- Inventory valuation method;【经】inventory costing methods

Effect of Different Inventory and Valuation Methods on Enterprise Tax Burden
The Choose and Application of Traditional Inventory Costing Method Based on Computer
Selection of Price Reckoning for Enterprise Goods in Stock
Discussion is made on in this paper and given the adjustment among them .
Adopting different method of inventory valuation influences the cost of goods sold and its profit .
Comparison of inventory valuation methods
To select the correct method of counting stock - in - trade is propitious for the modern enterprise management .
From the comparison of inventory valuation methods , we can see that all four methods are regarded as acceptable accounting practices .
During a period of inflation or rising prices , the use of FIFO will result in greater profits than the other inventory valuation methods .
Enterprises of lacking integrity often make financial fraud by fabricating false information , arbitrarily changing in inventory valuation , accounting nonstandard inventory cost and artificially adjusting account etc.
The difference between manual process and computerized process , the substitution among inventory costing methods that make only 8 methods are practical effect among 12 traditional inventory costing methods based on computer .
If the choice is different , the level of cost , the reported profit and the evaluation of stock will be different , as well as it work on the enterprise 's tax burden and cash flowing .
Accountancy handling methods to the enterprise inner raising funds mainly have the method in depreciation of fixed assets and the method of stock in trade valuation . Different accounting handling methods have the different influence to the production operation of the enterprise .
The method of pricing inventory is required to identify the units in the ending inventory as coming from specific purchases .
In the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No. 1 & Inventory , the LIFO valuation method for inventory has been eliminated . The main reasons are : it was usually used for a tool of profits adjustment ;
The study mainly compared inventories and fixed assets accounting of Chinese agricultural enterprise to that of American in order to find some differences between them .
The stock includes various visible assets stored by the enterprises for sales or consumption in the course of production and operation , the enterprises can adopt different stock pricing method according to the recurrent features of their own production and the applicability of the pricing method .