
  1. 不完全竞争行业最优外资规模研究

    A Study on the Optimum MNES ' Production Scale in Imperfect Competition Industries

  2. 本地市场效应指具有较大当地需求的地区将吸引超比例的不完全竞争行业的企业来该地生产。

    According to home market effects , the region with a large local demand will attract a disproportionate imperfectly competitive industry enterprise .

  3. 对于煤炭开采业这样的完全竞争行业应该注重政府的调节作用,加大产业整合力度,淘汰落后产能,避免行业过度进入。

    Perfectly competitive industries such as coal mining industry should focus on the role of government regulation , increase the intensity of industry consolidation , the elimination of backward production capacity , avoid excessive enter industry .

  4. 我国的肉类行业是个完全竞争性行业。

    Meat industry in our country is a perfect competitive industry .

  5. 银行业是一个不完全竞争的行业,存在着规模经济,因此追求规模经济成为商业银行海外并购的一种内在动因。

    Banking industry is far beyond a perfect competitive industry , and economies of scale are existed . So the pursuits of economies of scale become Chinese commercial banks ' intrinsic motivation .

  6. 传统的金融约束理论都将银行体系作为完全竞争的行业,被动地以零成本将存款转化为贷款。

    In traditional financial restraints theory , banking system , which presumably intermediates between savers and investors , are implicitly assumed to operate under perfectly competitive conditions transforming deposits into loans at zero cost .

  7. 在进入市场经济以后,随着市场的开放,水电建筑业已由计划经济下的半垄断行业转变为一个多寡头的不完全竞争的行业。

    After entering market economy , the opening with the market , hydroelectric architecture industry already at to monopolize industry change one a piece of number the trades of imperfect competitions of heads into at half planned economy .

  8. 在完全竞争的电子行业,股权集中度与公司绩效正相关。

    In the competitive electronic industry , concentration ratio of shares is related to the corporate performance positively .

  9. 我国锅炉及压力容器生产厂家众多,规模大小不一,行业市场属于比较典型的完全竞争市场,行业内强手林立,竞争激烈。

    In China , plenty of these kinds of factories are different in scale , and classified to the traditional competitive market , in which the proficient everywhere and fierce competition .

  10. 餐饮行业是一个完全竞争性的行业,如何在此行业中立足成长是众多企业关注的问题。

    As a totally competitive trade , food and beverage trade is being confronted by a concerned issue that how it can hold its food and grows up among numerous enterprises today .