务官就是处理钱。

    Plain and simple , your CFO handles the money .

  5. 朝官领取傣钱和俸米,外官领取俸钱和占有职田。

    Court officials received money and grain salaries , while provincial officials received money and land salaries .