
  • 网络ANO
  1. 安图县水资源在旅游业中深开发的研究

    Study on deep development of waterpower resources in tourism at Antu county

  2. 安图县旅游业生产力布局的研究

    Study on distribution of touring productive force at Antu county

  3. 吉林省安图县肺吸虫病流行病学调查

    Epidemiological Survey on Paragonimiasis in Antu County

  4. 吉林安图人化石

    A fossil human tooth from Jilin Province

  5. 阐述了安图县旅游业发展战略。

    Described Antu County Tourism Development Strategy .

  6. 较高风险区向东北方向延伸,主体位于安图境内;

    Relatively high risk region extends northwest with its main part in border of Antu County ;

  7. 重点分析了区域经济战略性调整对安图发展影响。

    Focused on analyzing the strategic adjustment of the regional economic development impact on the security plan .

  8. 吉林省安图洞穴堆积的孢粉组合特征及其地质意义

    The features of the sporo-pollen assemblage and its geological significance in cave deposits in Antu county , jilin Province

  9. 通过研究安图县现有的水资源,以及开发和保护的现状,分析了其在旅游业中的作用以及存在的问题,并提出了安图县水资源深层次开发和保护的建议。

    We has been tying to make some suggestion about deep development of waterpower resources in tourism at Antu county .

  10. 对安图县实例的分析可以看出,一方面很好地验证了该研究思路;

    Take Antu County as a case study , it is indicated that the research model of applying Behavioristic Psychology is good and feasible .

  11. 从吉林省安图县案例看人类对全球变化适应的行为心理学研究

    Research on human adaptive behavior to global change in the view of behavioristic psychology indicated from the case study of Antu county , Jilin Province

  12. 中风险区范围相对较大,主要位于安图、和龙、长白、靖宇、抚松境内。

    The moderate risk region is relatively large with its main part in borders of Antu , Helong , Changbai , Jingyu and Fusong Counties .

  13. 结果在吉林省中朝边境地区的珲春、图门、安图、敦化4市(县)采获吸血虻5属39种,依次分布为31、27、24和28种。

    Results 39 species of 5 genera of family Tabanidae have been recorded from 4 cities and counties of frontiers between Korea and Jilin province in China .

  14. 位于吉林省延边朝鲜族州安图县和白山市抚松县境内,是中朝两国的界山。

    It is located between An Tu and Bai Shan in Ji Lin province , and it is also the border mountain between China and the North Korea .

  15. 安图县矿产资源种类齐全,已发现矿产50余种,主要有黄金、煤炭、钼、铁、矿泉水、地热等。

    There are well-found category mineral resources in Antu county area , 50 kinds of minerals have been discovered , such as gold 、 coal 、 basalt 、 molybdenum 、 Iron 、 mineral water 、 terrestrial heat etc.

  16. 提出了安图旅游产业发展对策:加强对安图旅游的科学规划、加强对旅游景点的宣传推介、加强对基础设施的投入建设、加强对旅游人才的培养引进、加大政府主导力度。

    Proposed Antu tourism industry development : to strengthen the scientific planning of Antu tourism to strengthen the promotion of tourism attractions to promote , strengthen investment in infrastructure construction , strengthen the training of tourism personnel to introduce and strengthen efforts to promote the tourism industry .

  17. 一是长白山管理体制调整对安图旅游产业发展影响,二是延龙图一体化战略的实施对安图旅游产业发展影响,三是新的进山方式对安图旅游产业发展影响。

    First , Changbai Mountain management system to adjust its Antu tourism industry development impact , and second , Yan Lung integrated implementation of the strategy of the development impact of Antu tourism industry and the third is a new way into the mountains Antu tourism industry development impact .