- 网络holonomic constraint;Holonomic Constrains

For the systems with holonomic constraints , the relativistic Lagrange equation , Nielsen equation , Appell equation and Hamilton canonical equation of the rotational systems are constructed ;
Conservation law of mechanical energy in variable mass systems with holonomic constraints
Lie Symmetries of Holonomic Systems with Unilateral Constraints in Phase Space
Lie Symmetries and Conserved Quantities of Mechanical Systems of Remainder Coordinates with Unilateral Holonomic Constraints
Form Invariance of Lagrange System Forced by Holonomic Constraints
Effects of Non-conservative Forces and Nonholonomic Constraints on Noether Symmetries of a Hamilton System ;
Generalized Noether Theorem of High-Order Nonholonomic Constraints Systems in Noninertial Reference Frames
Noether 's theory for mechanics systems with unilateral holonomic constrains
Kane Equation for Systems of Rigid Bodies with Stochastic , Linear and Nonholonomic Embedded Constraints
Noether 's Theory of Non-holonomic Systems with Unilateral Constraints Relative to Non-inertial Reference Frame
This dissertation aim at the constraint condition that " pure roll without slippage ", designed an asymptotically stabilizing controller based on Lyapunov function under polar coordinates .
It is demonstrated that under appropriate assumptions Lagrange 's equations , including classical nonholonomic constraints , can be transformed to the extended chained form system .
Generalized energy integral and generalized Whittaker equations of mechanical systems with nonholonomic constraints of arbitrary order
Mac-Millan Equations of Mechanical System with Second Order Non-Holonomic Constraints under Generalized Coordinates
Oo the Mac-Millan Type Equations of Mechanical Systems With Non-holonomic Constraints of 2nd Order
The arithmetic , which based on the DM decomposition of bigraph , could distinguish the problem is under , over or complete constraint and find the position , where under or over constraint happens .
Symmetry and F-S 、 F-J quantization of constrained system including holonomic subsidiary constrains
In this paper , the fundamental concept concerning impulsive motion and the equations for impulsive motion are introduced on the basis of D ' Alembert 's Principle and Kane 's Equations .
Based on the Gauss principle , the authors derive Mac-Millan equations for mechanical system with second order non-holonomic constraints under generalized coordinates , and explain the correctness of the equations .
According to D'Alembert 's principle , the paper presents the Appell equations for any order non-holonomic systems , formulated in terms of quasi-velocities and quasi-accelerations .
For the systems with nonholonomic constraints , the relativistic Routh equation , Chaplygin equation , Nielsen equation and Appell equation of the rotational systems are constructed ;
It obtains the definition and the criterion for the form invariance of the system relying on the fact that the form of Lagrange equations and that of constrained equations with ideal bilateral holonomic constraints preserve an invariance under the infinitesimal transformations .
The Appell-Hamel Constraint is not Holonomic
Taking disc rolling on a rough surface as example , Noether symmetries and form invariance of dynamical systems in phase space with quasi-coordinates are studied . The conservation quantity of Noether symmetry varying is given under constrained mechanical system .
An expression of generalized virtual displacement on quasi-coordinates is obtained . By the use of D'Alembert-Lagrange 's principle , Appell equation for any order non-holonomic systems on quasi-coordinates is derived . More discussions on the equation are given .
Problems of control over forced motion with constraints are studies Using the principle of D'Alembert-Lagrange for such problems , new forms of dynamical equations for the problem with holonomic and non-holonomic constraints are deduced . Examples are given illustrating applications of such equations .
The D'Alembert-Lagrange 's principle for variable mass mechanical systems with unilateral constraints is given , the equations of motion for variable mass holonomic systems with unilateral holonomic constraints are obtained , and an example is given to illustrate applications of the above observations .
Form invariance of holonomic systems with unilateral constraints in phase space
Steering and control of a nonholonomic dynamic system using artificial fields
Small vibrations of weakly variable mass systems with linear nonholonomic constraints