
  • 网络Anderson;Andersen;Jonathan Anderson;Chris Anderson;Marc Andreessen
  1. 黑斯廷斯先生在午宴上兴致勃勃地把这个故事向安德森先生详述了一遍。

    Mr Hastings gleefully retailed the story to Mr Anderson over lunch .

  2. 好几份报纸都刊登了安德森先生的照片。

    Several papers carry the photograph of Mr Anderson .

  3. 安德森粗略地介绍了一下他的策略的基本内容。

    Anderson outlined the bare bones of his strategy .

  4. 鲁迅和安德森创造了相同的乡土文学主题和相似的畸人形象。

    Lu Xun and Anderson create the same provincial literary themes and grotesque character images .

  5. 安德森在Facebook上发布了这一善举后,他也赢得了社交媒体用户的赞扬。

    He also won praise from social media users after Mr . Anderson posted about the act of kindness on Facebook .

  6. 安德森先生说:"我不敢相信那家伙一分钱也没拿。"

    Mr . Anderson said :" I couldn 't believe that the guy never took a penny ."

  7. 现在,安德森先生已经在网上发起了一项活动,为史密斯先生和该地区其他无家可归的人筹款,到昨天为止,该活动已经收到了8000英镑的筹款。

    Now Mr . Anderson has set up an online campaign to raise money for Mr . Smith and other homeless people in the area , which by yesterday had received £ 8,000 .

  8. 安德森先生说:"我认为每个人对他的信任都触动了他。人们在街上接近他;为他提供各种各样的工作职位。"。

    " I think the faith that everyone has shown in him has touched him . People have been approaching him in the street ; he 's had job offers and all sorts , " Mr . Anderson commented .

  9. 收到那封信五天后,他在早报上发现了安德森的讣告。

    Five days after the letter came , he found Andersen s obituary in the morning paper .

  10. 由安德森领衔的战略新闻服务公司(StrategicNewsService),是一家专为行业领袖和风险投资家服务的通讯出版商。

    Anderson is head of Strategic News Service , a newsletter publisher for industry leaders and venture capitalists .

  11. 一宗来自私募机构银湖资本(SilverLakePartners),与之联手收购的是微软(Microsoft)和安德森-霍洛维茨基金(AndreessenHorowitz)。

    One comes from Silver Lake partners , in partnership with Microsoft and Andreessen Horowitz .

  12. 埃里卡•安德森说,“培训就如同生意上的私人教练。”她是《战略性思维》(BeingStrategic)一书的作者,同时也是多位媒体主管的培训教练。

    " A coach is like a personal trainer for business ," says Erika Andersen , author of Being Strategic and coach to many media executives .

  13. 1993年,马克•安德森推出了世界上第一个互联网浏览器Mosaic。

    Back in 1993 , Marc Andrison launched Mosaic , the world 's first Internet browser .

  14. 安德森最近向香港外国记者会(foreigncorrespondentsclub)表示:“印度现在看起来像只老虎。”

    Mr Anderson told the Foreign Correspondents Club in Hong Kong recently : " India is looking like a tiger . "

  15. 从数码天空科技公司(DigitalSkyTechnologies)的尤里•米尔纳到安德森•霍洛维茨,许多投资者的投资策略,按照米尔纳的说法便是“力挺创始人”。

    Investors from Digital Sky Technologies ' Yuri Milner to Andreessen Horowitz have built their investment strategies on " sticking with the founders , " as Milner has said .

  16. 谈到中国,科技智囊集团战略通讯社(StrategicNewsService)的马克•安德森指出,中国从其他国家获得知识产权的30年历程将难以为继。

    Speaking of China , Mark Anderson of strategic News Service says that the 30-year effort by the Chinese of " obtaining " intellectual property from other nations is coming to a head .

  17. 在加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森商学院(UCLAAndersonSchoolofBusiness),2015届MBA班级有30%的毕业生进入科技公司。

    At UCLA Anderson School of Management in Los Angeles , 30 per cent of the 2015 MBA class took roles in technology companies .

  18. 安德森•霍洛维茨是Coinbase“B轮”融资的牵头公司。

    The firm is the lead investor in a " series B " round funding for coinbase .

  19. Apostolia-MariaTsimberidou来自得克萨斯大学位于休斯敦的MD安德森癌症中心,也抱有相同的看法。

    One such is Apostolia-Maria Tsimberidou of the University of Texas 's MD Anderson Cancer Centre , in Houston .

  20. 徳平厚博士在MD安德森的作用远不止确定哪五种肿瘤。

    Dr DePinho himself will have more duties at MD Anderson than just dealing with the five chosen tumours .

  21. 本文将对MD安德森癌症中心神经肿瘤中心进行简要介绍。

    In this article , we will give a concise introduction of brain tumor center at MD Anderson Cancer Center .

  22. 不妨谈谈你对安德森-霍罗维茨风险投资公司(AndreessenHorowitz)的仰慕之情吧。

    Then just mention how much you admire Andreessen Horowitz .

  23. 本文的翻译原文部分选择了美国作家大卫F.安德森所著的《认识飞行》一文。

    The original text of the translation part is an excerpt from the book of Understanding Flight written by David F. Anderson .

  24. 本文作者SamGerstenzang为Imgur产品总监,曾在安德森o霍洛维茨基金合伙人担任过16个月的合伙人。

    Sam Gerstenzang ( @ gerstenzang ) is director of product at Imgur , and previously spent 16 months as a partner at Andreessen Horowitz .

  25. 人们会对初创公司的创始人们大献谀词,而像合广投资(UnionSquareVentures)和安德森霍洛维茨公司(Andreessen-Horowitz)这些最早资助Facebook的风投机构的形象也会变得光辉起来。

    There will be adulatory profiles of startup founders and VC firms who first backed them – firms like Union Square ventures and andreessen-horowitz .

  26. 去年,AdobeSystems登上了安德森MBA毕业生雇主榜的榜首,将美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)和德勤(Deloitte)推后至第二、三位。

    Adobe Systems took the lion 's share of Anderson MBA graduates last year , pushing Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Deloitte into second and third place respectively .

  27. 上个月,达美航空(DeltaAirLines)首席执行官理查德•安德森(RichardAnderson)指责阿联酋航空(Emirates)、阿提哈德航空(EtihadAirways)以及卡塔尔航空(QatarAirways)接受政府补贴。

    Last month , Richard Anderson , Delta Air Lines " chief executive , accused Emirates , Etihad and Qatar Airways of receiving state subsidies .

  28. MD安德森癌症中心神经肿瘤中心于1993年组建,旨在整合多个学科优势,最大限度提高神经肿瘤患者的预后及生活质量。

    Brain tumor center was organized in1993 , with the purpose to improve brain tumor patients'prognosis and quality of life by the integration of multidisciplinary expertise .

  29. 在德安东尼的体系中,现在火箭队的射手群包括威廉姆斯,戈登和莱恩-安德森,3-D(指能投三分能防守的球员类型)侧翼球员特雷沃-阿里扎和强大的后场防守球员帕特里克-贝弗利。

    For D'Antoni 's system , the Rockets now have an array of shooters in Williams , Gordon andRyan Anderson , a 3-and-D wing in Trevor Ariza and a strong backcourt defender in Patrick Beverley .

  30. 安德森认为,虽然过去五年中国的投资规模接近GDP的一半,但并没有多少证据表明这种投资规模导致工业大范围产能过剩。

    Even though China has been investing almost 50 % of GDP for the past few years , Mr. Anderson doesn * t see much evidence that it * s resulted in widespread industrial overcapacity .