
  • 网络Ninghai County
  1. 浙江省宁海县地质灾害特征及防治对策

    Geological hazards and protection measures in Ninghai county , Zhejiang Province

  2. 宁海县儿童铅元素监测与干预研究

    Study on lead monitoring and intervention for children in Ninghai County

  3. 宁海县火车站站前核心区域城市设计竞赛方案创作

    The Urban Design of Core Area in front of the Railway Station , Ninghai County

  4. 宁海县单季稻生产中存在的问题及对策

    Problems of and Countermeasures to the Production of Single Cropping Rice in Ninghai , Zhejiang

  5. 目的通过对宁海县儿童铅元素监测与干预,了解儿童铅含量水平和干预效果。

    Objective This study was designed to understand lead content level of children and corresponding intervention effect through lead element monitoring and intervention for children in Ninghai County .

  6. 宁海县梅林中心幼儿园于1999年9月开始积极探索游戏活动中培养幼儿创造力的具体途径和方法。结果表明,游戏活动确实是培养幼儿创造力的最有效途径。

    Meilin Center Kindergarten in Ninghai explored actively the specific approaches and methods to train children 's creativity in September 1999 . The result shows that playing games is indeed a most efficient approach to train children 's creativity .

  7. 全市辖象山、宁海二个县,余姚、慈溪、奉化三个县级市。

    The whole city includes two counties , Xiangshan and Ninghai , and three county-level cities , Yuyao , Cixi and Fenghua .