
  • 网络Anastasia
  1. 他们可能像安娜斯塔西娅(Anastasia)一样知道性爱即将来临,但他们没料到会有“红房间”(redroom)——一间黑暗的房间,在嚼爆米花声和吸健怡可乐声中,这里上演着离奇的性幻想。

    They may , like Anastasia , have worked out that sex was in the air , but they did not anticipate the " red room " - a darkened chamber where deviant fantasies are played out to the soundtrack of munched popcorn and the slurping of Diet Coke .

  2. 你是要告诉我,你以为我就是安娜斯塔西娅吗?

    Are you trying to tell me you think that I am anastasia ?

  3. 如果我不是安娜斯塔西娅,太后马上就会发现的。

    If I 'm not anastasia , the empress will know right away .

  4. 她看起来的确像是安娜斯塔西娅。

    She certainly does look like anastasia .

  5. 因为你真的是安娜斯塔西娅。

    Because you really are anastasia .

  6. 如果那东西复活了,那一定意味着安娜斯塔西娅还活着。

    If that thing 's come back to life , it must mean anastasia 's alive .

  7. 一看到这个珠宝盒,太后就会以为我们找到了真的安娜斯塔西娅。

    One look at this jewellery box , the empress will think we have the real anastasia .

  8. 奇怪的是,马西后来耗费大量笔墨谈论安娜·安德森,那自称安娜斯塔西娅之人,以及其他冒名者。

    Massie then takes the curious decision to devote many pages to Anna Anderson , the woman who claimed to be Anastasia , and other impostors .

  9. 安娜斯塔西娅释放了尤根,那个被神圣帝国指控是杀死了她父亲的凶手,因为她相信尤根是清白的。

    Anastasya has liberated Jorgen , the man accused by the Holy Falcon Empire for her father 's death , as she believes he is innocent .

  10. 证据现实,米兰达与自己父亲的死脱不了干系,安娜斯塔西娅决定亲率不死军团解救斯维尔塔娜。

    Convinced that Miranda is certainly linked in some way to the death of her father , she decides to take her army of Undead and free Sveltana .

  11. 安娜斯塔西娅打算劝说娜姆塔茹蛛母&亚沙噩梦的化身,希望它可以给予自己揭开降临到她身上的这一切谜团的线索。

    Anastasya is convinced the Mother Namtaru , the Avatar of Asha 's Nightmares , can give her clues to unraveling the mystery of all that has befallen her .

  12. 到目前,弗格纳已经发表了3500页的内容,相当于五本小说,都是关于克里斯蒂安与安娜斯塔西娅的故事,比原作者创作的内容还多。

    At this point , Ms. Fougner , who has published the equivalent of five novels totaling some 3500 pages , has written far more about Christian and Anastasia than their creator has .

  13. 背信弃义的米兰达已经死了,但是安娜斯塔西娅已经从她嘴里撬出了关于那个控制她的心智谋杀她父亲的犯人身份的重要线索。

    The treacherous Miranda has passed on , but not before giving Anastasya an important clue to discovering the identity of the person who took control of her mind and used her to kill her father .