
  • interest spreads of deposit and loan
  1. 存贷利差不断缩小极大的压减了银行传统业务收入的增长空间,理财产品作为新兴业务,成为了银行新的利润增长点。

    The interest spreads of deposit and loan reduced constantly and greatly reduced the traditional revenue growth space , financial products as a new business , become a new profit growth point bank .

  2. 固定的存贷利差给了银行一个铁饭碗。

    Fixed loan-deposit spreads have given banks an iron rice bowl .

  3. 有存贷利差最优投资组合的有效前沿研究

    Optimization of Portfolio : Efficient Frontier under Saving / Borrowing Rates Spread

  4. 利率市场化将会造成存贷利差的收窄。

    The marketization of exchange rate may narrow deposit - to - loan spreads .

  5. 合理的存贷利差是商业银行正常经营的必要条件

    The Condition on Management of Commercial Bank : Reasonable Interest Rate Balance between Deposit and Credit business SUN

  6. 而外资银行在华设立分行则主要是与中国的吸收的外商直接投资、进出口总额和国内的存贷利差存在着正相关关系。

    While the establishment of branch is mainly influenced by FDI , import and export volume and interest spreads .

  7. 而我国商业银行不具备混业经营的条件,银行的日常收入依赖于存贷利差,因此银行的贷款经营十分重要而紧迫。

    Chinese commercial banks don 't possess the compound condition . Commercial banks ' revenue almost comes from depositing and loaning profits .

  8. 结论表明,有存贷利差的有效前沿是由线段、双曲弧线段及射线上的点组成的集合。

    The conclusion shows that the efficient frontier is a set which consists of a line segment , an arc and a line .

  9. 长期以来,我国商业银行将存贷利差作为利润的主要来源。

    For a long time , the commercial banks use the spread of deposit and loan interest rates as the main source of profits .

  10. 降息和利率下浮,存贷利差的缩小使得以此为主要收益来源的银行盈利空间进一步缩小。

    Bank 's payoff space shrinks due to the reduced margin between deposit and loan rate which is the major resource of bank 's profit .

  11. 计算收支差额计算借方和贷方(在总数上)的差额商业银行存贷利差:扩大还是缩小?

    To compute the difference between the debits and credits of ( an account ) . On the Interest Rate Margin of Commercial Banks in China ;

  12. 传统的商业银行以存贷款业务为主要支柱,利润来源主要是存贷利差。

    The traditional banking of commercial banks is sustained by operation of deposit and loan , which yields the profits from the margin of rates for the banks .

  13. 尤其是当前各商业银行的个人贷款均主要投向房屋按揭贷款,而存贷利差的缩小,加上各商业银行无序的竞争,导致该业务基本无利可图。

    Currently the personal loan is mainly put into house mortgage loans . However the decrease of spread and disordered competition leads nearly zero profit from such business .

  14. 长期以来,我国银行业的利润大部分来源于存贷利差所形成的利息收入,而西方国家银行的利润大部分来自于中间业务收入。

    For a long time , most of the profits of Chinese banks come from interest spread , but those of banks in western countries come from intermediate business .

  15. 本文认为原因分内外部因素两个方面:外部因素有软预算约束、地方政府投融资和存贷利差水平,内部因素有激励机制和监督机制。

    This paper argues that causes have internal and external factors : external factors are soft budget constraint , local government investment and financing and the level of deposit-loan spread .

  16. 目前,银行贷款仍然是企业融资的主要方式,存贷利差收入则是国内商业银行收入的主要来源,信贷风险在相当长的一段时间内将是国内银行业面临的最主要的风险之一。

    Till now , bank loan is still the main form of enterprise financing and the margin income of deposit and loan is the main source of domestic commercial bank .

  17. 随着现代金融业的发展,银行的经营理念发生了根本转变,银行从主要靠存贷利差获取收入,转向靠为客户提供优质金融服务获取效益。

    With the development of modern financial industry , the management concept of banking has transformed greatly . Now banks gain benefits through providing customers with first-class financial service , rather than the deposit and lending spreads .

  18. 第三,农村金融机构在短期内将受益于存贷利差的扩大,实现财务上的可持续发展,长期地看,其要想维持财务上的可持续性,必须着眼于自身效率的提高。

    Thirdly , rural finance institutions will benefit from the broaden gap between loan rate and saving rate in the short run , but it should improve its efficiency to realize the persistence in the finance in the long run .

  19. 本文通过建立一个含有规模、质量、效益效用因子的信贷配给模型,分析认为理性的银行对规模和质量的变动而带来的效用变化的比率等于存贷利差与贷款吸存率的比;

    The paper believes that the ratio of utility changes that brought forward by the scale and quality 's alterations under a rational bank equals to the ratio of the margin between deposit and loan rate over loan - induced deposit rate .

  20. 目前,我国整个利率体系的基准利率确定困难、商业银行风险定价能力不足以及利率市场化之后可能出现的存贷利差缩小是推进利率市场化进程的主要障碍。

    At present , marketization of interest rate is bottlenecked by difficulty to determine the base rate of the overall interest rate system , inability of commercial banks to do risk pricing and consequent potential reduction of interest rate differentials of deposit-loan .

  21. 自1995年以来金融机构累计形成的巨额存差,对商业银行传统的依靠存贷利差获取收入的模式形成了挑战,同时也给保险公司加快银行保险业务带来了新的机遇。

    The huge deposits surplus accumulated within Chinese financial institutes since 1995 has presented great challenges to commercial banks ' traditional income models based on interest difference between deposit and credit . It also brings opportunities for insurance companies to explore bancassurance .

  22. 放宽利率假设,认为利率是随机波动的连续时间定价模型是持有成本模型的扩展。综合交易费用、融资成本、存贷利差等因素的区间定价模型为股指期货价格提供了一个无套利的价格区间。

    Comprehensive transaction costs , financing costs , savings and loan benefits poor factor pricing model provides a no-arbitrage pricing interval . Suppose we relax the interest rate that the rate is the continuous-time stochastic volatility pricing model is an extension of holding cost model .

  23. 我国的资本市场从无到有,逐渐成长;短期融资券等融资工具不断丰富;加之逐渐剧烈的同业竞争,商业银行的信贷业务受到前所未有的挑战,存贷净利差在逐渐减小。

    The Chinese capital markets grow out of nothing , and the financing tools vary such as short term financing bonds . With the fierce competition of the same industry , the credit businesses of commercial banks face to the unprecedented challenge and the net interest margin loan decrease gradually .

  24. 目前,我国商业银行的主要业务是存贷业务,利润主要来自于存贷利差,而面临的主要风险也源于商业银行的信贷活动。

    At present , the commercial banks ' main business is industrial and commercial deposit and loan , and most of the profits are coming from balance between deposit and loan , the main risks of commercial banks also stem from the credit business .