
  • 网络PERFECT BRIDAL;Quite a Bride;Consummate bride;The Perfect Bride
  1. LaRepubblica日报说《完美新娘》对女性社会角色的理解太过时了。

    La Repubblica daily said Prefect Bride had an out-dated vision of women 's role in society .

  2. 女人们,你们应当成为纯洁和完美的新娘。

    And women , you get to be his pure and perfect bride .

  3. 一个完美的新娘发型,不仅要与婚纱礼服交相呼应,还能掩盖住新娘的不完美。

    A perfect bridal hairstyle , not only need hand over with the nuptial dress formal clothes echoes , but can also cover the bride not to be perfect .