
  • 网络Atlas-Centaur;exine
  1. 大家都认为这位加拿大巨星可以收获满满,毕竟他拥有宇宙神专AfterHours,还有其中大火的单曲BlindingLights.

    The Canadian star had been expected to perform strongly , thanks to his number one album After Hours and the hit single Blinding Lights .

  2. 主引擎启动、透过大气层寻找火星线索的宇宙神5与MAVEN点火升空。

    Main engine start , ignition and liftoff of the Atlas 5 with MAVEN looking for clues about the evolution of Mars through its atmosphere .

  3. 五分钟以后,航天器脱离宇宙神火箭。

    Five minutes later , the spacecraft separated from the Atlas rocket .

  4. 约翰·伦爬进了巨大的宇宙神火箭顶端的狭小的航天器中。

    John Glenn climbed into his tiny spacecraft on top of the huge Atlas rocket .

  5. 陆军和空军制造红石、庇特和宇宙神三种型号的火箭。

    The Army and Air Force built the Redstone , Jupiter , and Atlas rockets .

  6. “好奇者号”是价值25亿美元的火星科学实验室空间飞船的中心部分,该飞船去年11月由“宇宙神”-5火箭发射升空。

    Curiosity is the center piece of a 2.5 billion dollar Mars science laboratory space craft launched in November aboard an Atlas V Rocket .

  7. 我们不幸是因为感觉和宇宙或者神分离了。

    We are miserable because we feel separate from God or the universe .

  8. 谢谢宇宙所有神的庇护!

    To all the protectors of the universe !

  9. 我们可以说,我们就是宇宙自我神识的体现。

    We could say we are another way that the universe is becoming conscious of itself .

  10. 愿我们都明白,这位宇宙的神想要我们,这是一件多么奇妙的事情。

    May we all see how amazing it is that the God of the universe wants us .

  11. 试想想全宇宙的神,就是天地的创造者,他来到我们身旁,唱歌给我们听。

    Just think that the God of the entire universe-the creator of everything-comes and sings over us .

  12. 漫威一直在静悄悄地拍摄这部讲述宇宙之神创造出的不死种族的电影。

    Marvel has quietly been casting the film based around the group of immortal beings created by cosmic Gods .

  13. 我是谁呢,全宇宙之神,竟然在意我姓甚名谁,竟然在意我所受过的伤。

    Who am I , that the Lord of all the earth , would care to know my name , would care to feel my hurt .

  14. 缓和这两种极端投射,获得灵魂永生的方法在于把灵魂投射转移到爱、宇宙、神。

    The way to defy the extreme projection and eternalize their soul lies in three ways of transferred projection of soul-image into the love , cosmos and god .

  15. 上帝耶和华已经向世人表明自己是宇宙惟一的神。

    It is I who made the earth and created mankind upon it .

  16. 但是天文学家伽利略认为,如果宇宙是由神自由创造的,

    But astronomers such as Galileo saw that if the Universe had been created freely by God ,

  17. 他们是宇宙万物中神的精神所在,是身体上的生命,是神的大自然中的一个生命。

    It is a divine spirit of the universe , a bodily life and a life of divine nature .

  18. 宇宙为最高神的居所,明堂为人间祭祀最高神的场所,明堂与宇宙因最高神而联系在一起。

    Supreme god living in high sky connected the universe with Ming-Tang being the building for offering sacrifices to it .

  19. 造物主选择了男神与女神来管理这些宇宙,男神的其中一位,你们许多人称之为上帝的,成为了这个宇宙的管理者。

    Creator selected the gods and goddesses to rule over the universes , and one of the gods , whom many of you call God , became the ruler of this universe .

  20. 因着信,我们就明白宇宙是因着神的话语造成的。这样,那看得见的就是从那看不见的造出来的。

    Through faith we understand that the ages were framed by a word of God , so that the things seen should not have come into being out of the things that appear .

  21. 来十一3我们因著信,知道宇宙是凭神的话结构起来的;这样,所看见的并不是从显然之物而成的。

    Heb . 11:3 By faith we understand that the universe has been framed by the word of God , so that what is seen has not come into being out of things which appear .

  22. 那统统皆正在阿谁宇宙的制物神的保护下完秤弈。

    All of this is done under the aegis of the creator God of this universe .

  23. 不同的神祗,宇宙中有许多神祗,通过思考,他们发散出比他们低级的存在。

    The different divine beings , there are lots of divine beings in the existing universe , and by thinking and being they emanate inferior forms of being after themselves .

  24. 可是,这个新的埃及国王不知道约瑟,也不在乎希伯来人所信的这位创造了宇宙万有的真神活神。

    But this new king did not remember Joseph , nor did he care about the Hebrews ' God , Who is the true and living God Who created all things .