
  1. 有迹象显示,Facebook首席执行官正计划近期前往中国,尽管他是为了商务目的还是游玩目的又或者两者都是尚不清楚。

    There are signs that the Facebook chief is planning a trip to China soon , though whether he will be going for business or pleasure or both is unclear .

  2. 前述出版商名叫淘气出版社(DerSchelm),其所在地莱比锡市的州检察官正展开调查,看是否可以对其提起指控。

    Now , state prosecutors in the German city of Leipzig , where the publisher , Der Schelm , is based , are investigating whether they can press charges .

  3. 俄罗斯的女警官正准备参加俄罗斯美女警察的选美比赛。

    Russian police girls at Police beauty contest , photo by Goldenshtein Y.

  4. 联邦检察官正准备今天起诉你。

    The federal prosecutor is prepared to arraign you today .

  5. 这位国际石油公司中最新上任的首席执行官正面临最大的挑战。

    The newest chief executive among the international oil companies is facing the biggest challenge .

  6. 在东南亚一家最大的陆上石油平台上,一名安全检查官正监督工人干活。

    A safety officer checks on workers on Southeast Asia 's biggest offshore oil platform .

  7. 主审官正是柏尼尔汤玛士。

    Chief interrogator was j.parneii thomas .

  8. 一位首席执行官正面试工业间谍一职的候选人。

    A chief executive officer , CEO , was interviewing candidates for a position as an industrial spy .

  9. 另外,当地一些检察官正创新性地应用公共妨害法向犯罪集团宣战。

    In addition , a number of local prosecutors are waging war against gangs by an innovative use of the public-nuisance laws .

  10. 简言之,首席执行官正变得年轻,这并不意味着我们其他人就到了世界末日。

    In short , the fact that chief executives are getting younger does not mean that the rest of us are doomed .

  11. 随着信贷危机验证了投行业许多领域可能存在的痛苦的周期性,很多首席执行官正盼望他们看似更为稳定的财富管理业务能够有助于维持现金流。

    With the credit crunch proving how painfully cyclical many parts of investment banking can be , many chief executives are looking towards their wealth management arms , perceived as a more stable business , to keep cash flowing .

  12. 霍华德•斯金格在索尼(SonyCorp.)失误连连的首席执行官生涯正是曾经伟大的索尼集团而今艰难处境的缩影,他的下台能换来这个传媒及电子巨头重振雄风的一天吗?

    Will the departure of CEO Howard Stringer , whose stumbles have come to epitomize the struggles of the once-great Sony Corp. , turn things around for the media-and-electronics conglomerate ?

  13. 告诉面试官,正是由于你在其他领域上的经验,使你发现你更加适合在这个领域上发展。

    Tell the interviewer that it is the broad experience outside of the field that makes you the right fit .

  14. 德国金融和数据保护监管机构同样对德银进行了调查,州检察官则正考虑是否有充分理由对其展开刑事调查。

    It is also under investigation from financial and data protection watchdogs , while state prosecutors are considering whether there are grounds for a criminal probe .

  15. 由于能够得到成本低廉的借债,同时有投资银行设计出的创造性结构,公司首席执行官们正越来越倾向于谋划竞购那些规模远大于自己的企业。

    Chief executives are increasingly inclined to plot bids for companies far bigger than their own , thanks to the availability of cheap debt and creative structures devised by investment banks .

  16. 银行家和律师们表示,他们预计2015年将是创纪录的一年,首席执行官们正受到压力,要求他们扩张业务,而并购交易是实现这种增长的最便捷方式。

    Bankers and lawyers said that they expected 2015 to be a record year with chief executives under pressure to expand their businesses and deals constituting the fastest and easiest way to achieve that growth .

  17. 据彭博新闻社(BloombergNews)报道,这家电动汽车公司的首席执行官在中国正面临商标纠纷,而中国是他非常希望打入的海外市场之一。

    The CEO of the electric car company is facing a trademark dispute in China , one of the foreign markets he was hoping to break into , according to Bloomberg News .

  18. 欧文斯上将如今是私人股本集团aea亚洲首席执行官,他正作为一项美国研究的联席负责人,就网络战争的科技、决策、法律和道德影响进行研究。

    Admiral Owens , now Asia chief executive of private equity group AEA , is co-chairing a US study into the technological , policymaking , legal and ethical implications of cyber-warfare .

  19. 作为新任首席执行官,杨致远正试图通过实用性(使雅虎成为网络用户的起点),将关注焦点重新带回他的公司。

    The new chief executive is trying to return focus to his company through relevance making Yahoo the starting point for consumers on the web .

  20. 作为首席营销官,我正是依靠自己在卡夫内部担任多个职位所积累的经验和知识,帮助公司完成了这次令人激动的转变。

    As CMO , I have relied on my experiences and knowledge gained during my many roles within Kraft to help guide the company during this exciting transformation .

  21. 当我们问,心智能否从过去中解脱,那么这个问题是不是那个审查官,那个正是过去的“我”提出来的?

    When we ask whether the mind can be free of the past is this question being asked by the censor , the " me ", who is that very past ?

  22. 美国财政部长约翰?诺将被迫下台,而高盛公司主席兼首席执行官亨利?罗正准备接替这一职位。

    Treasury Secretary John Snow is stepping down , while Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO Henry Paulson is preparing to take over .

  23. 随着投资者容忍力的下降,首席执行官的平均任期正日益缩短,而目前市场对40多岁具有领导潜力的高管需求更大。

    The average tenure of CEOs is falling as investors become less tolerant and there is greater demand for executives in their 40s with leadership potential .

  24. 上个月我详细介绍了麦当劳的困境,并且指出,为让这家快餐巨擘扭转颓势,首席执行官唐o汤普森正面临巨大的压力。

    I detailed McDonald 's woes last month , noting that the pressure was mounting on CEO Don Thompson to turn around the fast food giant .

  25. 2012年1月,当他取代那两位统治公司长达十年之久的掌门人出任首席执行官时,黑莓正深陷危机。

    When he took over as CEO in January 2012 , displacing the duo who had run the company for a decade , Blackberry was in crisis .

  26. 查克•普林斯2003年成为首席执行官时,花旗正面临来自监管机构的压力,而品牌也因其名声不佳可能严重受损,这二者是花旗当时面对的挑战。

    The challenge when Chuck Prince became chief executive officer in 2003 was that Citigroup was under pressure from regulators and suffering severe reputational damage that threatened to tarnish its brand .