
mènɡ jiā lā yǔ
  • Bengali
  1. 孟加拉语说“你好”,即say“EiJe”

    To say " hello " in Bengali , say " Ei Je "

  2. 幸运的是我也认识会说孟加拉语的人。

    I was also lucky I knew someone who spoke bengali .

  3. 孟加拉语和其他手稿也使用它们各自的宗教。

    The Bengali and other scripts were also used in their respective regions .

  4. 语言:官方语言为孟加拉语,英语也通用。

    Language : the official language is Bengali . English is also used widely .

  5. 我的孟加拉语说得更好。

    I can speak better Bengali also .

  6. 在孟加拉国,一个超过1.2亿人口的国家,几乎人人都说孟加拉语。

    In Bangladesh , a country of 120 + million people , just about everybody speaks Bengali .

  7. 虽然英语在官方事务和高校教育中应用,但是孟加拉语仍是官方语言。

    It is the official language , though English is accepted in official tasks and in higher education .

  8. 他阅读了大量孟加拉语诗歌,八岁即能诗。

    He read the Bengali poets from an early age and began writing poetry himself at the age of eight .

  9. 有很多国家都有阿拉伯语使用者,但是只有日本才有日语使用者,而几乎一半的孟加拉语使用者都住在印度。

    Arabic is spoken in a large number of countries , while Japanese is only spoken in Japan . Nearly half of Bengali speakers live in India .

  10. 此外,我们还能在英语中发现从大量其它不相关的语言像希伯来语、阿拉伯语、孟加拉语、马来语和汉语等等中借用的词汇。

    Besides , we can also find borrowing in English from a number of other irrelevant languages like Hebrew , Arabic , Bengali , Malay and Chinese etc.

  11. 由于参与了宣传让孟加拉语进入到东巴基斯坦(今孟加拉国)的主要语言体系当中,多名学生遭到警方杀害。

    Several Bangladeshi students were killed by police for campaigning for the Bangla language to be included as a main language in East Pakistan ( now Bangladesh ) .

  12. 各地区电影对于印度电影业的影响举足轻重,语言多种多样,包括泰米尔语、泰卢固语、马拉地语、马拉雅拉姆语、孟加拉语、旁遮普语,甚至还包括比哈尔方言。

    Indian cinema is equal to Bollywood . Be it Tamil , Telugu , Marathi , Malayalam , Bengali , Punjabi or even Bhojpuri , the contribution of regional films to Indian cinema is immense .

  13. 由于孟加拉国几乎被印度所包围(那里人口增长如此之快,好像只是呼吸空气就可以让你怀孕似的),在世界上讲孟加拉语的人的数量比大多数人预料的多得多。

    And because Bangladesh is virtually surrounded by India ( where the population is growing so fast , just breathing the air can get you pregnant ) , the number of Bengali speakers in the world is much higher than most people would expect .